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A/N: Avery, and Spencer's fit for the date^^ Anywho sorry for the short chapter and smut warning but like actual seggs 😏

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A/N: Avery, and Spencer's fit for the date^^ Anywho sorry for the short chapter and smut warning but like actual seggs 😏.  I've been procrastinating this chapter but I'm VERY excited for what's to come in later chapters so get excited

I woke up the next morning with my arms still tightly wrapped around Avery. She had moved in her sleep so her butt was now pressed up against me. I stayed like this a little longer than I should have.

Once I was finally adjusted to being up I lightly moved my arms off of Avery. She moved a little, and I froze not wanting to wake her up. Once I knew she was asleep I got up and stared walking. Before I left my room I looked back at Avery. She's  so cute when she's sleeping. I walked out of my room, and into the kitchen

Trying to make as little noise as possible I made a pot of coffee, and started cooking pancakes. About 20 minutes later Avery came out of my room. She hair was a mess, and she was still in my tee-shirt to me she looked perfect.

"hey Avery how are you feeling?"

"Hung over, but thanks for asking" she gave me and kiss, and this time I kissed back.

"There's coffee over there and some cups in that cabinet" I said pointing over to the stuff.

I watched as she walked over to the cabinet. She opened it and saw the cups on the top shelf. Avery was tall, but she still needed to get on her tippy toes to get there cup. As she reached over to get it the shirt lifted to her hip revealing her red lace underwear. I felt like a creep still staring at her, but I didn't look away.

Once she got her cup she turned around, and smirked at me

"Like the view Spence?" I felt my face heat up

"What no I mean yes, but I didn't meant to look for so long I'm sorry" she lightly chuckled

"It's ok Spence you've seen me naked...kind of. You don't have to feel bad about it"

"Ok. Oh um theres pancakes over there on a plate for you I just made them. I can't really cook but I tried" she grabbed the plate, and sat next to me.

"Looks delicious thank you" she gave me another kiss before she started eating

"What do you think? If you don't like it we can go out for breakfast"

"Spencer it's wonderful" she smiled at me and I smiled back

"We should probably talk about last night" I said to replace the awkward silence, but I probably made it worse.

"Oh no what did I do"

"No it's nothing you did it's just. You tried to have sex with me, and even though we didn't I admitted to wanting to have sex with you"

"Well what do you think we should do?"

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