●9:The Toad In Pink○

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AFTER THE EXHAUSTING but fun train ride, Pandora is ready to collapse down her bed and get back the sleep she lacks after every nightmare. However she still needs to attend the annual Welcoming Feast. She was about to slump down a bench near the doors but her elbows were grabbed by a pair of manly hands. 

"And what do you think you're doing?", A voice asked behing her. Pandora need not to look, she already recognice that baritone voice after hours of her summer spent with him. "Sitting, Fred.", she answered boredly. 

"Really? Uh-uh!"

The hands that never left her elbows quickly lift her up. Pandora squealed loudly that many heads turned to them. Heads that gave them judgemental and confuse gaze. I mean who wouldn't? The rivals suddenly became touchy and the glares became smiles. Completely opposite of what they've been before. Everyone anticipated another year of prank wars that ends with both parties in numerous detentions. Even the teachers are shocked by this change. Well, except for three of them of course. The said three can be seen passing galleons while grunting or smiling. 

"Told you so!", Albus Dumbledore said to an annoyed Severus Snape whom is the one grunting and passing the money. Minerva Mcgonagall is just shaking her head. "Pull yourself together Albus.", she said before presenting her own palm. 

"What?", the bearded man asked. 

"My part Albus?", Minerva said while smirking. "You see, I may have pulled some strings for you to win." Albus sighed before brandishing half of his winnings, his two opponents sniggering at each other. 

Hem Hem

The three sat rigid but none turned to the source of the sound. Snape's bitter expression returned. Minerva raised her brow at him but a ghost of a smile is evident on her face. Snape had just the luck to be seated next to a toad. 

Meanwhile the students having forgotten about Pandora and Fred quickly exchanged glances. Murmurs spread like wildfire while looking at the latest unknown entity as their DADA professor. Many laughed behind their hands as they thought her to bow at them like how other people do. Of course those are the arrogant purebloods taught to be above everyone else. How wrong they are. 

"She's at my hearing!", Pandora heard Harry whispered harshly at their group. Although Pandora is completely silent, she keeps her ears open just like she always do ever since she started her first year. It's better to be aware than be oblivious. Right now she's deciphering the warning left by the sorting hat earlier. In her years here, never did the hat did that. even when the danger from the chamber has been unleashed or the time where a mass-murderer was on the loose. Or still on the loose. Pandora said in her head while rolling her eyes. Not that she want her father to go back to prison of course. She's just stating the obvious error. 

A flash went through Pandora's head. She immediately felt the pocket of her robes. The letter is there still, thankfully. It was the same letter Molly told her that dinner. After she received it she instantly recognize the writing by the envelope. It reads: Doll. Everytime it flicker behind her eyes, she always needed to be reassured that it was still safe. She haven't had the guts to open it without tearing up. If she was correct about where it came from then she was sure it would be hard and painful to get through. 

Letting out a tired sigh, she turned her eyes back down to her plate. She have been pushing the food around her plate since the words 'Tuck in' was uttered by their headmaster. She have no appetite ever since last June. It was a never ending cycle of no sleep and no food. But still, no one noticed. Her glamour charm seems to be holding up pretty well because even when she's deep within her hole of sadness, it never malfunctions. 

Dumbledore got to his feet again causing the whole of great hall to turn silent. Every attention is on him.  "Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moments of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices," said Dumbledore. "First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students — and a few older students ought to know by now too."

"Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me, for what he tells me is the four hundred and sixty-second time, to remind you all that magic is not permitted in corridors between classes, nor are a number of other things, all of which can be checked on the extensive list now fastened to Mr. Filch's office door. "

"We have had two changes in staffing this year. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

The students all clapped politely. Although there are quite an amount of uneasy looks especially coming from Harry's group. Dumbledore had left out how long Hagrid's leave will be.

"Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the —", Dumbledore continued but was interrupted by the pink cardigan girl. 

Hem Hem

Everyone is taken aback. No one, I mean, NO ONE had ever interrupted Dumbledore's welcome speech before. Even the airy pompous Lockhart did not. So, who is this lady? Everyone is now disturbed. An awful air creeps at everyone. 

"Thank you, Headmaster," Professor Umbridge simpered, "for those kind words of welcome."

And from there started what would be a very boring but informational speech. Though the information really is a sign of the corrupt ministry interfering at Hogwarts! In the middle of the speech, Pandora cannot help but hold her head inbetween both hands. All the coughing and giggling is irritating her. And when she managed to look up a bit, the face her pissed godmother is what she saw that triggered her into fits of restrained giggles. However, Minerva saw her. And the eyebrows that was almost contracted became absolute making her hawklike. 

"Sorry!", Pandora mouthed. 

In all fairness, that speech is beautifully constructed. The hidden meaning is hidden away by the phrases she used. And was coated with its boringness for many to ignore. Only those who pay attention can decipher the danger it express. And only those who listen can prepare for what will come. 

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