●12:I Will Be Here○

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PANDORA SNAPPED HER HEAD towards the voice. There he is floating near the closed door. Her mouth gaped as her eyes swelled with tears. She miss him so bloody much.

"I believe they want their privacy.", said Dumbledore before guiding both women, Minerva and Poppy, out. Sirius lingered for a minute, silently asking his daughter if she'll be alright which she responded with a distracted nod. "I'll be outside."

"You're here!", Pandora exclaimed through her tears and excitedly run towards him. As she was about to embrace him tight, he floated away. "You don't want to do that. Trust me.", Cedric said smirking. But his smile vanished the minute he realised that Pandora is so distraught. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry. I'm here now.", he said. 

"Yes you are but you're not really.", Pandora said. "You're gone and I can't do anything to have you back. You're gone and I have no one anymore."

She sat back down on her bed. All of her possessions now lay forgotten on the sheets. "But I will be here until you need me. Besides, you have Fred now.", said Cedric while wiggling his brows. "You're still a bully huh.", said Pandora, a smile was now making its way to her face. Cedric always know how to make her happy.

"You're the voice I heard aren't you?", Pandora asked suddenly remembering the words she last heard before she collapsed. Cedric said nothing but smirked at her. "Am I?", he asked teasingly. "Honestly Ced, you think heaven will change your attitude.", Pandora said, her eyes blurring again. Another remainder of his death. "I promise I'll be here until you're okay." Cedric said, sending Pandora a warm smile. "I promise."

Pandora cannot help herself. She embraced Cedric. "COLD!", she shouted before falling on the floor with a thump because she just fell through him.   


The two talked and talked in repeat for the next days. Sometimes Pandora even forgets that Cedric is dead and he will not be back anymore. It will always feel like the old days, where they gossip together while revising and doing homeworks. Or even plotting Pandora's revenge on the twins' latest prank. But as if the universe is on a mission to hurt Pandora, because everytime she felt comfortable, or even a tad bit like her old self, it will slap her in the face with the truth. The truth that was so harsh, it pears through her heart. 

Cedric always notice of course. There are times when they would laugh together that Pandora will abruptly stop. And her eyes will be filled with tears. She will be having a hard time breathing. Another panic attack. Another convulsion. It was like a switch is being turned on and off in her brain. Especially when Cedric slips up and touches something that will only cause for him to go through.   

The Weasley siblings has been in and out of the wing too, including Harry and Hermione.  

"We'll be going now Dora.", said Hermione. "We are?", asked Ron. Ginny kicked his brother in the shin making Ron glare at her. Hermione hearded all of the people away except Harry before a fight break out. 

Harry nervously fiddled with his fingers. Pandora wondered why he was so nervous when she looked so frail and delicate. "I'm sorry.", he mumbled. 

"Pardon?", Pandora asked, genuinely missed his words. "I don't have a super hearing like Moony and my father, Potter.", she said. Her eyes are cold as eyes and hard as stone. It was slightly glimmering with wetness. The pain of his betrayal is coming back to her mind. Her anger that was shallow before was filled with deep hatred. It was fine when her father focused his attention on him because she knew that it wasn't his fault but Sirius'. However, as it was revealed that he knew. He knew and he never told her, it was painful. He is a greedy boy. He is nothing but an immature young boy. 

But that's the matter. He's an immature boy who has been thrust in a role no one can be ready to face. He was chosen without his consent while leaving him alone and orphan. He is without the guidance of a parent. He is a child traumatized and longing for a parent. He found it on Sirius. Just like she found it in her Aunt, Uncle, Moony, and Minnie. Her composure is softening as she think about this miserable lad in front of her. He was full of regret. He learned his lesson, maybe she should forgive him. Because after all, they have no one to lean on except with themselves.  

"I'm sorry.", Harry said. Pandora's eyes warmed. "Aweeee, come 'ere!", she beckoned the young boy in an embrace. 

"I'm sorry for being greedy and selfish.", he said. "I wanted Sirius' attention for myself and myself only. I didn't think about you and what you will feel when all this time you've been worrying about mine.", a tear slipped from his eyes. He looked so genuine and small. 

"Oh Harry.", she said as a tear slipped. She hugged him tighter. Her heart is slowly releasing it's taught grasp. "I am hurt. I'm hurt because your my brother. And I know what you went through. I know because I suffered too. And I thought—I thought that we have this bond that was hard to break. But I am wrong."

"I'm —"

"Shh, Harry. Let me finish.", she said. " I was angry at you of course. Because you immediately thought about yourself, which is a value I know Aunt Lily and Prongs hate. But I thought, it was the only thing you ever do for yourself. It's the only time in which you put yourself first. So I wonder, is it really bad?", Pandora said although her voice is raugh and her nose is red. 

"It isn't Harry.", she said while forcing Harry to look at her. She wiped his tears with her thumb and ruffled his always messy hair."It isn't because you deserve a childhood. You deserve the love of a parent, the guidance of a mentor, and the life without pressure. Who am I to deny you the only one you can have in exchange for my own momentary suffering? I love you Harry. As a brother, as a friend, as a confidante."

"Sorry.", Harry sobbed. He wrapped Pandora again in an embrace. 

"Just promise me not to do it again hm?", Pandora asked.

"Yes Dora.", Harry said disentangling himself from the hug. "I promise.", he said sticking out his pinky one last time before turning away and leaving Pandora to her thoughts once more. 

Just as Harry got past the door, a huge black dog came bounding in. It's eyes can be seen beaming in happiness. Harry only chuckled and patted it's hair before continuing his way out. The moment the doors closed again, the dog transformed back into her father.

"Come here, princess.", Sirius said opening his arms wide. "I'm sorry.", Sirius said genuinely while clutching his daughter in an embrace. 

"I know.", Pandora answered. She understands now. She knew that it wasn't any of their fault. It wasn't Sirius' when he left that night 15 years ago. It wasn't his that Peter betrayed them. It wasn't his when he was so strieken with grief that his judgement has been clouded over with anger and grief. It wasn't his when they haven't had the chance to communicate for his time on the run. 

But it wasn't also hers. It wasn't anyone. They were just all caught up in the middle because of the loveless child once upon a time. 

"It wasn't your fault.", said Pandora. "It never did."

Pandora felt a lip touched her scalp. It made her feel warmth and love in her heart. This is what she always dreamt about. Her father and her being reunited and surviving through anything. But just like she said earlier, it seems that the universe is really on a mission to hurt her. 

Pandora closed her eyes. If she really has an epilepsy, and she's gonna die, then she want to die free and happy. She will let go of all this burden of hate. She will make sur ethat she finish her business while down here on earth.

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