●32: Again○

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DECEMBER FLEW BY QUICKLY before Pandora even got a chance to enjoy November, not that she can when she's running to the loo for the latter part of it. Besides, her everyday worries came back hunting her day and night even after the fun she had with her father. 

Well, life as Pandora sure is challenging.

And Pandora has accepted that, she just doesn't know how long she can manage it. 

But for now, she'll focus on her studies because as happy as she is to be back on track with it, she has this feeling that she needs to be advance, like leave before the year is over? Anyway, now sat in her potions class, Pandora can barely contain her happiness. And weirdly enough, she's not like this before. She's normally grumpy especially with the mutual hatred she and their professor share towards one another. The darkness of his sneers even with her perfect potions and spot-on answers unnerved her in her first year. But after a view of the reason why he is so bitter, she laughed it off, rather she returned it because as evil as Sirius' attitude toward Snape is, it's none of her business. It's pathetic to pass on the sin of her father unto her.

And that's the past, now she's practically bouncing off her seat, giddy with excitement. The fumes around her make her feel secure. Too secure in fact, that she let her guard down and close her eyes with her back leaned in her chair. 

"So Pandora, long time no see...", said a voice, George's. But Pandora's eyes remained close. "What?", she asked with cheeks tinted in annoyance. "George go away, I can feel Fred with you. He radiates bad vibes.", she said waving her hand in what she thought to be George's face but is something of Fred's, something she already touched before. 

The way her eyes opened and terror flashed through made George laugh out loud. Nonetheless, he left her alone while dragging Fred along. The rest of Pandora's face is now a tomato while she's inspecting her hand like it's the most wonderful thing in the world.

Memories that she didn't know she did that night fleeted through her brain as she felt a strange feeling all over her body. Her palms are sweating, her throat becomes dry. It was as if the memory is not a memory, after all, it is reality, the present.

An animalistic sound is threatening to make its way out of her vocal cords. She's trying to keep it in as hard as she could. But when she finally let herself be free of the tension, her seat wobbled. She was jolted back to their dim potions classroom and suddenly it's not as exciting as it was when she entered. It was back on being the boring old dungeon.

A foot kicked her stool, she noticed. It belongs to Angelina, who sat behind her with George. "Are you okay?", the girl is getting concerned. Weeks or maybe months has Pandora been like this. She's distracted, tired, and miserable to say the least. The last they came to see Madame Pomfrey, she only told them that it was nothing but anxiety and a normal bug from the changing of seasons. "'m fine.", Pandora replied with her voice a pitch higher than normal. She could feel the wetness below, to smell the discharge a simple memory brought. She's uncomfortable. But she had no choice but to sit through the lesson with Snape drowning on and on about the importance of dittany.

As soon as the bell rang, Pandora ran to the hall where steaming crabs, fresh from the Mediterranean are served with the most delicious of sauce, a dish she particularly requested the elves to make, the recipe coming from Ted's mother. She scarfed it down as fast as she could, all the while removing the shells with ease before dunking it generously into the pure fat sauce. Unhealthy choice but delicious. "Slow down 'Dora! Don't wolf it down, Remus will be angry!", exclaimed a cocky Harry as he beamed at what he thought it a great pun. But Pandora replied with nothing but a finger causing him to burst out laughing. "You're mad! Barking mad!"

"Fuck off Potter!", she said in her best Snape voice. 

"Well well," a voice boomed behind her. The depth of it sent chills in her spine. "Out having fun..... are you Miss Black", Snape said with hatred dripping especially at the mention of her surname. 

"Seems like the mess you made earlier can never hinder the ginormous ego you inherited from your mutt father.", and with that, he walked or rather he flew away like a bat while his cape practically swept the floor. Coward. She was just preparing to punch that huge nose of his, maybe bent it the other way or remove the hump it has. 

"That bitch!" she whispered angrily while thumping her knife and fork down the table creating a load clang but not loud enough to create a scene. "My father is not a mutt, thank you very much. Besides it's not as if what happened in class was intentional, it was an accident. I just feel unwell, and the atmosphere was so hot that I'm dizzy enough to unintentionally push my cauldron off the edge just as Snape passed by...", she told Harry, who moved closer to her after Snape left. 

"It's not like I knew I made the transparency potion perfect right? I mean I do have perfect grades even with all troubles... It's an accident." 

Harry nodded though his face says it all. "Yeah, totally convincing that all of that was unintentional. "

"Harry!", she aggressively remove the napkin she tied around her neck before she ate though she missed chunks of sauce in it and when she flung it away, the sauce flew and splattered on a mop of blonde hair. 

"Merlin Harry, RUN!"

They ran fast and swift out of the Great Hall, never minding the repeating hem hem's of Umbridge. 

"Well, that's fun Potter! I don't think I've run faster than I did today though I think we should do it more, especially with you being banned and me being invalid on playing quidditch.", she said while catching her breath, though noticing again the moving of the floor, the walls are closing in and she's the one spinning. "Let's have fun and forget our problems!", she shouted as loud as she could, though it came out as the tiniest whisper. 

Not again! 


Hey guys! So I just wanted to say, how are y'all? Is the world treating you nice? 

Sana all! (to the Filipinos out there, if u know, u know!)

Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for actually reading this! Especially to the best @Librarian70 and @stellarillusion for the votes!

Guys if you have any questions or stuff just comment it, please! I love hearing from you.

Anywayssss, this is just a filler chapter of sorts, the next chapter will be filled with something potentially many will hate but it's vital!

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