Epilogue part 1

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Hi so this is Avery's pov okay enjoy and dress^

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Hi so this is Avery's pov okay enjoy and dress^

"Garcia where are you I'm freaking you!" I practically yelled at my phone

"Okay so is Spencer. Derek couldn't calm him down so I am"

"Why is Spencer freaking out?"

"He says that you watch a lot of tv shows where the bride storms out for dramatic affect, and he loves you and he knows you love him but he's worried you'll wanna just run out then get eloped"

Oh my god

"Garcia hand him the phone" I waited a few moments to hear Spencer voice

"Hi darling"

"Do you really think I would storm out on our wedding day?"

"Well obviously you'd take me with you, but not at first like an hour later when everyones gone home. I know that the ones who run away on their wedding days are always your comfort characters"

"Where's Spencer because he's been replaced by an idiot!"


"Spencer I love you more than anything. I'm one for dramatics and trust me I've got something big planned, but I'm not running away. All I've wanted this past year and a half  was for this day to finally come, and now that it has I'm not letting anything ruin it. It's why I'm not letting Drew drink"

"I love you Avery. Also I didn't know Drew wasn't allowed to drink I wish you told me that two beers ago"

If Andrew ruins my wedding I will kick him in the balls.

"Okay baby just hand the phone back to Garcia"

"Okay I love you"

"I love you too"

Garcia immediately took the phone from Spencer. She was probably listening to our conversation.

"Okay what's wrong with you baby?"

"I have now idea where Emily, or Alex, or jj are, and I can't find my heels" I said in a panicked town

"Okay clam down I have your heels. Emily and Jj went to get food even though I told them to wait, and" Garcia stared whispering  "Alex's flight landed 20 minutes ago she'll be there soon"

"Thank you for tracking her down Garcia; Spencer is going to be so happy"

"Anytime my love. The maid of honor, and best man aka chocolate thunder and I will at your dressing room in a few minutes don't panic ok"

"Okay. Thank you bye"

I hung up, and then put my phone away.

I invited Alex Blake to our wedding. When she was at the BAU last year she was like another mother figure to Spencer. He went to visit the BAU every week to hang out with her, and she helped him with some of his lesson plans. They bonded over everything. She moved away like two months ago, and Spencer was in a state of depression for like a week. As one of his two big wedding gifts I flew her down here for the wedding.

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