Seungbae [Killing Stalking]

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Genre: Smut
Content: Handcuffs, spit as lube, begging, edging, doggystyle, assassin!reader
Tag: Hot_Ssauce
[N] = Name
[S/N] = Surname

A/N: let's all ignore that i accidentally published it before it was finished

"Holy shit... Isn't that [N] [S/N]?"

"Wait, you mean that genius assassin guy?"

"What's he even doing in some random town? Hell, how'd that guy even catch him?"

They're of course talking about you, “the genius assassin” that managed to assassinate over 30+ people, from politicians to celebrities in little under 2 months. A lot of rich people have grudges strong enough to hire you, and you simply did as told.

But, how great are you if you've been caught?

It was all an accident, really you just bumped into an off duty officer and they recognized you.

You curse under your breath as officers glance your way and begin to whisper, "Do you think he was going to kill someone from here?" You were, before everything else happened.

You tug the shackles on your wrists, testing the resistance of the metal bands. "Please sit down." Ah, the man who found you, “Seungbae Yang” he seems to have a bad reputation amongst his colleagues, he must think capturing you is his way to a good position, how sad that he thinks you'd lose so easily.

"You're [N] [S/N], correct?" You stay quiet for a minute before you lazily smile, "Maybe, it's not like you actually have proof." You were right, there's nothing against you other than an untrustworthy witness's words followed by a rough police sketch.

Seungbae sweats, it's been over 5 hours and nothing you've said can be used against you, all he can do is keep you locked up for the meanwhile.

Almost everyone's left by the time your interview's over, deeming it basically useless to interrogate you.

"Aren't you leaving, Seungbae?" A random officer asks, "No, I'm keeping guard." Seungbae's eyes flicker towards you inside your cell, you winking as your eyesight meets, causing him to scowl, "If you say so."

It's quiet, Seungbae doing paperwork and hardly paying any mind to you.

"The cuffs are a little tight, not gonna at least take them off?" You say to the other completely ignoring you, you get no response.

You're starting to get a little bored, plus you're in a dangerous position now that multiple people have seen your face.

Your hands hold the bars of your cell as you lean forwards, "Babe, take off my cuffs or I'll escape out of them myself." Seungbae's taken aback by your nickname, blushing a little before glaring at you, "Why do you need me if you can just escape?"

"Who knows? Maybe to catch you off guard and handcuff you instead, you'd look pretty in these." Your small comment causes Seungbae to choke on his own spit, it's ridiculous but some hidden part of him urges him on.

He stays silent for a minute. Oh well, it's not like you expected it to work in the first place.

Seungbae gulps down, and unexpectedly walks towards your small cell. He doesn't speak as he unlocks the cell door and holds out his hand.

You quirk an eyebrow, placing your chained wrists atop his open palm. He silently frees you, immediately turning back to leave and unsure why he did that in the first place.

Your quick hands shut the door before he gets out, Seungbae jumping in surprise as you trap him between your chest and the closed bars.

Your hand glides down the metal bar as you chuckle into his ear, intentionally pressing yourself to his turned back. "Leaving so soon, officer?" Your free hand holds his trembling one, taking the handcuffs he was holding and putting them on his wrist, "W-What are you doing?"

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