Yandere Soldier x Reader x Yandere Engie ~ Blind Trust PT1 (Oneshot)

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence and manipulation, you have been warned.

NOTE: This chapter is kinda trash because I started it forever ago and only came back to it recently. That is why some parts might have a different writing style then the one I currently have. It's a bit hard to follow. Still I wasted so much time on this that I thought I might aswell post it. I promise to make part 2 better (whenever I get around to finishing it)


You were a very trusting and loving person. If there was someone you cared about, you put your all into them. It was hard for you to hold a grudge and you often forgave people for unforgivable things...which made you so easy to bend and twist to anyone's liking...you knew you were going to become a mercenary long ago, but it wasn't exactly your choice. In fact, you had only one choice in the matter. Your parents made you choose to either go into the army like your father, in which case you would have to fake being a man, or become a mercenary like your mother, where you would be downgraded for being a woman in the field. You didn't have the heart to tell them that you wanted to be neither. You had many other plans of what you wanted to do with your life. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. You decided that the army was not for you. You would rather become specialized in your own kind of thing and pick your own type of battles then go off and be just another person dead for someone else's dollar. Your mother was ecstatic about the news. And she even knew where to send you for some experience! The never-ending RED vs BLU war! There were plenty of people to learn from and plenty of specialties to choose from! It was perfect! Once you had grown up and your mother felt like she had taught you all that she could you were sent off to this mysterious place full of strangers. Now you were standing outside of a meeting room, waiting until a certain purple clad woman decided to finally let you introduce yourself

"-you will know them as miscellaneous or better known as Misc. Misc is here to gain some experience from you all since they are just getting into the mercenary world. They were suggested by a member of the team that fought here even before you all. Misc shows promise and I trust that you all will show them the ropes and help them figure out their thing. In return, you all will get a raise and a week off from battle after Misc is trained. Think of them as an extra set of hands. Does everyone agree with that?" The men nodded. Some of them were even excited to do so. Having a new person around might help relieve some of the boredom most of them had been facing lately.
"Alright then" she walked to the meeting room door and opened it. You walked in with a pep in your step. A happy smile was wide on your face. You stood at the front of the room and happily waved to the men. You were going to make the most of this. If you couldn't live out your dreams then you were at least going to meet a few interesting people and share some memories with them. Some of them waved back, others gave acknowledging nods and a few sat completely still in their seats. The youngest looking of the men spoke up.

"Sweet! We got a girl on da team now!" You turned your smile to him

"Oh! I didn't know I would be the only one!" You turned to Ms. Pauling
"You didn't tell me that when-" she was already gone. You slowly turned back to the men and you could swear that some of them were staring into your soul.
"Well it's nice to meet you all!" Your tone was bubbly and warm, earning a few smiles from only a few of the men. Others you could already tell were going to have a problem with you...

Engies pov

He wasn't against or for a new teammate. For all he knew they could be another obnoxious Scout or an almost silent Sniper. Either way he didn't think the status quo would change much. Plus, he got a week off of work and a raise if he just trained them so it wasn't like he had many complaints...but when you walked into the room he felt his heart stop...he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life...when you turned to him with that smile of yours he just couldn't move! It was like you stole the air from him! This was a truly new feeling. He didn't understand why but he fell and he fell hard. Every time you turned your eyes from him he just felt so cold. He couldn't hear anything. Nothing but you. There was nothing but you...nothing else mattered.

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