Chapter 22

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Two weeks before the due date...

"Castle," called Kate from the bathroom. He was in their bedroom and replied, "What?" "I need your help," she replied. Hearing the distress in her voice, Castle leapt out of bed and stepped into the bathroom. "What?" he asked again. "I need to pee, but I can't," Kate said almost crying. Thinking she was joking, Castle started to laugh. "No, I am serious," she replied as a tear rolled down her cheek. As soon as Kate said this, Castle abruptly stopped laughing and looked at her with a strange look on his face. To prove she was serious, Kate squeezed as hard as she could trying to pee until she ran out of breath. "Why can't you pee?" asked Rick concerned. "The babies are in the way," replied Kate. "I looked it up," she continued, "It says that certain positions might allow the urine to come out easier, but I need your help." Kate said looking up at her husband with tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" Castle asked. "Because it hurts," she responded, "I haven't been able to pee for like 24 hours, and my bladder is about to explode." "What do you need me to do?" Rick asked. "Well, the first thing it said online to try was just lifting up the babies, but I tried that, and it didn't work. Next it says to try to lay as flat as possible. Can you hold me so I don't fall over?" Kate decided it would be best to turn around backwards on the toilet and have her husband support her upper body as she tried to lay flat. She tried as hard as she could to urinate, but was unsuccessful. "Kate?" asked Rick. "Ummm.... watching you try to pee is making me have to. Can you move over a little so I can go?" "Yeah," she said sighing. She moved slightly so he could go and listened to the sound of him urinating while feeling his warm penis against her leg. "Castle. Hearing you pee is making my bladder hurt more." whined Kate. As soon as he heard what she said, he abruptly stopped his urine stream and kindly asked, "Would you like me to go to the other bathroom?" "No, just hurry up," responded Kate. After he finished Kate said, "Next, it suggests squatting, while leaning forwards, and holding up the babies out of the way." "Okay," he said. "You squat down over the toilet, lean forwards, and rest your head on my shoulder. I will try to hold up the babies." She did as he suggested. "Ready?" asked Kate. "Yup," he responded. "If I can pee, you will have to tell me if it is going in the toilet or not, because I can't see over my gigantic stomach." said Kate giggling. "Okay," he replied softly. Kate squeezed and was thrilled to find she could actually pee like that. "Yay," said Kate relieved. "Holy crap," said Castle once she finished urinating. "What?" asked Kate. "I counted, and you were peeing for 1 minute and 45 seconds," he said grinning. "Well I told you my bladder was about to explode." "I am going to need your help going to the bathroom until Johanna and Cosmo are born," said Kate. "Okay," replied Castle. "Jeez, being pregnant is difficult," they both thought to themselves.

"Would you like me to make you some food?" asked Castle once they were out of the bathroom. "Can I have some ice cream?" Kate asked batting her eyelashes. "Sure," he responded coming back with a whole bowl. Just as they were about finished eating, Beckett's phone went off. "Beckett," she answered. "There has been a murder," said Ryan, "but we didn't know if you were up to working this case." "Just because I have less than two weeks until my due date, does not mean I won't help." said Kate happily. "Okay," said Ryan giving her the address. "Come on Castle. There has been a murder." she said to her husband. "Alright. Let's go," he responded.

At the crime scene.....

"Hey Lanie," said Kate, waddling over to see her friend. "Jeez, you look like you are about to explode," she said looking at my belly. "So do you," Kate replied. "Well, I only have one baby in me, not two," she replied smiling. "Our victim is Dana Williams," said Esposito as he walked over. "She was shot with a 9 millimeter around 2:00 this morning." Lanie stated. "Lanie, you shouldn't be working," complained Espo. "You should start your maternity leave today." "If she can be here," said Lanie gesturing to Kate, "I can be here."

Back at the precinct.....

