Chapter 8

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- first day of school -


In front of the gates of the school of heroes, a mass of future heroes and their parents could be seen waiting to be allowed inside the school. Among the crowd, a group of 4 people with their parents could be seen waiting to enter, just like everyone else.

Izumi: "I can't believe they let us in."

Mitsuki: "You got in because you had good scores. But you know what's going to happen when you go in there." Mitsuki tried to forgive her daughter and her friends, even though she still holds a grudge against them.

Katsumi: "We should take some rehabilitation classes, right?"

Masaru: "Yes, that's right."

Shion: "I think that's right." The other three nodded.

Soon after, the gates opened to let in the families and future heroes in training.

Mitsuki POV

We all walk into the auditorium to see what class the kids will be sorted into. Ever since Katsuki died, I haven't been the same. Losing a child is hard enough to get over, but to also know that your other daughter, his twin, is the cause of his death, is even more devastating. Although I still feel resentment and anger towards Katsumi, I have forgiven her, she is my daughter after all. Even if she killed me, I could never truly hate her. I don't know what Shoto did to Katsuki, but he seems remorseful. I hope it's not too big of a deal, but I almost felt hatred towards him because it was one of the main reasons why he did what he did.

As soon as we entered the auditorium, I saw a stage. Above it were the teachers, Inko and Yagi. Obviously we know that they are GT and AM, after Izuku wrote about them; I honestly wasn't very surprised about that, I was more focused on the fact that it was partly their fault that Izuku was dead. I still can't believe that those two are still heroes and will be teaching at this school. After Izuku and Katsuki died they revealed their identities to the world, but they never told the reason why Izuku and Katsuki died, because they needed to cover their image. Figure.

I don't understand why Nezu isn't here though, he's the principal, why isn't he present at the opening ceremony? After all the other families have taken their seats, AM gets up and starts speaking into a microphone that is in the middle of the stage, and pulls out cards for his shitty speech. After that, he starts listing all the sections, from general studies to support; he finally moves on to the heroes section.

AM: "Well, now it's the most anticipated moment, the classes that will train to be heroes. Let's start with section A, this is where the students with the highest scores on the placement test will be. This does not mean that they will be considered superior to anyone. Alright, let's start with who entered section A, from the lowest score to the highest. Okay, then or -"

A little boy interrupts him, standing up and moving his arms awkwardly, almost like a robot.

? (we all know who he is, bear with me): "Excuse me sir, but why should you start with the lowest score and end with the highest score in the class, instead of saying in alphabetical order the students who entered, as you did for the other addresses?"

AM: "Actually, even I am not aware of why only this section will be displayed differently than the others, but it was requested by the principal, who is busy at the moment, but will join us shortly."

?: "Thank you, sir, for answering my question and sorry for the interruption" he said bowing.

AM: "Don't worry, you asked an intelligent question. I will now call each student by their first and last name, finally saying their score and secondary gender. The student will have to stand up and get their uniform" (to clarify, they know their scores, but they are not aware of the section they are placed in).

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