Epilogue part 2

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the fit^ 

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the fit^ 

I was still half asleep when I heard whispering outside my door. I rolled over to hug Spencer, but he wasn't in bed. I knew that meant he was the one whispering. I pretended to go back to bed. 

"Go go go!" Spencer whispered. I felt the bed move, and my two babies jump on top of me. 

"Mom wake up!" Jason shouted. 

He was out oldest. He's nine and he's just like me. He has a red hair like me, but it's slightly curly like Spencer's. He had freckles on the bridge of his nose, and beautiful green eyes. He was really smart. His teacher said he was the best student. He definitely had more street smarts then book smarts which is why he's more like me. 

"We have to get ready for the party so get up!" Harper said as she wiggled her way into my arms. 

She was our youngest. She's six and basically the spitting image of Spencer. She has wavy brown hair, big brown eyes, and a smile that will light up the room. She has a photographic memory too. Finding that out was probably the best thing in Spencer's life. Besides me of course. Like her dad she'll probably end up in college before she's 15. 

Both of our kids are amazing. 

"No I don't want to get up it's too early" I whined 

"But dad says he has a present for you" Harper said, and I sat up. 

"if you would have told me gifts were involved I would have been up a while ago"

Spencer giggled then took a seat on the edge of the bed. Harper ran over to him, and took a seat in his lap. Jason took harpers old spot in my arms.

"Happy anniversary Avery" Spencer said as he handed me a small box. There was a drawing on the outside of it. 

"Did you guys decorated this?!" I asked the kids, and they nodded their heads excitedly. Harper was playing with Spencers fingers. "Well it's beautiful"

"What's inside is even more beautiful" Spencer said. Inside was a necklaces with three connecting circles. One said Spencer, one said Jason, and one said Harper.

"Oh you guys I love it!" Thank you Spencer"

"You're more than welcome. Let me help you put it on" He moved harper off his lap, and sat up to get closer to me. He gave me a kiss 

"Ew!" The kids shouted, and I just giggled at them 

Spencer put the necklace on me

"Happy 10 years together Avery."

"Happy 10 years Spence. Do you want you're gift?"

"Well duh, but isn't that something I'm getting tonight"

"You dirty minded boy. Yes, but I mean your pg present"

"Oh, yeah!" I leaned over to my bed side table, and grabbed a wrapped gift then handed it to Spencer. Inside was costume made mismatched socks. On one sock was a drawing Harper made. She was really artistic. On the other was a drawing Jason made. "No way! I love these. I'm putting them on right now"

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