The sad song

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"Where are you Cal, scared of papa?" cooed a male voice. Dad's voice.

I crept further away under the table. The huge table cloth hiding me. I brought my knees close to my chest and covered my face with my hands.

"Come out Cal, papa won't hurt you." He cooed again.

I could smell the smoke from his lips, and the alcohol on his clothes.

The picture of my mom's lifeless body lying on the bedroom floor forming on the back of my closed eyes. The tears started flowing. She couldn't be dead. The tears grew larger and so did my sobbing.

"hngh.." I sobbed. He heard me.

"Someone below the table cloth?" he called again. 

he pulled away the table cloth. Everything on the table fell down and smashed.

I looked at him through the blur of my tears. A smirk growing wider on his face.

"Scared, are we?" he asked as he roughly caught me by my hair and pulled me out of the table.

"Ahh! Please let me go!" I yelled.

"Cheeky little motherfucker!" he said as his grip on my hair tightened. "You are just like your mom!" I was kneeling on the broken pieces of crockery and vases. My knees bleeding.

"You killed her!" I yelled louder.

His eyes blazed with anger, "You fuck-faced scumbag!!" his fist contracted with my face. Everything was blurred. I could hear the blood throbbing in my head.

"I killed her because she was a fucking cunt! WOMEN ARE JUST TOYS! WHEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!" he took the cigarette balanced between his teeth in his hands and pulled my face up to face him.

He brought the cigarette near my left eye. "This should help you become more manly." My eyes were blurry, with my face throbbing. The blood rushed to my head, my breathing slowed to nothing and my knees read to give out any moment when I saw her.

A blurry woman. Grey hair in a bun, wearing a red dress stood by the door. Something metallic in her hand. My vision blackening at the corners. A gun. She shot it.

'THUD!!  She shot a bullet. THUD!! he fell behind me.'

I jolted awake. Why that dream again? My body was trembling. It wasn't real, I told myself.

I turned over, Rosette. She was still sleeping. I closed my arms around her and pulled her closer to my chest. 'Real. She is real. She is here. Right here.' I told myself. She snuggled closer, seeking my warmth.

Just a little longer. I would stay just a little longer.


I halted the car in front of the big flashy building. A large neon board read, "Angel's Pub". I cringed at the name.

Why did Rowan have to choose such a place to meet?

After I had finally mustered the strength to get up and shower, I called Rowan. According to Rafael, he was the only close friend Rosette ever had. That did piss me off but it was necessary for me to know who the fuck hurt her like that.

I tossed my keys to the chauffeur as I got off my car.

It was barely ten in the morning. The bar was slowly stirring to life. Waiters and cleaners went around their work lazily. While a few customers who surely were going through the worst phase of their life were chugging down drinks.

I scanned the bar when I got a glimpse of suburban hair. Rowan. He wore a simple light yellow shirt with white trousers and a brown belt.

He looked in my direction and gave me a small smile as a greeting, I nodded back as I made my way and sat beside him. I took out my cell to check my schedule.

"Two neats, for me and this gentleman here." He called to the barely clothed bartender, who passed him a flirty smile. Did Rose really go around with this bastard? I bit down my disgust.

I barely looked up, I didn't come here to see his social flirting, "Do you know about her scars?" I asked, straight to the point.

He laughed a bitter laugh, "Wow, so finally you know?" I looked up. His eyes were sad, as he said, "And I, my friend, know a  little too much."



I stood on the balcony. It had been almost an hour since I got up. Memories from last night crushed me like a 1000 pound rock. He had seen them all. I had debated not putting on makeup but then I remembered the disgust on his face last night. Without a second thought, I covered all of them all over again.

It was a Sunday today. The sun was up and warm but the chill of the upcoming snow season was prominent in the breeze. The chiffon top and trousers I was wearing hardly helped keep the wind out.

I was about to step back in when I saw a car pull up in front of the house. Caelum's car.

I saw him step out. He held a cigarette between his fingers. The sun rays resting on his face, but even beneath all the light, he looked gloomy.

He rubbed his forehead with his other hand. I had seen him do this in the office when he was stressed.

Has he finally realized how ugly I was? He must have been thinking of an easy way of kicking me out.

He took a deep breath and lifted his eyes to the balcony.

His eyes met mine. For a brief second, I saw something flash in them, guilt? But then he quickly diverted his eyes and walked into the house hurriedly.

So this was what he was doing? I looked at the finger marks on my wrist. No matter how much makeup I had caked on them I couldn't cover the marks completely. Was he going to treat me like I didn't exist, again? 




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