Scout x Quiet Reader ~ Pushing Buttons (Oneshot)

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WARNING: mentions of abuse


As you walked down the busy halls of the base you heard a familiar sound behind you.

"MUTE! WHERE YOU GOIN!?" it didn't take much effort for the Boston boy to navigate through the bodies and catch up with you.
"You tryin to get away from me?" You didn't respond with any reaction to his voice. You were tired...all you wanted to do was sleep.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" Your fists clenched but your facial expression showed nothing. You were so close to your room.
"Dats fine, I don't mind talkin to a brick wall" his voiced carried a condescending and sarcastic tone to it. Your expression only gave him a slight glare out of the corner of your eye. You held it could take always had. He seemed to notice the glare in your eye but continued...he wanted to see his limit...he always wanted to see what bottons he could push.
"You been feelin o-" he was cut off by your hand lifting to his face. Once he had stopped talking you walked into your room and closed the door behind you. He stood there for a moment before leaving...once the quite sounds of feet walked off you began quietly crying...You didn't talk much...You didn't talk at all really. It wasn't because you didn't want to or because you couldn't, but because you had grown up being taught you're not aloud too use your voice. You slowly stood up as tears fell from your face. You made it to your bed. Your quietness carried through your life, even to the team you were in. They rarely heard you speak and even when you did they were lucky if it was more that two words. It was something that set you apart just as much as each of their unique voices separated them. Everyone seemed to respect the fact you didn't talk much even though you had never told them why...that was, except for Scout...he could commonly be found talking to you till your ears bled. His loud, obnoxious, rude nature clashed with your quiet, calm and polite nature...and he abused it. Almost as if he had found a weak spot in your armor. You grew tired of his antics though...they began to eat at you...

Scouts pov

Though you didn't talk much he was growing to like you. You were completely opposite to him and it was something he admired. He would never have the amount of control you did. That was part of the reason he liked you. He liked that you balanced him out. You made him complete and he loved spending time with you. Lately though, there was a were very closed off. He couldn't find a way to get through to you. To get to know you more...

You looked like you were going through a rough time recently...

He just wanted to help you, but you wouldn't let him. You had built mile high walls with nothing to help him climb. He was growing more concerned by the day but he had no clue how to act. He was never one for emotions and gushy feelings. So his approach was to act normal and slip it into conversation. But you never seemed to want to tell him anything.

"MUTE! WHERE YOU GOIN!?" It had taken him an hour just to try and find you. The sun was setting outside and everyone was heading to bed. This was possibly the worst time to finally find you. He already knew you were heading to bed.
"You tryin to get away from me?" He hoped his upbeat playfulness would get your attention. All he wanted to do was hang out with you for a while. You didn't even acknowledge that he was there. He wasn't going to lie, that stung.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He decided that if you weren't going to give him a reaction, he would try and be a bit more abrasive though still in a playful tone. He just wanted to reaction, something, anything!...nothing...
"Dats fine, I don't mind talking to a brick wall" though he was annoyed he hadn't meant for it to come out so rude sounding. The glare you gave him made his heart sink. He just wanted you to be around him, to notice him. He quickly tried to change the subject.
"You been feelin o-" your hand told him to stop talking and your door told him to go away. He stood outside your door a moment silently cursing himself in his head.
'Oh great! Now look what you've done idiot! She's mad at us now! You feel proud of yourself!?' he walked away toward his room as he continued to berate himself. He quickly walked in and shut the door behind him. In frustration he began to hit his head on the door.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" He hated how he was around you. He wished he could go back to before he liked you. Back when he used to make you laugh with his stupid jokes, back to when he didn't mind saying the wrong thing around you...he wished he could just be like that around you now...It just kept getting worse. Every time he talked his stupid brain always pushed it, always made him do dumb things. He just wanted to hang out like you used you didn't even want to be near him. He walked over and fell onto his bed with a sigh escaping him. He grabbed the baseball next to his head and began to toss it into the air as he thought things over.
'Why do I even like her?' His thoughts became intrusive.
'It's obvious dat she don't like me...' He didn't want to be thinking about this right now.
'Maybe I should just leave her alone...maybe I should just forget about her...' You began to flash through his mind. All the times you laughed, all the times you saved his life and all the times he saved yours...he knew he would never be able to forget even a minute of every moment he was around you. As he realized this his ball stayed in his hand. He tried pushing the thoughts from his mind but his brain kept going back to you. In frustration, he threw the ball across and room and heard the audible sound of a certain french man quietly yelling out in pain. He quickly sat up and saw the man materialize in front of him.

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