Chapter 13: So He Does Talk

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Linnea walked over to Chuck, but the only thing she could think about was the Greenie. She hadn't even spoke to him yet. She didn't even know if he could speak, if he had a name, if he remembered anything. She didn't know anything about him, but he, if he was the same as everyone else, probably didn't know anything about himself either.

"Why aren't you with the Greenie?" Linnea turned her attention to the small boy that had just spoken to her. Chuck. The adorable, lovable, little Chuckie.

Faking a smile at him, the pale skinned girl ruffled his scalp that was overflowing with his curly locks with her hand and responded. "Because, we are going to get things ready for the Greenie while Alby talks to him first."

"Okay!" Chuck cheerfully replied. Being the youngest there he was so oblivious to things. He was so easy to get past. So easy to be friends with. Poor Chuckie, though, didn't really have many friends. He talked to everyone, but he only really considered Linnea as a true friend. She had immediately taken a liking to the boy from the first moment she saw him curled up in the corner of the box, crying his eyes out, just as her best friend, Minho had done when he first was brought to the maze, and look at how he changed from then.

Linnea watched from a distance as Alby led the new Green bean along the glade, telling him about the things that they could, but still kept him from knowing the things that he couldn't. She admired the newbies body and his looks, because to be honest, she thought that he was super hot. Some of the other boys in the glade were pretty good looking but this boy was different, and Linnea could tell that it wasn't just that that was attracting her to him.

He introduced him to Newt, and the blonde boy looked over at Linnea after talking to the Greenie, and shared a knowing look, and mouthed, 'I think it might be him.' Newt knew about his description, which was pretty much all Linnea knew as well. It could have been him.

Alby led the boy up the tower that the builders had so masterfully built. The two of them looked out onto the premises of the glade, and the brown-haired Greenie's eyes trailed around the whole glade, as if looking for someone, but he didn't know who. He didn't know anyone there. Just Alby and Newt, but so far, to him, neither of them were friends. He didn't know them completely yet. Some things there seemed so familiar to him though, but the most of all, was that girl that he had made eye contact with for those few seconds. She seemed to be the only girl there was there.

Linnea and Chuck approached the tower and Linnea yelled up, knowing that she had told Alby that she would meet them, but yet she didn't and now she had this sudden boost of confidence that led her to go there with Chuck, she yelled up to them, the two boy's eyes trailing off down to meet the small boy and the tall girl. "Hey, Alby!"

"Hey, Linnea," Alby yelled down to her, the Greenie looking down as well, but not saying a word. "Where you been, girl?"

"Helping Chuckie here get things ready for the Greenie, you know that," The two boys walked down the ladder and met the two.

The Greenie looked at Linnea as she grinned at him and held out her hand for him to shake it, but their eyes remained fixated on each others. "Name's Linnea, Greenie," she told the boy. "First shucking person in this place."

"I'm. . ." the boy started, but then he realized he actually had no idea who he was. "I don't know who I am."

"So he does talk," Linnea joked. The Greenie managed out a slight chuckle. Linnea somehow loved that noise coming out of his mouth, and it really was one of the first that she had heard. How in holy hell was this happening?

"It's okay," Chuck said from behind, talking about what the Greenie had said before Linnea had joked with him. "We were all like that when we got here. Most of them just had to hit their heads pretty hard." The Greenie gave the young boy a quick glance, but in truth, he didn't want to take his eyes off of the pretty girl in front of him. "I'm Chuck by the way." Chuck held out his hand, but the new, whiskey eyed boy didn't shake it, instead he shook Linnea's which was still held out from the moment before. 

At their touch, both of them almost shivered. Something about it was different. The feeling of his touch was so familiar to Linnea, as hers was to the Greenie. Something about each other was familiar to each other. Linnea was almost certain that he was the boy in her dreams. When Minho came, she was sure to have to tell him. 

The two looked down at their touching hands, then back up at each other's eyes, almost in sync. It was so surreal. None of this connection should be happening, so Linnea would just have to put it off, as would the Greenie, but she couldn't tell him that. Someone was always listening. Most of the time it was Gally and one of his stupid 'henchmen.'

They quickly pulled each other's hands away from each others and the Greenie asked, "Are you the only-" but he was cut off by Linnea answering his sentence, knowing exactly what he was going to ask. All Greenies did it. Maybe he was just a normal Greenie.

"Girl?" she cut him off. "Yes, and don't ask why, we don't know either. Hell, we don't know anything in the shucking place."

The boy nodded, and looked down, but something inside him kept making him want to look back up. Back up at the girl. Something made him want to look at the beautiful girl every second that he had been there, standing in front of her, enjoying her look, enjoying everything about her, and he only had just met her. But he couldn't. Something told him inside him that he couldn't. He didn't know what, but he listened to it. For some reason, he listened to it.

"I've got to get going," Alby started, pointing away, showing that he needed to get off to his job. "But Linnea, you and Chuck get the Green bean situated in here. Get him a hammock. Tell him some things." Alby started walking away, but turned back, still walking, but now it was backwards. "But not too much. I'm looking at you Linnea."

Linnea laughed a bit. At that moment, the Greenie figured out the first thing that he would know about himself. He knew that he absolutely loved Linnea's laugh. He loved her name. But something about her name in particular was so familiar, he felt that if he said it, it would roll off of his tongue so naturally that it was almost unreal.  Her look was familiar as well, like he had watched her before, every day, watching her grow and become the person she was standing in front of him right then. He knew he shouldn't feel this much attraction to her. This connection to her. Because if he didn't know anything about himself, how would he know something about her? How was any of this real, but the biggest question that was echoing in the Greenie's mind was, who am I?

Author's Note:

How are you liking this? I don't know, but I am kind of FREAKING loving this. Just because Thomas is in the FREAKING maze, though. Not because of my own writing. I am kind of in love with this plot though. I don't even know why. I might have to go back later and edit one tiny thing in the pre-prequel chapters, meaning the first three, because there is something that I want to do, but I will have to change one thing in that before. Why am I in love with my own character? I don't FREAKING know! I just LOVE Linnea so much. She is amazing and I am already loving her connection with Thomas. He doesn't even know his FREAKING name yet. Oops. What do you think is going to happen next? I do know how I am going to write these next few chapters leading up until the end actual. I know what I am going to be writing until the FREAKING end! That has never happened before! In DCTL I messed up so bad because of the not knowing how the middle of the story was going to go. I knew what the beginning and end were going to be like but not the middle. That's why the middle wasn't very good. I really hope you are liking this story so far and I thank anyone who has gotten this far! I love you guys!!!!!!

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