Gates woke up at five in the morning to get ready for work. She got out of bed and checked her phone. She noticed she had a text from Detective Beckett and began to read it. The text asked for the day off from work, and she sent back that she could take the day off. Gates noticed the message was sent at 2:32 AM. After a few seconds she realized why her detective must have been up so late. She had been having sex with her husband. Gates didn't blame her, and figured she probably would have done the same thing if she was in Kate's shoes.
Kate woke up at nine in the morning and noticed her and her husband were sleeping naked. She smiled remembering what happened last night before they went to sleep. Kate felt Rick's member pressing against her back, and it was turning her on. She really need to go pee and her throat was extremely dry, so Kate slowly slid out of bed trying not to wake up her husband. She was afraid she was going to pee on the floor because she had to go so bad, so Kate quietly ran into the master bathroom without bothering to shut the door. She quickly reached the toilet and was glad the see the cover was already lifted. Kate plopped down on the toilet seat and relieved herself. After washing her hands, she took the glass on the sink and filled it with cold water. Kate lifted the glass to her lips and moaned slightly when she felt the cold water drain down her dry throat. After gulping down the water, she put down the glass and walked in the bedroom to find Castle wide awake. "Wow," he said as his eyes scanned her naked body. "Hey, sorry if I woke you up," Kate said as she made her way over to the bed and climbed back under the covers. She reached her hand out and grabbed her phone off the night stand. Kate found two new texts; one from Gates and one from Martha. The message from Gates said that she could have the day off, and the one from Martha said she took the twins to her apartment to babysit, so that they could have the day alone. Kate sent a thank you to both of them, and placed her phone back on the nightstand. "What did my mother want?" asked Rick as he gestured to her phone. "She took the twins to her apartment to babysit, so we can spend the day alone," Kate answered. Rick moved closer to his wife and gave her a short kiss on the lips. "Well in that case, I want to make love to my beautiful wife, right now," he said in a sexy voice. Rick slowly slid himself into Kate's body and began to thrust in and out. After three thrusts Kate said, "Rick, stop please." He immediately stopped and gave her a strange look. Kate had never asked him to stop, so he was very confused. Kate scooted backwards inching Rick out of her body. Once he was no longer inside her Rick asked, "Kate?" Kate caught her breath and said, "I stopped taking my birth control pills when you were abducted." Rick's eyes grew big and he said, "Last night..." "I know. I just dawned on me," Kate replied. "We went three rounds without a condom. Do you think you could be pregnant?" Rick asked. "I don't know. It's to soon to tell," Kate responded. She then got off the bed and made her way to Castle's night stand.
Warning Sexual Scene (If you are too young or don't like this type of thing, please feel free to skip the remainder of this chapter or just part of it. There will be a sex scene, a normal scene, and then another sex scene following the normal one.)
Kate opened the drawer and took out a box of condoms. She took one out of the box and sat back down on the bed. Kate wrapped her hands around Rick's penis causing him to shiver and then let out some precum. She licked the tip and moaned from the taste. Then Kate slipped the condom on Rick's member and spread out her legs so that he could enter her again. Rick slowly pressed himself into his wife's body, loving hearing her moan. With each thrust he increased his speed and went a little deeper. After a few minutes Kate said, "Rick (pant) I'm going to cum." "Hold on. I'm almost there," he said out of breath. After a few more thrusts they cumed together, gripping each other's body tightly. "Wow," said Kate once she had regained her breath. "I know," said Rick as he pulled out.
End of First Sex Scene!!!!!
After a few seconds Kate yelled, "Damn it!" and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. "Kate?" asked Rick. "Are you okay?" After about twenty seconds of silence she replied, "Yeah." Rick took off the condom and waited for his wife to come out of the bathroom. A few minutes later Kate emerged in a pink fuzzy bathrobe. She noticed her husband still laying naked on the bed and it was really turning her on. "Why don't you put some clothes on Rick?" she asked. "Kate? What's wrong?" Rick asked concerned. "Nothing. Why would you think something's wrong?" Kate responded. "Well for one, you ran it to the bathroom yelling 'damn it'. And two, you don't appear to want to go for another round, which is completely unlike you," Rick replied. Kate sighed and said, "I do want to go for another round." "Then why did you tell me to get dressed?" he questioned. "Because.... I umm... just started my period," Kate said. "So your not pregnant?" Rick asked. Kate shook her head and muttered under her breath, "Thank goodness." Rick gave her a confused look, so she clarified, "I want to have another child, but we planned on waiting another five months before trying. I would have felt very bad if I messed that up." Rick nodded and said, "You know... if you want to... we could still have sex anyways." "Really?" asked Kate suprised. "I thought you would think that's too gross." "Your my beautiful wife Kate, and I love you. Nothing about your body, or anything that come out of it, grosses me out," he replied. Kate sat on the bed and gave him nice kiss on the lips. When they pulled apart Rick said, "We should probably go get some towels we don't care about." Kate nodded and smiled watching him run to the bathroom while flapping his arms. Rick returned a few minutes later with some old towels and laid them on the bed. "Ready?" he asked. Kate nodded, so he began to take off her bathrobe. Once the bathrobe was off he moved down to her lady parts. Rick moved his fingers towards the string coming out of her vagina. "Do you want me to remove your tampon or do you want to?" Rick asked. "I want you to," Kate replied. He nodded and moved his fingers towards the string. Rick looked up at Kate and saw her closing her eyes and cringing. "Kate?" he asked. She opened her eyes and asked, "What?" "Why are you cringing?" Rick asked. "Because I know it is going to hurt badly to take out a mostly dry tampon. I've done it before and it hurts for hours. That's why your not exactly supposed to do it, because you can tare the vagina walls," Kate replied. "Do you want to wait a few hours?" he asked. "We can make breakfast and then watch a movie or two before resuming this." "Yeah, that might be a good idea," Kate replied. "Thanks." "Always my love," Castle replied. The two of them got dressed and went into the kitchen to make a delicious breakfast.
