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It had been a week since I last saw Avery. She called me to tell me about the book she picked out, and asked how mine were.  I told her I read all three of the books in half the time it took her her to read the one. She got really competitive, and told me we should see who can read more books in a week. Obviously I was winning, but I gave her a three day head start.

Our conversation lasted about an hour until Andrew dropped something and broke it. Avery started yelling at him, and then told me she had to go and make sure he was ok. I don't think I'll ever understand their dynamic. One second they're making rude comments, and the next she's saying he's her best friend.

I was walking into the BAU when I was greeted by Emily. She had a smirk on her face as she jogged up to me.

"Hey Reid...so are you doing anything, or anyone fun after work" another thing I will never understand is Emily

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned

"Well you know how you've been spending a lot of time with Avery so I was just wondering if you were going to see her later" I was wondering the same things. Me and Avery hadn't made plans to hang out, but sometimes I wanted to call her last minute and ask if she wanted to spend time together. Maybe I will.

"I'm not sure Emily, oh look Hotch is calling us over let's go talk to him" she rolled her eyes and followed me over to Hotch. All of us gathered by the round table.

"Strauss called she's giving us the weekend off, no work is to be done for the weekend. After how difficult last case was the head of the department wants us to relax, and take a break. finish your work for today, and you can go home early"

Yes! time off means more freedom to make plans. I rushed back to my desk to get my work done.

About an hour later I handed in my work, and headed out the door of the BAU.


I decided that I was going to take today for myself since I had a lot on my mind. I decided to go out, and get  something to eat. I walked down to the sandwich shop that was on my street, and once I got my food I grew bored. I never seem to realize how little hobbies I have until i'm off of work. I looked into my bag and saw that I had two books with me. I started walking towards the park.

after about a 10 minute walk I was now at the park sitting under a big tree. I took out one of the books and began reading.

I had gotten so lost in the book I didn't realize how much time had passed.  Suddenly I was pulled out of my trance by a familiar voice.

"Hey Spence whatcha doing" I looked up to see Avery who had a similar over the shoulder bag as me, and a book in her hand.

"Oh hey Avery I was just reading" I looked over to the book she had

"I guess you're doing the same" she let out a breathy laugh and nodded her head

"We'll great minds think alike I guess" I shook my head. I saw her looking down at the spot next to me. I looked at it and then back up to her

"Do you want to sit with me? We can read together." I said pointing at the spot. She smiled and sat down with her legs crossed. Our knees almost touching.

"So what are you reading" she asked looking over my shoulder.

"Oh I'm reading Macbeth. Shakespeare is one of my favourite writers of all time"

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