Eiji [Banana Fish]

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Genre: Lime
Content: Cockwarming, marking
Tag: KarmaBakugo_
[N] = Name

A/N: haven't felt very motivated to write lately, sorry

"[N]..." Eiji drawls out, clenching his fists on the table as he tries to grind back onto your cock resting inside him.

You choose to ignore him, tightening your hold on his hip to keep him still. Eiji has half the mind to knock your phone off your hand so you'd pay attention to him, but it probably wouldn't end well for him.

It isn't his fault someone decided to flirt with him, so why were you so jealous?

Eiji huffs, closing his eyes. He decides to focus on the feeling of your length, the way it fills him so perfectly. It inevitably backfires and he's squirming on your lap at the burning thought.

An annoyed sigh, "Are you going to stop that? Or am I going to have to pull out entirely?" Eiji knows you aren't lying, you've left him alone plenty of times because he didn't listen.

And it all just makes him frustrated, it really wasn't his fault in the first place. You two were on a restaurant date and the waiter just shoot their shot, he didn't do anything to deserve this hellish punishment.

Eiji can't focus on his work at all, while you seemed like nothing was out of the ordinary – like he had no affect on you, which results in a small jut of his bottom lip in a pout.

"If I knew you were going to be like this maybe I should've let them fuck me." Eiji would definitely regret his words later on, but he'll save that for later – right now all he wants is for you to bend him over and fuck him stupid.

Your careless gaze hardens as you finally turn off your phone and face him, "What did you just say?" Your frightening glare causes a lingering shiver run down his spine, and guilt wriggles it's way to his stomach.

He probably should've kept his mouth shut.

"Tell me, darling." You lean forward just a breath away from touching his ear, your lips barely grazing the shell. "Do you genuinely think they'd fuck you as good as me?" Eiji shivers at the confidence of your tone, as if you know he's ruined for anyone else and only you can satisfy him.

Your arm encases his waist and pulls him closer, "Have you forgotten who you belong to?" A tiny whine leaves Eiji as you drift down towards his neck and proceed to stick soft kisses. The rare occasions when you were slow and loving always manages to make him feel like putty in your hands – don't get him wrong, he adores it when you were rough and harsh, but these times make him weak.

"You're the prettiest like this, y'know?" You comment, rubbing against the skin of his throat, "So desperate for me you make empty threats." Your lips part, allowing your tongue to lick along his collarbone.

Your free hand reaches to his chin, tilting his head upwards. You catch his smooth skin with your teeth and bite down, "Ah...!" Eiji yelps at the unexpected pain, you chuckle at the sound and lap up the dripping blood.

The metallic taste dances on your taste buds, a pretty red painting his skin. Eiji pants, you've never done that before.

You admire the bite mark, gripping Eiji's chin and forcing him to look at you, "See this as a reminder." And with that you're carrying him to your shared bedroom.

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