It had been about two weeks since Alexis and Tesa were released from the hospital, and Alexis was doing fabulous as a mother. Today is the day Castle and Beckett invited Lanie, Javi, baby Silvia, Ryan, Jenny, baby Conner, and toddler Sarah to come over. There was about an hour until they arrived, so Kate put the twins down for their nap so they would be rested when everyone arrived. Then she walked downstairs and into the bedroom to get dressed. Castle pinned her against the door and gave her a romantic kiss on the lips, when she entered.
Warning Sex Scene (It will end mid-chapter, so I would skip through a few pages if you are too young, or don't like this sort of thing; I will tell you when it ends)
When they released from the kiss, Kate shoved him on the bed and began undressing him. After removing his shirt, belt, and pants, Kate tried to slip her hand down his boxers. Castle flipped her over before she got a chance to, and began to undress her. Once they were both naked, Kate flipped Castle over and pressed her body on top of his, and gave him a slow kiss. After a few seconds, she licked his lip and asked for permission to enter. Of course, Castle let her in his mouth and he went in hers. After tasting each other and letting their tongues battle, Kate moaned in his mouth and they released panting for air. "You have no idea how much I missed this," said Castle. "I know right," replied Kate. She then took his penis in her mouth and began to pump him. "Oh gosh Kate," moaned Castle. When she felt him get hard enough, she released and let him get ready to enter. Castle wanted to torment Kate, so he slowly kissed up her thighs, and sucked on her folds. He then stuck two fingers in her hole and moved them in and out. When he felt her almost ready, he removed his fingers and licked them clean. Then placed his tip at her entrance and before abruptly stopping. "What's wrong?" asked Kate. "Protection," he panted. Castle opened the night stand drawer and pulled out a box of condoms. He opened the box and found it was empty. "We're all out," he said. "Well, get inside me," demanded Kate. "But what if you get pregnant?" he asked. "I haven't gotten my period back because I am breastfeeding, so I doubt I will get pregnant. Even if I did, that wouldn't be the end of the world," replied Kate. "You want more kids?" Castle questioned. "Rick, I love you and our children. I wouldn't mind having another little one," Kate replied. "Okay," agreed Castle. "Now get it in already," Kate demanded. Rick slowly pushed his way into his wife's body and they both moaned. Once fully inside, he began to move in and out and Kate moved her hips to meet his thrusts. "I'm almost there," moaned Kate. With one final thrust, they both climaxed screaming each other's names. After their breathing calmed down Kate asked, "Round two?" "Oh yeah," replied Castle.
End of Sex Scene!!!!!
It was now time for the guests to arrive, and Castle and Beckett were going for a round four in their room. The doorbell had now rung twice, but they were being too loud to hear it. Upstairs, Alexis heard the doorbell, so she put Tesa on her hip and walked downstairs. She was confused when she saw nobody in the living room or kitchen. Alexis walked towards the bedroom and put her ear to the door. Luckily she heard what her parents were doing, so she didn't open their bedroom door. Instead, she went to let everyone in. Alexis opened the door to see Kevin, Jenny, Sarah, Connor, Lanie, Javi, and Silvia. She let them all in, and they sat down on the couch. "Where are Beckett and Castle?" asked Ryan. "Umm... they are kind of busy... in their bedroom," replied Alexis. "Doing what? Making another baby?" asked Espo. "Something like that," replied Alexis and everyone laughed. In their bedroom, through the baby monitor, Castle and Beckett heard Johanna cry, so they got up and started to get dressed. "Oh my gosh!" exclaimed Kate. "What?" asked Castle. "Everyone was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago," said Kate panicking. "Maybe Alexis let them in," said Castle. Once they finished getting dressed and tamed their sex hair, Castle and Beckett slowly walked out of their room to find everyone in the living room, sitting on the couches, having some sort of a conversation. "Oh, look who decided to join us," said Javi. Kate blushed a lot, but tried to hide it by going upstairs to get Johanna and Cosmo. Castle just grinned. Kate bought Jo and Cosmo downstairs and grabbed a blanket because she could tell they were hungry. Once she sat down, Kate began to feed Johanna and everyone talked about all the troubles they had so far with their children, and what they did to solve the issue. Once Jo finished eating, of course Cosmo decided he was hungry, so Kate fed him too. "I am so not looking forward to going back to work next week," said Kate. "Really?!?" asked Lanie clearly suprised. "I thought you love your job," said Jenny confused. "I do," replied Kate. "I am just going to miss my two little angels." "Who is going to take care of them when you are at work?" asked Ryan. "We are probably going to have my dad or Castle's mom take care of them," replied Kate. "Are you going back to college?" Jenny asked Alexis. "I am going to continue taking all of my classes at home, so I can take care of Tesa." replied Alexis. "That sounds like a good idea," said Lanie. After talking for a few hours, everyone went back home to get some sleep for the next day.

Castle and Beckett: Always
FanfictionBased on the series Castle on ABC, this story is taking place as a season 8 or 9 (after Beckett and Castle get married). Age 14+ (There is some sex scenes and sexual language) Also parts of the story may be a little graphic and bloody. If you don't...