The monster🎵

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Rosette got up to the sound of the shower running. She sat straight up.

For the first time in such a long time she had had such a good nights sleep. But yet she wasn't accustomed to believe that she was away from that hell hole. She was still waiting to wake up from this dream, or was it a nightmare?

She propped herself on her elbows and looked around rubbing her eyes. She was at Caelum side of the bed!


She was trying to remember any detail she could've forgotton when she remembered BREAKFAST!

Shit! She looked at the wall clock.

It was already 7:30.

She got out of bed and pulled a shrug over her upper body, rushing to the kitchen.

Mrs. Noel and Jasmine had told her about the kitchen appliances as well as Caelum's breakfast menu.

She put her hair into a messy bun and got to work immediately.


Caelum came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Drying his hair with another one

He was about to wake Rosette with the view of his incredible muscles but she was nowhere in the room.

He panicked. Why?

Well, till date he cannot explain that.

He slid a grey t-shirt and black sweats and went in the hall. He heard something in the kitchen.

He almost ran there. This brows furrowed in frustration and his eyes concerned for some reason he could not understand.

But then he saw her. Barefoot with her long hair made into a messy bun, serving toast into two plates.

He felt relieved and something else....

Rose was so tuned to the music of work that she did not even notice that he was standing there.

Caelum looked at her. When was the last time someone specially cooked for him like that?

"Good Morning Rose"

Rose flinched, dropping the toast on the counter. She looked up and saw Caelum.

His hair was still messy and wet. His eyes looked lighter and clearer.

He sat on the dining table and smirked at Rose.

"I was just making um.. some breakfast.. it will be ready in about five minutes... I'm sorry I got up a little late.."

Caelum had no idea what she was talking about, Was she apologizing? For what?

"Its fine, I like my breakfast at 8 am.. and not to mention, it should be sweet." He licked his lips, making it obvious, what he wanted to have for breakfast.

Rose fluttered her long lashes as if shaking away the imagination that had come to life at the back of her head and poured the milk into the glasses. And served the food on the table.

Caelum's eyes widened at the food.

Waffles, fruit salad, toasts with peanut butter, sausages and bacon.

"I-Is there something you don't like?" she asked, she was afraid what he might do if he didn't like any of that.

"You mean to tell me that you made all of this in half an hour?" his voice was eerie calm.

Rose knew she was done for.

"I-I'm so s-s-sorry, I'll go around and make something e-else r-right away."

She said this and was about to turn around when Caelum caught her by the arm and tugged her. She fell on his lap. Her eyes had become cloudy with tears.

Caelum looked at her, he didn't know why she was crying or why she kept stuttering but he knew something was wrong.

Rose was paralyzed. She was so sure that it was time for her to become his fuck toy.

She shut her eyes tight and waited for the blow to come.

But instead came a soft kiss at the side of her lips.

She opened her eyes and looked at him through tear drenched eyelashes.

"The breakfast is perfect.. It was just that you made it all real quick so I was a bit shocked. Thank you. Its also been quiet a while since someone had made me such a special breakfast." he admitted in a calm voice,

Rose could swear she felt something melt deep in her chest.

At this moment she knew,

She didn't need to be saved, she needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was.

Caelum had seen how she had closed her eyes like she was about to receive a beating as well as the way she was shaking so terribly.

He stood up with her in his arms bridal style.

"Oh no-," Rose wanted to protest, but Caelum hushed her.

"Shush.. I'm not going to hurt you.. just trust me." Rose was shocked at how she did trust him.

He sat her down on the chair to his right before going back to his own breakfast.

He didn't have the heart to ask her the cause of her flinching.


Because he was so sure that he was the monster she was so terrified of. 


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