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Short ass filler chapter. It's literally a third of normal chapters 

Today was Spencer's last day at the BAU, and we're throwing a surprise  going away party for him. Tomorrow we leave to go see his mom, and although we're excited Drew's the most excited. He said he can't wait to fly us. I know that means he's planning to do something dumb

I walked into the bullpen of the BAU, and Garcia ran up to me

"Okay Derek took him out to get coffee, So we have time to set up the party" she said as she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the conference room

"Don't you guys have coffee here?"

"Well yes, but he's not that good so Derek is buying him coffee that hasn't been siting out for 4 hours"

"Oh that's gross. Okay so what exactly are we setting up?"

"I have a cake that says goodbye, some balloons, and Photos of all of us to put around the room"

"Aww that's sweet. We should all put a goodbye note on the board. Also were we supposed to get gifts because I didn't. I could just give him kinky sex, but I feel bad I didn't actually get him something"

"No we didn't have to get him gifts, but I got him one. Also you're his girlfriend you should have been the one planning this instead of planing your after hours activities"

"He's so depressed about leaving I just figured the goodbye party would make it feel so much more real, then make him sad"

"Well it is real, and we're going to make the best out of it"

"You guys are his family. He'll be around all the time."

"Yeah that's sweet to hear. Now help me set up!" Garcia yelled at me. 

I grabbed the Balloons, and started blowing them up.


"Guys! Derek just texted me they're coming up the elevator everyone get into place!" Garcia said, and everyone just stayed where they are. 

I was standing next to Hotch

"Is he excited about becoming a teacher?" He whispered to me

I knew he cared about Spencer. They were like a father, and son duo. He didn't want to admit it but it didn't take a profiler to notice he was upset. 

"He hasn't stopped talking about it. Don't worry Hotch he's not leaving forever"

"Yeah that's what they all say"

I felt bad for him. I put my hand on his shoulder, and gave him a comforting squeeze. 

"It will be okay"

"No Derek I'm just saying that the importance of learning-"

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. Well only Garcia, but the rest of us said it at a normal volume.

"Oh guys this is great!" Spencer said as he looked around the room. 

Garcia, jj, and Derek all hugged him.

"Avery did you plan this?" He asked 

"This time it was all Garcia, but not to brag or anything but I blew up the balloons"

"That's great Av. Thank you Garcia"

"of course second smartest one here. I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you too, but let's have a party!" 

"Yes!" Garcia cheered 

Spencer came up to me, and put his arm around my waist. 

"Hi baby, I hope you like the party"

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