Laugh now cry later🎵

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Rose was touching up her simple makeup when a text dinged on her phone. She rushed over to the nightstand to grab it almost knocking over her perfume bottle. She had been anxious for his reply.

She had texted him 'Hey, I'm going with my friends to a restaurant in the evening.' well before three and it was already half passed seven. And every time a notification popped, she pounced on her phone only to find it from some random app.

She opened her phone. It really was Caelum this time.

The text read, 'Sorry, was in a meeting. Who are these friends by the way?' she could almost feel the frown in his words.

'They were my colleagues from my last department.'

There was a good gap of three minutes before his next text came in, 'Take the car and don't stay out late.'

'but they are bringing a car.' She texted back quickly.

'Fine then the driver will tail you.'

Her ears reddened as she texted back, 'I'll take the car. Bye'

She waited for a reply but he just saw the mssg and left it like that. Not even a bye!! This man was really getting on her nerves.

She sighed and texted katy about the slight shift of plans as she walked out of her room.


She stood infront of the place. It wasn't really big and neither was it a restaurant. It was a full fledged bar!

"Katy." She groaned softly as she looked at the big neon yellow sign that read 'PARADISE'.

She sighed and looked back at the driver who awkwardly gawked at the small building. He was shocked how people like Madame would go to such a place. Rose could basically hear him thinking.

She cleared her throat, "Thank you for the ride. You may go now." She said.

The driver shook his head lightly and said, "With all due respect Madame, I cannot do that. I am in charge of taking you back home safe and sound. Sir's order"

At this point she wasn't even shocked but the feeling of reassurance was there. After all it was late.

She nodded and walked towards the entrance while ringing Katy. Katy emerged from the loud dj and colourful light, she wore a golden shimmer top with denim ripped shorts , her silver chocker was replaced by a black one and 6inches black high heels. She was grinning like an idiot but slowly her eyes narrowed as she took in what Rose was wearing.

She scowled, "You look like a fucking teenager

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She scowled, "You look like a fucking teenager." She snapped. Rose was wearing denim pants with a white off shoulder shirt with balloon hands. Her hair was left open like most days and her makeup still natural, all paired up with white sneakers.

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