Mammon [Obey Me]

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Genre: Smut
Content: Modern AU, vibrator, slight exhibitionism, begging, slight possessiveness, tongue piercing!reader
[N] = Name
[M/C] = Main Character

A/N: [M/C]'s supposed to be the player in the actual game

Mammon could only try to ignore the resting vibrator in him, but how do you ignore something inside your ass?!

He sighs as he talks to [M/C], not noticing your deathly stare beside him.

Seriously, a nice outing with his brothers, you, and [M/C], and you suggest something so indecent. Not that he wasn't into it, but still.

Then, the vibrator begins moving.

Mammon yelps in surprise, he didn't think you were actually going to use it considering you were in public.

"Are you okay, Mammon?" He wasn't, nonetheless he softly nods at Lucifer's question, silently thanking it was too loud to hear the buzzing coming from the toy.

His sudden red face and pouring sweat raises questions from the others, to which he only mumbles answers, not having the energy to fully speak up.

"Mammon," [M/C] cuts in amongst the rest of his worried brothers, "Should we go home? I'll esc-" They're cut off by you butting in the conversation.

"Actually, I accidentally gave Mammon expired snacks before we left, I think it's just an upset stomach." Your smile was kind, but your eyes held a possessive tint in its glare. [M/C] hesitantly nods, the others humming absentmindedly, already engrossed in another topic.

Mammon nibbles his bottom lip as the friction becomes unbearable, "I-I need to go to the bathroom." As he tries to stand, his legs shakily gives out, causing you to catch him as he was about to fall, "Ah... Looks like you're really sick..." You comment, slinging his arm around your shoulder to support him.

"I'll help him, you guys don't worry." Your charming smile's enough for no one to ask questions.

The bathroom's are fortunately empty as you drag Mammon into a stall, slamming his wrists on the wall and locking the door.

It's a heated make out session, your tongue piercing protruding Mammon's mouth, causing him to quietly whine against your lips.

Your thigh goes between his legs onto his crotch, grinding him on your lap as you push the vibrator deeper into him.

Mammon's moans only grow louder, forgetting the public place you currently were, "Shh... Other people will hear." One of your hands let go of his wrist and bundles up his shirt, shoving it into his mouth as a makeshift gag.

Your hands drift downwards the tan skin of his stomach, leaving shivering touches at their wake. Your lips move towards his neck, nibbling his unmarked throat, "You're such a pervert... Going out, talking to people and acting as if you don't have a vibrator inside you." You whisper into his ear, licking it ever so slightly so he could feel the metal of your piercing graze him.

"My darling's gotten so brave, hasn't he?" Mammon groans as he grinds your leg, half listening to your words, "So slutty too... When did I say you can let that dumb bitch touch you? Have you forgotten who you belong to?" You silently apologize to [M/C], but currently you have no care other than fucking your pretty boyfriend's mind out.

Mammon lets his shirt fall from his mouth, "I'm yours, [N]... Please, please fuck me!" He pleads, the toy's way too small and too weak for him to get off.

"No." Your teasing response surprises him, you've never said no so easily to him before.

"B-But [N]!" Mammon complains to deaf ears as you ignore him, choosing to instead crashing your lips together to quiet him.

Your free hand palms his hard member through his pants, causing Mammon to arch his back into your touch, "[N]..." Your hand makes its way into his pants, rubbing his bulge before slipping past his underwear.

"You're so pretty like this, darling..." You comment, entranced by hour boyfriend's lustful behaviour, "Maybe I'll even let you cum..." Your fingers flick Mammon's dripping cock, playing with it until he was withering underneath you.

"Please...!" Mammon cries out, his release getting closer and closer yet so out of reach.

"If you're so desperate, why don't you beg for it?" You order, smirking at Mammon's shocked expression, "W-What?"

"I said beg, unless you want me to leave you in this bathroom."

"N-No way!" He detests, even if a small inkling of curiosity grew inside him.

"Well, if you say so... I'm sure that'd be so fun, pitifully jacking yourself off all alone here." You shrug, about to pull off him, only to be met with resistance as Mammon holds your arm in place.

"B-Bastard...!" You raise an eyebrow at him, ushering him on.

He takes a deep breath before looking up at you, "[N], please let me cum, please, please!" His bleary eyes staring into your clear ones make you smirk before resuming your actions. The tips of his ears turn red as he fully comprehends what he said, furiously blushing and swearing to hit you after you were finished.

Mammon bites into your clothed shoulder to muffle his sounds, panting at the vibrations from his backside paired with your hand movements.

"[N], please, I'm c-cumm...!" A particularly breathless moan is heard as Mammon spurts into your unrelenting hand, throwing his hands over your shoulders to hold you close.

"Good boy... But, don't get all relaxed now, I haven't finished."

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