Chapter 27-What Happened in Massachusetts

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It was late October and almost time for Spencer and Amanda's birthdays once again when the case came in. It came directly to Director Sharp because he was the lead on the original case and he told Dave immediately. That's why, a week before his birthday, Spencer got called into Rossi's office and saw Harrison waiting behind his desk. "Um, what's this about?" He questions as Rossi motions him to take a seat.

Harrison clears his throat. "A week ago, there was a hit in Vicap on a case that I worked on more than a decade ago. Then two days ago, there was another hit on a similar MO yet a familiar one so I looked into it and it turns out that one victim connected the two cases."

"What does this have to do with me?" He wonders in confusion.

"I know that Amanda shared everything about her childhood with you," Rossi interrupts. "She told me all about you when she worked here so we know that you're familiar with these particular cases." He hands him the file. "We'd like you to present them."

Spencer glances at the file before handing it back with a shake of his head. "I'm not presenting that case, I'm sorry." With that, he stands as Rossi groans.

"Why not, Reid?"

"Because I don't feel like dying anytime soon. Amanda can present it, she'll want to and she'll be pissed at whoever does." Harrison points at him to acknowledge that he agrees as Spencer walks out. He walks over to his desk and Derek rolls over to him.

"What was that about?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon," he answers, nodding his head toward Amanda's office where Harrison is knocking.

"Woah, Pretty Boy, what's going on that you can't tell me?" Before Spencer can speak, Amanda walks out of her office with a masked distressed look on her face.

"Round table room, now, and don't get Todd. We won't need a media liaison on this case but get Garcia." Morgan and Emily share a frown as Spencer shoots up and heads to Garcia's office and Amanda knocks on Hotch's door. She sets up the presentation and waits until everyone is in the room, including Harrison who raises a few eyebrows before she starts speaking. "Before I start, I want to tell you that what you're going to hear might be hard for some of you to take." She looks at Garcia and Aaron quickly before continuing.

"There's been a string of murders recently, they began in Massachusetts and shared a similar MO to a case that's already been seen in the same area. Back in September of 2004, the local authorities found the body of an 11-year-old girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. By December, there had been 6 more bodies between the ages of 10 to 14, and the authorities finally called in the feds. The head of the case was one Harrison Sharp."

She motions to the man in question and then clears her throat. "Around the time the FBI got called in, an extremely nosey little girl that fit the description of those being killed learned of the case and inserted herself into the investigation."

"How does a child get into a federal investigation?" Morgan wonders.

"Anyone can volunteer to help out with a signed form and if they are under the age of 18, parent permission," Amanda answers.

"She was also brilliant," Rossi adds and Amanda frowns. "She knew how to manipulate people to get her way and she wanted to help so she did. But we weren't prepared for the MO to change."

"Change how?" Hotch questions.

"The unsub tried to get a child but she fought back so he started drugging his victims," Spencer replies. "He used Rohypnol."

"So what, we think this guy is back at it again, or are we looking at a copycat?" Morgan chimes.

"A copycat. The original unsub is dead," Amanda tells him before pressing the button on the remote revealing a picture of Nelson Rudall with his head bashed in.

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