[Gender Neutral] Them As Yanderes (Imagine)

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This took me F O R E V E R so I hope you enjoy!


Cool, calm, collected. It's almost impossible to notice that he is a yandere at all.

"Well howdy. The names Dell Conagher. It's nice ta meet ya"

He doesn't start out as a yandere, instead growing to like you over the span of about two years. That like turned to love and that love to obsession.

'well don't you just catch the eye...'

'dang nabbit that smahle!'

"whah don't ya just stay with me? It'd be safer"

He was an absolute mess when he didn't know where you were. He was constantly found twitching with worry and jumping with anxiety until he either found you or until you found him. He wasn't ever able to truly focus when he didn't know exactly where you were, what you were doing and, most importantly, who you would be around.

'Where are they?! They said they'd be in the rec room! Where'd they go?! Are they hurt?! Ohnoohnoohno GODDAMMIT WHERE-'

"Hi D-...you okay? You look like you saw a ghost"

"O-Oh! um, hi honeybee! A-Ah was just- uh...ah'm real tired s'all..."

He acted completely normal around you and people that he trusted. Just a humble Texan with a big heart...but that wasn't exactly the case...

"Thanks for the help Dell, I really appreciate it!"

"Weren't no thang. Need anything else you just call, Ah'm glad ta help"

Competition was dealt with in ways that caused no link to him. He was careful to plan things out so that he was never caught. Even if he was though, who's going to believe that he did anything wrong? He was so kind to everyone that no one knew anything about his dark side unless they were receiving the full brunt of it. Though no one ever lived to tell the tale of the two faced Engineer.

"Well now. Ah've heard around that ya haven't been too kind ta mah honeybee...s'that true?"

"Yeah, so what! That asshole deserved- AGH!"

"You better start prayin boy."

He trusted you. He knew that you wouldn't go off with some other person, he still held on to some of his sanity after all. Not to mention that you did cling to him. He knew you loved him. All of the stuff he was doing wasn't out of jealousy, it was to protect you! Like installing secret cameras in your room. He knew you didn't do anything wrong, he just often ended up a worried mess when he thought about all the possible things someone could have done to you behind those closed doors. He used the cameras to check up on you, not for anything creepy...well there was that one time he looked while you were changing but it was totally on accident.

"Hey honeybee! whah don't ya head inta town for a bit? Ya've been cooped up in here too long, you could use some fresh air"

"That doesn't sound like too bad of an idea...you coming?"

"Nah. Ah've got a lota work ta catch up on. Administrator's been gettin on my case about it. Still, it'd probably be a good idea ta go"

"okay...do you want anything while I'm out?"

"Well ah could use a new wrench if ya have the tahme"

"Okay, love you!"

"Love ya too!"

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