Chapter 11: The Surprise Boss

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"You are not going to tell me where you went last night?" Danté asked silently as he and Jac sat in the living room of their commune. "You've been acting weird lately. Is there a woman? Finally getting over Norris?"

"I was never hung up on Norris."

"Of course you weren't. You have a heart of ice."

Jac threw a pillow as Dan but the man caught it with a laugh.

"Or maybe, it's that guy from yesterday?"

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Jac turned to face Dan directly in the eye and frowned to intimidate him but Dan just laughed and shook his head.

A few breathes later he turned back to Jac with a very serious look. "No lies though Jac, who was that man?" He asked finally.

Dan was Jac's oldest friend and knew him like the back of his hand. If Dan asked Jac a question that lead with 'no lies' it means he observed something and Jac better be honest.

How was Jac supposed to start this though? He too had no idea how to classify Josh. It was too early to call him a friend and he can't exactly call him a sex buddy even though the man did suck his dick.

Last night they had talked about nothing really important until Jac fell asleep on Josh's lap. Two hours later he dropped him home with nothing but a nod.

Jac hadn't expected a kiss goodnight but he was a little disappointed Josh didn't even give him the opportunity to shut the idea down.

"He is as I said, a guy I met at some bar that other night."

"Uh-huh. And?"

"And what? Quit being weird man."

"Am I the one who's being weird? The guy dropped you off early this morning" Jac was about to object but Dan continued over him. "Don't even think about denying it Jac, I saw you."

"You saw what, exactly?"

"You Jac. Getting out of a fancy ass car and he is the only fancy person I've seen you talking to around here."

"Look, I don't know what you want me to say or what you think you saw."

"You know when that guy was talking to you I saw something weird between you two." Oh here it goes. Jac knew that Dan had the best instincts and he rides them out until he gets answers. "You were... different. The guy was openly flirting with you."

"I really have no idea what you are talking about."

"When you're ready to talk, I'm all ears." Dan said standing up. "We leave in 30minutes for the meeting with the boss." He left going upstairs, visibly sweating. "I can't wait to leave this country." He complained as he existed the room.


Their boss, Valentino Bandaress had recruited them all the way from Columbia to work with him on his new project in the States and had offered Jac and a few others a permanent position in his new company in Texas.

Jac was thankful. Valentino was a fair and level headed boss. He knew all his employees by name and everything about their families. It came with being focused but Jac realised it was also a strategy to gain loyalty.

"Hey guys." Valentino greeted as he entered the room full of construction workers. "As you all know, I am heading a new company here, one that belongs to my father. The project we took over is not only handled by me, but also by shareholders of our company since the offices we are building currently belong to them.

So today you as well as I, will be meeting the shareholder who was put on this project with us. I hope we get to work well with him or her."

Whispers rose around the whole room and most were obviously concerns. Jac knew why, a new boss meant new rules. For men with families, Valentino gave them paid weekends off to go visit their families in Columbia.

Not a lot of construction workers did that with projects as big as this one still in motion. So workers will either face salary cuts or will not get to go home and visit family until the project was done, which was more or less half a year from now.

Not long after the chattering, the door opened and in came the last man Jac expected to see.

"Good morning, gentleman... And two ladies." Josh smiled a little, his focus solemnly on the very shocked face of Valentino. Suddenly Jac saw something he had never seen before, Valentino and Josh were strikingly similar.

"I'm not here to make changes or directly manage you." Josh continued. "My only job is to make sure you get paid. Everything else is still up to your original boss."

Josh turned slightly towards the direction Jac sat, although he didn't quite notice him there.

"Is that-?" Dan began to ask but Jac cut him off.

"Yep." He simply said, letting the 'p' pop.

"This is gonna be so fun for me." Dan laughed louder than was expected. Heads turned to the two men at the corner of the room and one particular head was in direct line with that of Jac.

Jac always thought that heart skipping beats were over-exegeration of cowards blinded by love. Surely if someone's heart skept a beat, they would have to get that checked out because it sounded dangerous.

But that was exactly what happened when his eyes met the pale blue eyes of Joshua Rodriguez. His heart forgot to beat and his lungs forgot to breathe. Not because he was in love with the man he wasn't, but he was overcome by the outmost desire to kneel down before him and call him 'sir'. Just like he had done all night last night.

Josh stared back with no emotion at all but their staring contest was cut short by Valentino.

"Can you wait just a few minutes as I exchange a few words with Mr Rodriguez?" Valentino pleaded politely as he led Josh to the lobby.

"What was that again?" Dan continued after the two men had left. "'Just the man you met the other night.' How eventful."

"Please don't start."

"What? Am I distracting you for ogling at that man through the wall? At least it's made of clear glass." Dan laughed as he folded his hand to ignore Jac.

Jac didn't mind, he just wanted this meeting to be over. Working for the man who confused the hell out of his sexuality wasn't really a fun-boat. Luckily for him the two men returned and the meeting was dismissed.

As people exited the room, Jac was amongst the last to do so and as he approached the door, Josh held him back.

"We need to talk. I'm picking you up tonight. Be ready by 8 o'clock." Jac looked back at Josh, and a fast flash of anger passed through the man's gaze. He dropped Jac's hand he still had a grip on and went back to talking to Valentino.

In Texan arms: Fairy Dust SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now