●26:Is This The Last?○

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THERE WERE NO MORE SUPRISES FROM FRED AFTER their supposed 'date' as George like to call it.  However, his daily visits never stop nor waver. It's one of the constant thing that make Pandora's heart leap amidst the plain four walls. 

She had minimum to no company, seeing as Umbridge's started to watch the golden trio and the Weasley's much more closely. It's lucky that Fred has George as it's easier to getaway with anything when not many can really recognize which is which.  

Except for Pandora..

And Ginny of course!

Okay maybe their siblings but definitely not their parents!

And she's happy. Really, really happy for her friends company that even the absence of her father for the company of another (again, yes.. maybe he's being a guard dog outside her secret entrance for spending way too much time on the other side.) isn't strong enough to darken the light in her eyes. But for one thing.  

"Cedric..", Pandora whispered in the silence of her room. It was noon and Fred had already left, same with her father, who still wasn't able to bring her aunt and uncle with him. She's alone with her thoughts and feelings saved for the presence of her pet owl Athena and Crookshanks, who funnily enough has taken a liking to Helena and her. 

"Have you seen him Crook? Athena?", she asked her two silent company, hoping for anything, any news. "He's gone since I was admitted...I hope he didn't just get up and left..", she continued while listening to the solemn chirping of the birds. 

"I need him...", she murmured in grief. 

"Aha... So you miss me?",

Pandora swung around trying to find the source of the voice. Then she saw him.  Cedric, in the spirit

"Where have you been?", she said as her eyes started to tear up. "I thought you left me again.... without a goodbye...."

Cedric smiled sadly at his friend before motioning for her to sit down. He sighed, quite heavily in all honesty. It's as if he carry a huge burden of grief. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Pandora thirst for the latter. 

Pandora's not ready for the worst. Even with Fred, George, her father, and Helen now added to the mix, she still need her first best friend, her ultimate platonic soulmate, the big brother she wish she had growing up.

"I'm sorry Doll," he started. "But you do know that I'll have to leave sometime right?"

Sniffling echoed as Cedric waited for a reply. "Doesn't mean I like it though... Nor can I take it.", she said, reaching for the tissue box at her bedside. 

"You still have the letter right?", he asked. Pandora looked at him in confusion before finally nodding in understanding. 

"Have you read it?"

"Not yet... It's buried in my trunk.. I don't have the guts to open it yet. I can't face the truth...", Pandora replied in between her cries. She must look so pathetic, she thought to herself, instantly cringing at what seems to be her daily nonstop crying routine since she basically started living in the Hospital Wing. 

"Shhhhh... now 'Dora, I will always be here even when you think I'm not....", he assured her. "I'm not promising that it will be the same but you have to try.. You have to live not for others but for yourself. I'm always one call away."

"I wish I could hug you right now...", she said looking longingly at Cedric causing for the boy to chuckle. "Well you can but it's rather freezing. But atleast you'll be able to feel me, not my abs though... I know how much you like to touch it.", he teased her.

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