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I missed waking up next to Avery. I missed getting to call her mine, and now I get it all back. She was also really adorable in the morning. Except she was mean so I never woke her up. I decided to wake her now because I didn't want to wait to talk to her.

"Good morning beautiful"

"No. Bad morning"


"Because you woke me up. One day into dating and you're on thin ice" She said as she pulled the blanket over her head. Maybe I shouldn't have woken her.

"But I want to spend the day with you. Go on our second first date as a real couple"

"What time is it?" she asked 

I looked over at the clock


"The day starts at 12 then it's pm and not am. I want to sleep!" She whined.

Yup waking her up was a mistake 

"I'll go make breakfast come to the kitchen when you're ready" I said as I kissed her forehead 

"thank you. I love you"

" I love you more"

Avery just groaned and put her thumbs up. I knew she was just tired and once she wakes up she'll fight me on who loves who more.

I decided to make pancakes even though I burned them the last three time I made them. I put on  a playlist Avery made for me called "Songs that put our relationship  into words" it was from a while ago.

"And I'm afraid I might give in" I had the  whisk up to my mouth like a microphone. "Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'"

"And she even cooks me pancakes" Avery said as she walked out of my room and pointed to me "And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches"

She walked over to me, and put her hand in mine. 

"If that ain't love then I don't know what love is" I said as I spun her around. We kept singing and dancing around the kitchen  "Take a look at my girlfriend! She's the only one I got" 

"Yes I fucking am" Avery giggled. 

I turned the music down a bit and she put her arms around my waist, and I went back to cooking. 

"I thought you were going to go back to bed" I said 

"I wanted to spend time with you instead"

"You couldn't go back to sleep could you?"

"No I could not" she broke away from me, and walked over to there cabinet "Do you have chocolate chips?"

"Uh yeah the cabinet to your right" she nodded her head at me then opened that cabinet 

"Aw Spence this is so cute when did you get it? Also why do you have mugs and food in the same cabinet" She was holding up a mug with a baby photo of me on it 

"Oh my mom sent it to me for my birthday. She doesn't trust how long the mail takes to deliver things so she sent it early, and I have them in the same cabinet because I just put things away without looking since I can't really misplace stuff."

"Oh thats right it's your birthday next week"

"Yup, and I plan to spend the whole day with you"  Avery put a bunch of chocolate chips in the batter. 

"I have an idea for your birthday"

"Oh yeah what is it?"

"Well since it's a few days before Halloween how about we play dress up"

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