Chapter 26

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If you skipped the last chapter, all you need to know is that they had sex and Kate's vagina wall got ripped so they can't have sex for three weeks due to the surgery.

It had been two weeks since Kate's surgery, and today, Castle and Beckett were taking the twins to the precinct to see everyone. "Castle can you change Cosmo's diaper?" asked Kate. They were still at home getting ready to leave. "Yep," he replied. As she went to go pack, Alexis came down and sat next to Kate. "I have a question for you," said Alexis. "Okay..?" she replied. "Can I call you mom?" Alexis asked. "You can call me whatever you want," she replied with a smile. "Thanks mum," said Alexis as she walked back upstairs. Kate started packing a bag with everything their children could possibly need before waking up Johanna. Once Jo was awake, they buckled the twins into their car seats and headed off to the precinct. Once they arrived Castle carried up the bag and two carseats for the twins to lay in. Kate carried Cosmo on her right hip and Jo on her left. When the elevator doors opened they walked over to her desk and set everything down. Kate sat down in her chair and wondered where Ryan, Espo, and Gates were. After about five minutes, all three of them came out of the interrogation room looking mad. However when they saw Beckett and the twins, they started to smile. "Hey guys," said Kate. "Hey Beckett," said Ryan. "What are you doing here?" asked Esposito. "We thought we would bring the twins to visit," she replied. Cosmo started to fuss, so Kate handed him off to Rick. "He wants his daddy," she said. Cosmo and Castle have a special bond. Beckett and Castle are not sure why, but ever since he was born, he seemed to be happier near his dad. "They are so cute," said Gates. "And they have grown so much," said Ryan. "Yeah," replied Kate. "Is Lanie back to work yet?" asked Castle. "No," replied Espo. "You are coming back to work in a few weeks right Detective?" asked Gates. "Yes sir," Kate replied. "Can I hold one of them?" asked Gates. "Yeah, here. You can hold Johanna," replied Kate as she handed her off to Gates. "She is so cute," said Gates as she tickled Jo's tummy. After showing almost everyone in the precinct Cosmo and Jo, they went back to her desk and sat down. Then Gates came over again and asked to hold Cosmo. Castle handed him to her and then Johanna started to fuss. Kate picked her up and asked, "What's wrong baby?" Jo tried to stick her hand down Kate's shirt, so she knew she must be hungry. "I'll be right back," said Kate as she grabbed a blanket out of the bag she brought and carried Jo into the break room. In the break room she shut all the blinds and tried to get Johanna to latch on to her breast. Once Jo latched on and started drinking her mother's milk, Kate covered herself with a blanket, opened the blinds, and went back to her desk. When she got there, Gates was still holding Cosmo and Castle, Ryan, Espo, and Gates were in some sort of a discussion. "What are you guys talking about?" asked Kate as she sat down in her chair and readjusted the blanket covering Johanna and her breasts. "Your husband was telling us about the babies being born," said Gates as she passed Cosmo off to Ryan. For some reason Espo was staring at Kate feeding Johanna under the blanket. "Espo," said Beckett sternly. "What?" he asked looking up to meet her eyes. "Stop staring at me feeding Jo," she replied. "Sorry," he replied. "Haven't you seen Lanie feed Silvia?" asked Castle. "No, she tried, but couldn't figure it out, so we give her formula," he replied. "We should all get together with our children. I haven't seen Silvia yet, and only saw Connor once," said Kate. "Yeah, Lanie has been complaining because she hasn't seen Cosmo and Johanna." Gates felt very excluded, so she went back into her office. "How about you guys come to our apartment next Saturday?" suggested Castle. "Okay," Ryan and Espo said in sync. Kate slightly lifted the blanket and saw that Jo was done eating, so she sat Jo in her lap, pulled down her shirt and bra, took off the blanket, and put Jo back in her carseat and slowly rocked it until she fell asleep. Just as she was about to get up and go to the bathroom, Kate's phone rang. "Beckett," she answered. "Mum, ummm... my water broke," said Alexis. "Have you gotten any contractions?" asked Kate as she took Cosmo from Ryan and started buckling him into his carseat. "No," replied Alexis. "Okay, stay where you are. Your dad and I will be right there. Call me if you start having contractions," said Kate as she grabbed the baby bag. "Okay," replied Alexis as she hung up. "What's going on?" asked Castle. "Alexis's water broke," said Kate as she picked