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ring ring ring 

"OH MY GOD WHAT NOW" I looked over to my right to see I had an incoming call from agent Hotchner. I also saw it was 6 A.M. which means the team has a new case. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone 

"Hello" I said trying not to sound annoyed 

"Hi Greene I know it's early in the morning, but can you been here in 30 minutes we have a case?" he sounded like he had been up for hours, but I guess that's just because he's gotten used to the early mornings. 

"Yes sir I'll be there right away" 

"Thank you, you're the best I'll see you soon" he said 

"you're welcome sir, and say hi to Jack for me" 

"will do." 

with that he hung up and I got up to get ready for work. Working at the BAU I've gotten pretty close to everyone especially Emily, and Hotch. Emily was my best friend, and agent Hotchner was like a father figure to be. Me and Emily go out all the time usually with Garcia.Unless we are looking to get unbelievably drunk. we learned the hard way that even when Penelope is drunk she still remembers secrets, and god she can not keep them to save her life. My roommate Andrew, who I normally call Drew is a big flirt with Emily. He's a flirt with everyone, but he seems to really like Em. One time he picked us up from the club at 3 A.M. in gym clothes claiming he had just gone for a morning run. Ya right Drew I see right through you. 

 I was close with everyone except the team member I wanted to be closest to. literally and physically. When I first started my job at the BAU I quickly became attracted to the tall skinny white boys...so not a lot in my life changed. I have always been way too shy to talk to him, and he's never made an effort to talk to me. At first I thought he was going to end up with JJ, but she started dating Will. As far as I know he's single, but I'm too scared to talk to him. If I talk to him and it goes well I won't know what to do with myself. I can't be his friend and have feelings for him. It's not a good combination.

The cockpit has thin walls so I've learned a lot about Dr.Reid. I know he's a literal genius. I hear him tell the team cool facts, and they always shut him down. I feel bad for him I always want to go up to him, and ask to hear what he has to say. I want him to tell me all the cool interesting facts. More importantly I want him to tell me about himself. Over the seven years  at the BAU I have learned so many facts about the ocean or historical land marks, but basically nothing about his personal life. How can someone so talkative have nothing to say about himself. 

Okay enough thinking of the beautiful man that I having feelings for.

 I got up and got ready for the day. 15 minutes later I was about to head out the door. I'm wearing a tight black skirt, and a long sleeve white button up. I had on black tights, and heels then I did light makeup since I didn't have time to do much. lastly I put my hair in a high ponytail. I dress to impress..even when it's for someone who doesn't notice me. I went into my kitchen to see Andrew eating cereal and playing on his phone. He had no shirt on like usual.

"Hey Drew why are you up?" 

"I just got home from a flight, and I couldn't fall asleep with your music blasting" he said shoving the cereal into his mouth 

"Oh I'm sorry you should get some sleep I'm heading out right now the BAU has a case" I said waving and walking to the door

"Have fun and um Av don't embarrass yourself in front of the doctor" he said giving me a douchy smile and pretending to make out with the air 

"I HATE YOU" I yelled from the door 

"I LOVE YOU TOO" I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me 

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