●21: THE talk○

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"ALL PLANS SET BOYS?",Pandora asked from her steel bed, she smirked at the sight of their 'blueprint'. They were planning this revenge for every single day last week since Harry passed the message. Today is the day, September 20, and with a handful of WWW treats and surprises, both Fred and George made their way beside Pandora. 

"All plans set", they answered at the same time. They have this mischevous spark in their eyes that were very evident in the caramel shade of it. "Here you go.... Try one, try one.", said Fred while taunting Pandora with a golden wrapped candy. 

"No, thank you. I think it's better to reserve that for Umbitch!",she said, laughing. "She's the most deserving of a gift!"

Pandora uncharactertistically giggled at what she said. Well, it might be the potions settling in her veins. George raised his eyebrow weirdly at Pandora. It's so strange because Pandora a)Never giggles, and b) Always in focus..... 

George turned to his twin to ask what's happening since it was Fred who was allowed to visit when Pandora was in coma. And Fred was also the only one who pestered Minnie enough for her to give him daily updates. But he only saw him in trance of sorts, with a smile dangling on his face. Lover boy.

George snapped his fingers repeatedly in front of Fred's face. Fred finally look at him with a very irritated face only for George to smirk. Fred rolled his eyes. "What?"

George suddenly became serious and concerned nudged his twin towards Pandora. "Look at her, she's giggling!"

"So what?", said Fred while totally admiring Pandora.

"She never do that!", George whispered harshly when Pandora turned to him and giggled some more. 

"Yeah she does!..... she always do..", said Fred. "Maybe you just busy snogging Angelina to notice."

"ORRR your just so in love with Pandora!!!"

The two bickered and bickered that they did not notice Pandora dozing off to dreamland. 

"If you can leave now boys..", said Helena while carrying  a tray full of potions. Sirius was trailing behind him with a grim look on his face.

"But we just got here..",George whined. Fred immediately stood up and went to pack their plans inside the WWW chest. 

"It's time for Pandora's treatment.", said Sirius with a voice so stern that Fred started to pull George away and not once did he meet Sirius' eyes. 

"Come on now George.... You wouldn't want to see this.."

George finally relented. But as he was about to follow Fred, Fred turned around and kissed Pandora's temple one last time. 

Sirius viciously cleared his throat. "Wait outside Fred...."

The twins immediately scrambled out but Fred was the only one to stay by the hidden entrance. George sent a mall goodluck his way, knowing what was to come for his twin. 

It was lucky that Pandora's room was magically rearranged to be located inside Helena's new office unlike of it's blatant placement at the end of the hospital wing. Now, wouldn't it be to obvious for Umbridge to see? No, it was hidden as the most normal thing to be found in an office...... A wardrobe

Just like in the muggle novel Narnia, a magical portal-like wardrobe full of miscellanious things will lead to a secret. No matter how much Umbridge investigated on Helena, from their first interview, she found none. Because a woman like her feels so good about herself that she always disregard the mundane things. 

Finally, Sirius stepped out of the cabinet doors. He paced up and down the whole of the office while whispering to himself. 

"Intimidating or not?", He questioned, but luckily for him, Fred didn't hear. "Intimidating..",he murmured with a smirk. 

Sirius stopped pacing and swiftly faced Fred causing for the boy's heartrate to fasten up. "What do you want from my daughter?", Sirius asked straight away. 

Fred fumbled with the collar of his shirt as he tried to answer the question. "Well... I—I'm her bestfriend...",he said nervously.  

"No you're not...", said Sirius. "Her bestfriend is Cedric."

"Again, what do you want from my daughter?", Sirius asked again but this time firmer. 

Fred gulped. He doesn't really have an answer. And as much as he tried to think the truth, he can't really say it to Sirius now, can he?

Sirius started tapping his foot at the floor, creating more tension inside the office. "Do you like her?"

"Like—like her as wh—what?", Fred said.

"More than friends!", Sirius exclaimed. His mustache is twitching in anger, but his eyes held amusement deep within. 

Sirius sudenly marched in front of Fred's face. Eye to eye. "And don't tell me NO! I see every emotion pouring out of you whenever she's around!", he added while pointing his finger at Fred's chest. It's funny if you look at it from the outside.... 

This tiny man that's full of curly hair (from head to a full beard) was being towered by a seventeen year old, but was successful in intimidating the tall redhead. 

"Yes! Yes I do!", Fred finally blurted out of panic. He was surprised to say the least, because he thought to himself that he buried his feeling deep inside... especially because every effort he did to make Pandora notice her, was the reason why it took this long for them to be close even though they were so much compatible... to be friends.... (or lover hopefully). 

"Merlin, oh Merlin!", Sirius dramatically said. "This is bad, first a crush, then lovers, then what I'm a grandpa?!", he added.

"What?!", exclaimed Fred. This is getting a little out of hand and a little of topic. "Okay, okay, let's not get way ahead of ourselves...."

Sirius cleared his throat. "Fine, you win. I'm not this intimidating.",he said. "Well of course, I'm just the accused mass-murderer.",he added.

Fred just look real tough on the outside, but to be honest, he's terrified. Because first of all, the girl of his heart doesn't even know about her feelings, the depth of it, all of it.  And second, this is Sirius Black, THE Padfoot of the legendary Marauders, and the father of the light of his life. It really is a hard situation. 

Sirius noticed the fear behind the boy's eyes. This caused him to be nervous as well, specially by the silence that took over the room, he wish he didn't ruin his daughter's relationship or whatever it is. "You know Fred, I like you. You're a good boy with the best mischevous mind, a perfect Marauder.", said Sirius, making Fred's eyes lit up with joy. This is an honor, is what all Fred thought. "And I like you eith my daughter. I trust you with her. Just promise me that you will never break her heart, just as I mistakingly caused her her entire life. She's been through enough Fred, and I feel like we all will go through much worse in the future."

Fred nodded solemnly. "I will love and cherish her, till' the day I breath my last."

Sirius patted the boy's back before turning around and entering the passageway again, where screams of a girl can be heard. 

"I love her....", said Fred.   

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