Yandere Merc Dads (Heavy, Sniper, Demo)

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You come under Heavy's care most likely because someone he was close to could no longer care for you. Whether that was because of their death or other circumstances can vary. He will hesitate to take a young child in, but if pressured enough he won't push the responsibility away.

"Why me? Meesha ees not-"

"Because you're all they have left"

Heavy is very well known for being a protector and when it comes to children you can bet your ass that protectiveness intensifies, let alone one he's responsible for. He's sheilding and vigilant at every turn and will most definitely throw himself into harm's way if it means protecting you.

"You weesh to see Y/n? HA! You amuse me. Please tiny baby man, say more."

His obsession comes almost immediately. If you are a child placed under his care, this will be an immediate connection as every fiber in his being is set on defense mode. You are family, so he would sooner see himself face a thousand hells than let you get even mildly injured.

"Thees is Y/n. You hurt them, you die. Ees simple"

While he doesn't have his eyes constantly on you as he still allows you to experience the world and learn to be on your own, he will always keep tabs on you. He always knows where you are, where you're going to be, and who you will be around. If, however, he does lose track of you he will not stop until he finds you. He will head to every single possible place you could be and any soul that steps in his way will be crushed. During this time he will hold a cold yet terrifying stare on his face, like an angry bear looking for his cub. Upon finding you, however, he will immediately melt into worry and without asking you why or how he'll take you back home, only asking if you were hurt the whole way.

"Where ees leetle-"

"Misha? How did you-"

"Y/n! I have looked everywhere for you! You are not hurt? Thees ees good. We will talk later. I weel take you home now"

"What- hey! Put me down!"

While to others Heavy might appear as a man only made for destruction, he can be rather sentimental and extremely caring with people he cares about. On top of that, he is undoubtedly amazing with kids. When he cares about them, at least.

"Come. Eet is bedtime"

"But I don't wannaaaaa"

"Hm...I weell sing you lullaby eef you do"


The little things are what matters most to Heavy. Each little achievement is congratulated and he will encourage you to do what you care about. He hopes that if he can give you the life he and his sisters never had, you'll be able to grow up normal and hopefully manage to get away from the life of bloodshed he's lived with.

"Misha! Look! I made it for you!"

"Ohhhh eet ees nice work! Misha loves it!"

He calls you "Solnishko" which means "sun" or "little sun". You remind him of the sunlight he saw in Sabira. It was never expected, but each glimpse of it was cherished.

"Come Solnishko, eet ees time to get up"

"But whyyyyy"

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