●30: What happened?○

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SOMETHING HEAVY IS DRAPED ACROSS her bare stomach, as she wake up the next morning. She let out an irritated sigh before pushing it away, she doesn't like being cuddled, cuddling someone maybe, but being the baby spoon is a big no-no. It dropped beside her like a stone, before a killer headache hit her that cause her head to be thrown back. A figure. She saw behind her a figure of a man, then she remembered the texture of the arms, bulky and vainy,  full of hair. She jerked away with her eyes practically bulking out of their sockets. 


The shout woke the many hangover teens in the Gryffindor common room.

Inside a room full of 7th year boys is a girl, who's curly hair became a tangled nest. She tried to cover her naked body with the duvet cover.

"Bloody merlin! Fred Weasley wake the bloody hell up!", she shouted much quieter now after many of her schoolmates groaned loudly earlier.

The said boy put both of his hands on his head because of the headache that began to form from her badgering.


Then. another shout echoed, which literally disturbed the birds perched on the windowsill but thankfully, none of the hangover students from the floors below.

"WEASLEY WHAT DID WE DO?!", she whispered in his ear, a torture in Fred's words. But this did wake him up. He immediately sprang up as if in trance, peeking through the red velvet curtain of his four poster bed, looking if any of his roommates are awake. Lucky that they aren't and that they probably walked in last night, rightly drunk, because their clothes are scattered all around the room, some even ripped and buttons popped. 

He quickly got up, and almost ran around the room, trying to find his and Pandora's wands and clothes. As soon as he located all of them, he threw Pandora's own clothes and wand at her, letting her fix it on her own while he ran to the bathroom and get presentable. 

They were both in a rush to be better before someone wakes up and see Pandora inside. This should have never happened, not true, but it shouldn't have happened at that time and situation. They haven't even dated, nor come in terms of announcing their feelings to one another. Heck, they were only months to their friendship even!

Pandora wasted no time in dressing up to her soiled dress from the day before and leaving the dorm without a goodbye to avoid having the walk of shame with unwanted audiences. She plopped down her clean bed, before grumpily stomping after she realized that her clothes are still unpacked, her school work still needed to be done (though, she's actually advamced mow with all the time she had free in the wing). But she did not stand up, instead, she lay down, waiting for her headache to pass. 

Drinnnn! Drinnnnn!

She awoke again, now alone at her own dorm but still in her dirty clothes. She didn't even registered falling asleep, she was supposed to lay down, for a minute, ONLY, then now she woke up and it's 12 in the afternoon! 

She groaned before finally, though groggily standing up and heading straight to her trunk and claw her way in to find a uniform, cause it's friday, and she have classes and she already missed her morning ones. After she find one, she immediately went for the bathroom door, it's vital for her to shower because she stank of alcohol, sweat and maybe Fred?

Anyway, brunch is what she need to be honest, but it will be hard because she's carrying this ponderous guilt for what she had done the night before. She messed up her friendship, didn't she? Of course she did who in their right mind will sleep with their recently acquainted friend who happened to be her sworn enemy for most of her schooling while pining over him? She is, though she's not exactly in the right mind because she's drunk but the feeling she felt at that moment is as clear as a crystal. 

She quietly went for her brunch, never looking up, nor making any conversation with Hermione who sat beside her. It's probably better because she finished her plate just as Fred was about to approach her seat. She hurried away, with her arms across her chest, hugging her book back as she thought she was being perfectly inconspicious.

But she's not. 

A lot of heads turned, as they watched Fred being practically dumped? or something of the same wavelength, because he just stood there, smile dimmered, with his arms just about to slide down on the seat between Hermione, and supposedly Pandora but she ran away. Even Snape, Mcgonagall, and Dumbledore who were in a conversation look at him with raised brows though Snape has a smirk evidently plastered on his normally grim face. 

"Fred! Fred!", Hermione said snapping her fingers in front of Fred's face because he was still frozen and it's causing quite the scene.

When he finally sat down, he turned to Hermione.

"What happened to her?", they asked at the same time causing for Hermione to look at him in suspicion. She know the spark between the seventh years, heck, everyone with eyes can see it, even Harry who is as oblivious as a wall can see it, can feel it even. The amount of times they had to avert their eyes because of the obvious tension between the two is a great example. Then there was the years they spent targeting and 'hating' each other, even George was unconciously left out for the Prank Wars, though neither noticed. 

Fred just shrugged before filing mountains of food in his plate and gulfing it all down as fast as he can. "Slow down mate!", George said from his seat beside Angelina. "Yeah, I'll go talk to her, slow down Fred, don't want you to die without you confessing to her," Angelina said, pecking Fred and scrambling up to her feet to follow Pandora. 

As soon as his girlfriend left the hall, George turned to his twin. "What happened last night?," he said. "You vanished, both of you. Then comes morning you wake up so early after a hard drunken night." 

The suspicion in his twin's voice made Fred's ears tinged pink. 

"Hmm?", he hummed, trying to remain calm and subdue his redness, slowly. 

But he failed, instead he choked on his food, spraying some all over George and Hermione who both leaned in on Fred as they waited for his answers. "Blimey!," George shouted, acquiring more attention to the three as Hermione waved her wand to vanish the bits of food. The two grimace as he glared harshly at them. "It's not your business!", he whispered angrily before leaving them and his unfinished food behind, having no appetite to finish it nor will power to continue their conversation.

However, as he was on his way back to his dormitory, he heard muffled voices inside the first floor girl's lavatory. It is not his intention to eavesdrop, but the voices are loud anyway so when he catched his name in it, he had no other choice but to stay. 

"It happened...", a girl sobbed. Hand on fabric can be heard moving repeatedly, in sync with harsh breathing and sniffles. 

"Shhh... Breathe... In, Out", another voice said, though it was more muffled thant the first one, making it harder to recognize. 

Once the person probably calmed down, the voice asked "You did it didn't you? The thing?"

When no one answered, the same voice spoke again, "Why don't you admit to him that his more than a friend? Things will be less awkward then."

"But I'm not sure about me and I certainly know about him. He doesn't like me like that, he hated me for half of the time, I hated him just as much. I don't want another pain. I can't process through another problem now..",the voice replied, hoarse from the nonstop sobbing. 

Sensing that th conversation will turn more private, which it is before he even eavesdropped, Fred backed away to the path heading to his dorms. But as he did so, he didn't hear the last words the voice uttered, "Screw problems, I love him" though even if he did, he wouldn't have understand it yet.

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