●7:End Of A Feud○

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PANDORA RAN ACROSS the room towards Fred. She placed a palm on his forehead. "Do you really?", she asked. "Hmm. Maybe you have a fever. Are you feeling alright?"

Fred raised his brow at the close proximity the two is sharing. Pandora's cheeks reddened.She let out an uncomfortable cough. "Well then, explain to me why you suddenly care and side with me?"


"Explain to me why after all those years ago of you calling me what is it?", Panora pondered. "A spoiled murderer's heiress? And now, you not only support me but you're also doing it willingly!"

They were enveloped in silence. The mischief that sparkled in Fred's eyes earlier dimmed. He did not realise that the words he spoke when he was eleven have affected her that much. 

"Is this a prank?", Pandora asked.

"Look Pandora, I called you those things before because I was—"


"—immature.", Fred closed his eyes briefly. "I was eleven. I heard and read all about the news of your father since I was a child. I remember the terror in my parents and older siblings eyes. I remember how scared people have been back then."

"Yeah? You remembered. You read. You heard.", she let out a quiet laugh. "What about me? I saw. I felt. I know."

"You haven't answered my first question.", she said. "Is this a prank?", Pandora's eyes are brimming with tears. If this is a prank, her heart will be terribly shattered. Well, she cannot put it past those two. In fact, they have a prank war yearly since she started to retaliate to the twins and she's the only one who can do so.

"No, no it's not. And that's why I'm sorry.", he said. "From both my brother and I. We're sorry for judging you."

"Yes well, I can forgive but I will never forget. I can never. Being bullied as a child with noone coming to my aid.", a tear rolled down. Fred hugged her. "Being shun away because of who my father is. I don't even have a relationship with my father! I can't even call him my father!"

"I know, I know.", he said. "I promise, from now on, I will be by your side. And I will do anything just to prove to you that I am now your ally."

And that is the end of their 6 years feud. Pandora is proud of herself for not holding a grudge against Fred. But now, her life will change. And it will be a huge change indeed.


Being in King's Cross station for the last time brings such tears to Pandora's eyes. She remember 6 years ago when her aunt and uncle hurried her and Nymph to the barrier because they were running late.

"Faster Nymph! I don't want to be left by the train on my first day!" , a young girl shouted while running and pushing a cart with a large trunk and an owl cage. 

"Calm your wild hair Pan!", Nymphadora said while running after her cousin. "We still have an hour before it leaves!"

"An hour?!", Pandora said as she was catching her breath. "You didn't tell me we still have an hour. I thought we just have a minute!"

A breathless Andromeda and Ted were behind the two. "No you do not Nymphadora! You have an hour before you hogged the bathroom!", said her aunt Andromeda. Pandora glared with all her might at her cousin whom just raised her hand in surrender. "Oops, sorry!"

"Okay, let's just all calm down.", Ted said before hugging her daughter and niece. 'Be good okay? Nymphadora—"

"Don't call me Nymphadora!"

"—okay, okay! Dora take care of your cousin. And you, young lady better be in hufflepuff or else!", Ted jokingly threatened Pandora.

"Or else what?", it was her aunt who answered. 

"Nothing dear."

"Dad is sooooo whipped!", Nymph  whispered at her cousin before both of them giggled uncontrollably. 

The blaring sound of the bell echoed throughout the station. Five minutes. Pandora looked sideways and saw Fred. He smiled at her. A smile that he always present to her ever since that day. Pandora never felt this sure about a decision she made. She's proud to say, she's thankful to herself for forgiving Fred Weasley. 

"Psst. Come on now Pandora. No need to stare at my perfectly handsome face!", Fred teasingly said while bumping his shoulders onto hers. Well, now she's questioning her sanity.

"Fred stop torturing the poor girl!", Mrs. Weasley said before pushing her son away from Pandora. "Are you really sure about your decision?", she asked while winking at the girl.


"Thank you for being patient with me Mrs. Weasley.", Pandora said after laughing at Fred. Molly held her cheeks in her hand while her face beams into a genuine smile. "It's no problem dear. And if you need to talk about anything, know that I'm just a letter away."

After all of the children said their goodbyes, they all hurried to climb up the train with Pandora not looking behind the loud begging barks of a shaggy black dog. 

"Phew!", Fred said dramatically while wiping a nonexistent sweat in his forehead. "Well, we're off to business. Good day comrads!", he said before turning back and marching towards a compartment leaving Pandora alone with the golden trio and Ginny.

The hall is filled with awkwardness even though the sound of mischevous children is echoing. "We're off to the prefects compartment Harry.", said Hermione while struggling to hold her cat cage. 

 "Oh. ", is all the great Harry Potter spewed out. 

This is getting more and more awkward.

Hermione and Ron eventually albeit uncertainly went to their meeting leaving only Ginny,Potty and her alone. Pandora looked at the floor as though she wanted to be swallowed by it. She really do. But thankfully, by the sings of the angels one appears. Fred Weasley peeked at the gap of the compartment door. "Oi Pandora! What are you doing standing there? Come here!"

She had never been as grateful at Fred as she was in that moment. 

She dashed immediately to the door and left the two oblivious love birds alone. "Thank goodness! If I was left in the presence of precious Potter I think I will just commit suicide."

"Come on now, don't be too dramatic. And that is not something to joke about.", said Fred.

"So serious", Pandora scoffed. "Careful, you might turn into my father."

"That will be my pleasure", Fred said with a smirk.

"Yeah, have you seen his hair?", George said. "So luscious."

"Excuse me. We have the same hair!"

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