●33: Together○

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"WILL THIS BE A DAILY OCCURRENCE?", asked a voice as Pandora slowly wake from her slumber. A shadow towers over her. A shadow of a man in muggle clothes. She awakens completely, with no grogginess in sight despite having only minutes to recover. 

 "Uncle Ted!", she shouted, eyes lighting up with glee. "I certainly hope not, though this is the first time you visited me for the multiple occasion I am put in here.". she added with a pout. 

"You know I won't come if it's not exciting!", he exclaimed teasingly.

"Ah! And you don't think any of this is exciting?", she replied with arms cross, looking as petulant as she is when she's three and she's crying for dear Dadfoot, her dog teddy. "This is very exhilarating, to say the least. Look at this, wires and wires, I can't even understand how they manage to work around all these magic buzzing around", she added as her smile slowly reappeared.

"Where's Aunt Andy? Aren't I up to her standard?", she inquired, waving her arm around letting her uncle see the bruise on the muggle medicine dextrose injected into her fist. It supplies her with the nourishment she lacks. A potion could have work, had it not interfere with her normal doses of therapy and epilepsy medicines

"I remember having that most of my childhood..... It started when I was 4, they thought it to be cancer, the anomaly in my scan. But alas, it was nothing but my magic. See, magic is a black spot in the body that resembles cancer. They said I'm in stage impossibly worst than stage 4, which is the highest.", Ted said but suddenly chuckling, "But damn them! 11 years old me, little yet balding because of chemicals in me, unnecessary, mind you, is nothing but magical." 

"Magical it is," Pandora replied with a smirk playing on her lips.


The screech echoed as Ted tickled her in the most valuable spot she has, her side. They continue to giggle like giddy children only to be stopped by the opening of doors. 

"Who missed me!", Nymphadora shouted as she enter with her hair the most vibrant to be seen inside the wing. She's incredibly out of place that the uncle-niece duo laughed harder.

"Hey! Are you laughing at me?", she said, feigning offence at the teaming up of her own father and cousin. "Fine be that way, your both lucky mum is not here! You had me all alone!"

Their happiness is interrupted once again by Healer Helena, whose intensely tapping at the clipboard that all are silenced at once. 

"What's wrong?", Pandora asked, glee instantly turning to worry. Helena turned to them with a grim face before answering, "Something's wrong with your chart, something's not adding up."

"Is it bad?", Ted asked the Healer as he held both Pandora and Tonks' hands. 

Helena neither dismiss nor granted the idea instead she asked for both Ted and Tonks for privacy. "Can we have a moment Ted, Tonks?"

Neither left willingly, it took a huge sorrowful look to finally get them up and out. 

Once they did, Helena gave out a huge breath, not of relief but trouble. 

"Please just tell me, Helena, the suspense is killing me..", she let out a nervous lap as her stomach's somersault doubles in speed. 

"I have no other way to do this but here it goes...", she sighed. "You're pregnant, Pandora."

As kindly as she said those words Pandora cannot help but be afraid, sad, happy, and rollercoaster of emotion at once. "Are you sure?", a quiet voice asked. "I–I can't be... I've done it just once and I–I think we're careful.. Well, I don't remember.", the intense stuttering signifies it all. She's only one blink away from the flood of tears. "I can't do it. I can't!", she hysterically said.

She thought of Fred, who doesn't even care about her, not an ounce. He's the father yet they we're nothing, not even friends now because of Claire. 

"It was a mistake!", she blurted out though quickly covering her mouth as her eyes widen. "No, IT was not a mistake but the matter it was conceived."

A silent wail of sadness echoed at the back of her throat.  Problems above problems are mounting on her back and it seems unwilling to stop. "Would you like to call back your uncle and cousin?", Helena asked as she try to console the girl, or woman now. 

Pandora nodded as she continued to be the damsel in distress. 

Her mind went to her father and parental figures who would be so disappointed in her, they'd be disgusted. She's supposed to be this bright young girl who's perfect in every way, from grades to the future. Or that's what she thought they expect. 

The Tonks' entered with bright smiles, probably had fun out by the door. But it all once again fell at the sight of a sobbing Pandora at her bed. Not only that but the changes in her face is much more noticeable. The bags under her eyes are bruised and the eyes themselves are bulging. Her cheek is white and the bone is prominent. She looks more like a withered flower than an English rose that she is.

"You look ghastly!", said Nymphadora. Pandora doesn't notice for her mind is too boggled with issues, mountains of it in fact. "How long have you been like this and why haven't you told me?", she said and again no response. 

Pandora started chanting or rather whispering something under her breath. It continues and is steadily growing faster and louder. A repeating 'I can't' is what she's saying. 

A thunderous slap echoed inside. Nymphadora slapped her to stop her hysterics.

At once Pandora stopped blubbering but her tongue let slip the one thing she had to cover. 

"I'M PREGNANT", she said it so fast that no one could have understood, but sadly they did. 

The gasp that left her cousins lips is masked by the wrecking sob she emitted, she cried of what she thought to be her broken future and possible broken family. Her soul is in pain.

Contrast to the duo, Ted Tonks stayed silent. His eyes wide with alarm, his first instinct was to reach for his daughters, to rid them of their worries. But he's afraid he can't. There's nothing he can do but to support now.

"Oh darling," he said in his somber voice. "What burden you've must have felt these last few weeks alone with sickness then now the signs of pregnancy."

He kissed Pandora's forehead, signaling that although things could have gone another, its here now and there's only one thing to do but to move onward. He is neither angry nor disappointed. He is nothing but sad because he knows the weight in her shoulder. "I'm sorry Uncle Ted, for all the troubles Aunt 'Dromeda and you endured for me and this is how I repay you...", she somberly said as her guts fills again with anxiety. The thought of her dear Aunt disappointed in itself breaks her heart. Its the weighing pain that pressures her throat, it releases this bitter tang that acts like a poison of her tears.

"This is nothing but blessing if we see it as one... It is your decision my dear child, so will you?", he asked after reassuring her that no matter what, they will be there with her.

She nodded, utterly sure that it is her decision and she has full knowledge(or maybe half, still...) of what was to come of her. "I must, I think. Not only for my own being but to the honor of my mother. She found herself in the same situation and perhaps a more complicated one yet she did it."

"We will be by your side my dear child... I know everything is still raw but I want to know who the father is, I should give him a piece of mind.", he said as his eyes sparks with rage and his heart screams for revenge, but he manage to suppress it.

"You'll kill him, I know you would. Besides I don't think he will be part of anything...", she said as the tips of her lips turn down yet her eyes never moisten again. It was steely and hard. So set-on that she will do it without any need for his help.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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