up Johanna in her carseat and handed Cosmo to Castle. "Oh crap," said Castle as the two of them rushed to the elevator. They flew through the other cars and just as they were almost home, Alexis called and screamed through the phone. Kate knew that meant she had started to have contractions. Castle parked the car and ran upstairs to get Alexis. Kate stayed in the car and took care of the babies. Castle carried the screaming Alexis to the car and they drove to the hospital. Once they got there, Alexis was changed into a gown, put in a wheelchair, and brought to the delivery room. "Do you want to be in there or do you want me to be in there?" Kate asked Rick. "How about we let her pick?" suggested Castle. "Good idea," replied Kate. Alexis said she wanted Kate to be in there, so Castle waited outside with the twins. After only fifteen minutes, the doctor said it was time to push. Alexis screamed and cried as she pushed, but eventually, she managed to push out her baby girl. The baby cried and was taken into another room by the nurse. "Where are they taking her?" asked Alexis panicking. "They are making sure she is healthy sweetie," replied Kate. Alexis was wheeled into another room, and Castle, Kate, Johanna, Castle, and Martha quickly got in the new room. A few minutes later a nurse came in with Alexis's daughter wrapped in a pink blanket. "What would you like to name her?" asked the nurse. "Tesa Lilian Castle," replied Alexis. The nurse wrote it down and quickly left the room. "What a beautiful name," said Martha. Alexis looked down at her daughter and for once since she was raped (besides when she met the twins), she smiled. After receiving visitors, (Ryan, Jenny, Espo, Lanie, and her friend Paige), Alexis put her daughter in the crib next to the bed and began to fall asleep. At this point, Martha left, leaving Kate, Castle, and the twins in the room. Cosmo got hungry and started to fuss, so Kate fed him while Alexis started to wake up. "Oh hi," said Alexis once she noticed her dad and Kate were looking at her. Kate finished feeding Cosmo just as Tesa started to fuss. The nurse walked in and said, "She is probably hungry, so you might want to try to feed her." Then she quickly left. "Would you like us to leave?" asked Castle. "Yes, well.. I want you to leave," said Alexis. "Mom can stay." Castle got very confused, but he left anyways. Once he left he texted Kate and wrote, "Why do I have to leave? :( And why did she call you mom?" Kate quickly replied, "She probably wanted you to leave because you are a boy, and she asked me earlier today if she could call me mom. I said yes." "Ummm... Mom?" asked Alexis. "Hmmm?" asked Kate as she put away her phone and picked up baby Johanna. "Umm.. I don't know how to feed her," said Alexis. "Oh, don't worry I didn't know how to either. Your father told me how to. Apparently he read it online. Anyways, basically you just hold her in one arm and line her straight up with your nipple. Then rub your nipple over her lip until she latches on," said Kate "Okay..?" said Alexis. "Would you like me to show you?" asked Kate. "Yeah," replied Alexis. Kate doesn't really like anyone to see her breasts, but Alexis was confused and she was practically her daughter, so Kate decided it was alright. Kate picked up Johanna, who actually seemed hungry, and sat on the bed next to Alexis. She pushed up her shirt and bra and showed her how she feeds Jo. Johanna latched on faster than usual, so Kate got a blanket and covered herself once Alexis saw how to feed a baby. Alexis tried for about twenty minutes before Tesa finally latched on. "It takes longer for her to latch on the first time, so don't think it is going to take forever each time," said Kate as she put Jo back in her carseat. "How do I know when she is done eating?" asked Alexis as she pulled a blanket over her breasts. "She will stop eating and probably fall asleep. Just watch for when she releases. It usually takes about ten to twenty minutes," replied Kate. "Thanks," said Alexis. "For what?" asked Kate. "For always helping and loving me," replied Alexis. "You're welcome," replied Kate. "Well, I think your dad and I should go put the twins to bed. Is it okay if we leave, or do you want one of us to stay overnight?" "You can leave. I'll be okay," said Alexis. "Okay, see you tomorrow," said Kate as she took the bag, Cosmo and Johanna, and the two carseats. "How is she?" asked Castle as soon as Kate shut the door. "She is fine. She's feeding Tesa, and then she will probably fall asleep right away," she replied. Castle poked his head in the room and said, "Bye Alexis." "Bye dad," she replied. Then Castle and Beckett went home with the twins to get some sleep.

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