"Can you two look into her phone and financial records? Beckett asked Ryan and Esposito. "Sure," they replied in unison. "Come on Castle. The vic's sister is here." said Beckett as she walked/waddled into the interview lounge. "Hello, my name is Detective Kate Beckett, and this is Richard Castle," said Beckett once she was seated. "We are here to talk to you about you sister." "What about my sister?" she asked. "You don't know?" asked Beckett. And the woman shook her head. "I am sorry to tell you this, but your sister has been murdered." After asking the usual questions, they left the room to see what Ryan and Esposito had found. "We found unusually large bank deposits in our victim's account." said Ryan. "Each time, right after these deposits showed up, there was a phone call to the same person." said Esposito. "Who?" asked Beckett. "Robert Williams," said Ryan. "He had priors for bank robbing," said Esposito. "So, maybe Dana and him were partners, and she called him every time she deposited the money to tell him if it was flagged or not." Castle said. "Try to track him down, and then bring him in." said Beckett. Once she was back at her desk Kate whispered to Castle, "I have to pee, but I am going to need help." "Let's just casually stroll to the bathroom," suggested Castle. "But you can't just go into the women's bathroom with me," said Kate still whispering. "Just go into the unisex one, you know, the one you used to puke in," Castle whispered back. "Okay," Kate whispered back. Then the two of them strolled over to the bathroom and quickly went inside. "Let's make this quick," said Kate as she unbuttoned her pants. "Okay," replied Castle.

Meanwhile..... "Where is Detective Beckett and Mr. Castle?" asked Gates. "I don't know," said Esposito. "Yeah me either," replied Ryan unconvincingly. Both of them had seen Castle and Beckett go into the bathroom together, but they figured it was none of their business why. "Where are they?" repeated Gates angrily. Both the boys looked at each other and said in unison, "They are in the bathroom sir." "Together!?!" she shriked. And both boys nodded their heads. Then Gates walked over to the bathroom and put her ear to the door and listened in on what they were saying. She heard:

"This was easier to do at home. Probably because you were only in your bra, so I could hold you better." -Castle

"Shut up. We need to hurry before Gates realizes we are gone." -Beckett

"Okay, I am ready when you are." -Castle

"I'm ready." -Beckett

(Small groan) -Beckett

About one minute later.....

(Sigh) "Thanks for helping me." -Beckett

"You're welcome." -Castle


Then Gates went back into her office, and shut the door just as they came out of the bathroom.

Once they were seated back at Beckett's desk. Ryan and Esposito rolled their chairs over and Ryan said, "We found Robert. He is checked into a hotel in Queens." "Alright, so go get him," said Beckett. "We were going to, but we wanted to tell you something else first," Ryan said. "Um, Gates put her ear up to the bathroom door while you guys were in there and was listening in on what you were doing," whispered Esposito. "Oh gosh," said Beckett. "She probably thought we were having sex in the bathroom. Do you remember anything you said?" asked Kate turning towards Castle. "No," he replied. "Well, whatever you were doing, just know that if you do it again, she might be listening," said Ryan as they got up to go arrest Robert.

"Hello Robert. I'm Detective Esposito and this is my partner Detective Ryan," said Esposito as he entered the interrogation room. "We found a 9 millimeter in your apartment Mr.Williams. Why did you kill Dana?" "I didn't kill her," said Robert. "The gun is a match," said Ryan. "It isn't mine," replied Robert. Right after he said this Beckett came in and whispered in Ryan's ear, "Jenny's in labor. Go see her I will take over." Ryan scrambled out of the room while Esposito and Kate got Robert to confess. After doing the paperwork, Gates allowed all of them to go see Jenny in the hospital. When Castle and Beckett walked into the room, they saw Jenny holding a cute baby boy. "Hello, this is Connor Javier Ryan," said Jenny. "He is so adorable," said Beckett. "Just think in less than two weeks, we will have two of our own," said Castle smiling. After talking to Jenny for a few minutes and holding the baby, Castle and Beckett went home, curled up in bed, and got the much needed sleep for the next day.

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