Detective Esposito and Detective Ryan were just assigned a new homicide, and they wondered where Beckett and Castle were. "Hey Javi, do you know where those two are?" asked Ryan gesturing to Beckett's desk and the empty chair next to it. "No man, I was just thinking the same thing," Espo replied. "Maybe Gates knows," suggested Ryan. "Sure, I guess we can ask her," Esposito replied. So the two detectives knocked on their captain's door. She told them to come in and Ryan said, "We were wondering if you know why Beckett isn't here or when she might be coming in." Gates replied, "She texted me at 2:32 this morning asking for the day off. I let her have the day off given everything that has happened." Esposito raised his eyebrow and glanced at his partner. "Oops! I didn't mean to mention the time," Gates thought to herself. Then she looked at her detectives and asked, "Why? Can you not function without her and Castle?" "No sir, we can," Detective Esposito replied and they both left their boss' office. Once they returned to their desks and sat down Ryan asked, "2:32 in the morning?" Espo looked at him and grinned and then said, "Yep I know what you're thinking and I totally agree. I bet they are doing the same thing today too." "What?" asked Ryan. "Oh come on! You had to have been thinking that they were having sex," Espo responded. "That haven't even crossed my mind," Ryan replied. "Of course not," said Espo and the two of them send Beckett a text before returning to work.
After eating breakfast Kate and Rick sat on the couch and began to watch a movie they had seen a few years earlier called The Fault in Our Stars. About halfway through the movie, Kate's phone vibrated and she saw a text from Ryan and Esposito. It said, "We heard you were having sex with Castle until after two thirty in the morning. Is that what you're doing now?" Kate wondered how they knew and figured maybe Gates mentioned getting a text early in the morning. She then decided to torment them and make her fellow detectives shocked. Kate typed back, "I'm watching a movie with my husband now, but we did spend many hours having sex and plan on more later. I love it when he cums in my mouth. Rick tastes SO GOOD! I also love feeling him inside my body. Rick makes me feel AMAZING! While I am having fun in bed trying new things, I hope you guys are enjoying your paperwork. :) -Kate" She then put her phone away and leaned her head on Rick's shoulder falling asleep for the remainder of the movie.
Ryan and Espo checked their phones and saw a reply from Kate. They were shocked and their mouths hung open when they read her reply. After a minute or two they continued their work and vowed never to bring up the subject of Beckett in bed again.
After the movie was over, Rick woke up his wife by kissing her on the lips. "Hey," she said once they released. "Do you want to continue what we started this morning?" Rick nodded and said, "If you're ready." Kate nodded and took Rick's hand, leading him into their bedroom.
Warning Sexual Scene (If you are too young or this type of scene isn't for you, please skip the rest of this chapter. A brief summary will be posted at the beginning of the next chapter.)
Kate shoved Rick on the bed and quickly undressed him. Then Rick flipped her over and took off all Kate's clothing. Rick paused by her tampon string and asked, "Ready?" "You might want to get some tissues or toilet paper to wrap it in once you take it out and move a trash can over here so we don't have to stop for you to go find one," Kate replied. Rick nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. He quickly returned with a trash can and some toilet paper. Rick then laid the toilet paper on the bed (on the towels) and moved back down to his wife's downstairs. He grasped the tampon string and slowly pulled it out. Once it was completely out, Rick wrapped it in toilet paper and threw it in the trash. Then Rick kissed Kate on the lips which quickly escalated with lots of tongue. The two finally released panting, having been transported to a secret world for just the two of them. Rick put on a condom and placed his member at Kate's entrance. "Ready?" he asked. Kate nodded, so Rick slowly pushed his way into his wife's body enjoying hearing her moan. He was surprised to find how well he slipped in because her blood made a perfect lubricant. After a few minutes Rick said panting, "Kate are you almost there?" She nodded and rubbed her clit so they could cum at the same time. After two more thrusts, Rick and Kate cumed at the same time screaming each other's name. After their breathing calmed, Rick pulled out of his wife and grabbed a tissue to wipe off the bloody condom before removing it. After he removed the condom Kate asked, "Do you want to go for another round in the tub?" Rick nodded and lifted his wife, carrying Kate bridal style into their master bedroom. After they returned from the bathroom, got dressed, and cleaned up, Kate asked, "Rick, can we go get our children from your mom's house?" "I was just going to ask you the same thing," he replied. "Let's go!"

Castle and Beckett: Always
FanfictionBased on the series Castle on ABC, this story is taking place as a season 8 or 9 (after Beckett and Castle get married). Age 14+ (There is some sex scenes and sexual language) Also parts of the story may be a little graphic and bloody. If you don't...