Chapter 28

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Castle woke up and felt Kate's side of the bed cold and vacant. He got up and went into the kitchen and found a note taped to the coffee maker. It said:

Went to get some eggs. I'll be back by 9:00 AM.
Love you,

Castle looked at the clock and saw it was 10:56 AM. He started to freak out a little, but figured he should check the rest of the house. After checking the house and not finding Kate, Castle called the precinct, to see if she was there. Ryan answered and asked, "Hey Castle, what's up?" "Have you seen Beckett?" asked Castle. "No why?" questioned Ryan. "She left a note saying she went to buy eggs, and that she would be back by nine." "That's weird," responded Ryan. "Maybe she saw someone she knew and they started talking." "She would have called or texted," replied Castle. "Something isn't right." "Well I don't know what to tell you except she hasn't been here," said Ryan. "Okay thanks," replied Castle and then he hung up. Next, he went to ask Alexis to look after the twins. She agreed, so Castle walked to the closest store hoping to find Kate. On the sidewalk, three blocks from their apartment building, Castle found a package of broken eggs, a few long brown hairs, and Kate's phone. He immediately called Ryan to tell him what he found. Ryan sent CSU and Lanie over to look at what he found. Lanie got dna from the hair and confirmed that it was Kate's. Espo had Tory look at traffic cameras covering that spot, and she found footage of Kate being abducted and tossed into a white van with no plates. She tried to track where the van was going, but it turned down an alley with no traffic cams. Ryan got a few uniforms to canvass for witnesses who may have seen the van. Castle went back to the precinct and called Alexis, Jim, and Martha, to tell them what was going on. Gates seemed rather pissed that her best detective got kidnapped, and seemed very determined to find and punish whoever was behind it.


Kate opened her eyes and saw that she was in a small cement room. She tried to figure out how she got there and then she remember getting tossed into a van and injected with a needle. Kate tried to stand up, but failed because both her wrists and ankles were handcuffed. She thought about how freaked out Castle must be and then she thought about her children. What would they eat? Kate had pumped about six bottles of milk over the last few days, but what would happen when they ran out? Just as Kate thought about her father, she heard footsteps that pulled her from her thoughts. The door opened and out stepped Jerry Tyson.

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