Chapter 33: Making Up and Making Out

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Linnea, Thomas, Newt, and Teresa, along with the two Med- jacks , mostly just for witness, but also because that was their job, stood over Alby, who was laying on the med-bench, his breathing large and loud, the veins that were lining his upper body and arms covered all over, the color of an ink black. Just staring at the boy had Linnea finding worry waiting in her stomach. She knew that this was going to work, but it still scared her.

"We don't even know what this stuff is," Newt pointed out, him not knowing what Linnea had done, and Linnea herself not very ready to tell him although he was one of her closest friends. He held the blue liquid filled syringe tightly in his grip. "We don't know who sent it, or why it came up here with you. I mean, for all we know this thing could kill Alby."

"Newt," Linnea started, trying to say something that will make him believe them. Thomas knew that Linnea wouldn't want anyone to know of her secret that lies between her and the maze, so he kept shut about it. "Look at him. He's already dying. This is the absolute least we can do. How could this possibly make it any worse?"

"Come on," Thomas backed her up as Alby stretched out in his sleep in his grueling pain.

"Alright," Newt says to them, looking at Alby, a look in Newt's dark eyes, a look that shows only two things. There's only fear and revulsion. He hands Linnea the syringe. "Do it."

Linnea moved over to the side of Alby's med-cot and knelt down beside him. She looked back to Thomas who was behind her, and said quietly, to no one in particular. "Okay."

But when she looked back, Alby's dark eyes were open, staring back at her with anger, madness, overflowing inside them. He grabbed onto her shirt, pulling her down sharply, screaming at her, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" Linnea tried to get him off of her, but his grasp was strong, as if being stung gave him extra strength. 

The female felt Thomas's hands on her arms, pulling her back, trying to get Alby to stop holding her. He was successful, and pulled Linnea back, where she collapsed into his arms, but she couldn't stop there. Horror plagued the faces of the others there, Alby still screaming, and she yelled, handing the syringe over on the bench, "Get the syringe!"

In a fast motion, Teresa grabbed the syringe, and stuck it straight into Alby's arm, which quickly calmed him down, letting out a sharp breath. Silence built itself around them as Linnea heard herself steadying her nervous breaths.

"Well that worked," Jeff said from next to Teresa, but Linnea barely allowed herself to hear anything as he spoke.

The whole event that had just happened, it was almost too much for Linnea, and she looked at Thomas, who was still holding her up slightly, her eyes full of worry and fear. Her dizziness makes her weight  betray her, and she collapses to her knees.

Thomas went down to pick Linnea up, the same things covering the light in his eyes, and he asked her if she was okay, worry showing itself well in his voice. Linnea couldn't exactly say anything at that moment, she just nodded and let him pick her up, but moved away once she was stable. 

"Okay," Newt proclaimed. "From now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock."

The gladers nodded, knowing why they had to do that, but then Linnea realized how dark it had gotten, knew that the doors had already closed, showing that it had been a whole day since herself, Thomas, and Minho had been trapped there, and she knew what was coming next. The pit.

And she was right. Behind them, Gally walked through the doors, coming into view. "Hey," he approached them. "Sun down, greenie. Time to go." Thomas slowly looked at Newt, then followed Gally. "You too, dickless!" Gally came back in, grabbing her arm, and immediately at his starchy skin's touch, her own skin itched with discomfort.

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