Chapter 16

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Kate's four weeks off from work went by fast. Her and Castle spent their days watching movies and looking at baby stuff online. Before they knew it, she had to go back work. "Castle, time to wake up," Kate told her husband. "I have to go back to work today." "Already?" He asked. "Yeah," Kate replied with a sigh. "What's wrong?" Rick asked noticing her mood. "Nothing," she quickly replied. "Something," he responded. "Okay," said Kate. "I had a strange dream about a girl who was murdered by her mother." "Huh. That's strange," replied Castle. "I am going to take a shower. Do you want to join me?" "Sure," Kate replied. By the time she got in the bathroom, Castle was already standing there naked waiting for her to join him. "Do you want me to help you take off your clothes?" He asked. "Sure," Kate replied giggling. Once she was fully undressed Castle looked her up and down and said, "You know, you have a baby bump." "Yeah," she replied smiling. Then they stepped in the shower and let the water run over their bodies. In the shower Castle held her tiny baby bump and kissed her. "I love you Kate," he said. "I love you too Rick," Kate replied.

At the new crime scene.....

"Hey Lanie," said Beckett bending down to be at the vic's level. "What have you got for me?" "32 year old female was strangled around 10:00 last night here in the park." Said Lanie rolling over the victim. As soon as Kate saw the victim's face she started violently shaking, and tears started rolling down her face. "What's wrong Kate?" Asked Lanie. "Do you know who the victim is?" Kate shock her head side to side signaling no. "Castle," whispered Kate shakily. "Castle," Lanie yelled. "Beckett needs you." Castle turned around and saw his wife crying and violently shaking. He ran over to her and asked Lanie what happened. "I don't know. I just rolled over the victim, and she started shaking." Lanie replied. Castle picked up Kate and sat her down on the nearest park bench. He then held her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead. "Kate, what's wrong," he asked. "The girl...." Started Kate shakily. "She was the one...." "Was she the one from your dream?" Asked Castle. And Beckett nodded her head yes. "I'm scared," said Kate shakily. Castle hugged her shaking body tight for a minute before saying, "You stay here. I am going to go talk to Ryan and Esposito." Then he walked over to Ryan and Esposito and told them to pick up the vic's mom and that she was the killer. They looked confused, but he went back over to Kate before they could ask any questions. Suddenly feeling nauseous, Kate tried to get up to go find a trash can, but she was shaking too much to move, so she ended up puking on the ground next to the bench. After she threw up, Castle carried her to his car, and brought her home. He changed her into pajamas (she was still shaking to much to do it herself) and placed her in bed. Then he called Gates and told her that he took Kate home because she was violently shaking and throwing up. "Castle," called Kate from the bedroom after he hung up. "What do you need?" he asked worried. "I need you," she said. Understanding what she needed, he changed himself into pajamas, got in bed, and held Kate until she fell asleep. Then he fell asleep himself.

Castle woke up about two hours later because Kate was screaming, crying, and kicking him in her sleep. He shook her and yelled her name to try to get her to wake up, but she still remained asleep. Finally he decided he would try putting a cold cloth on her neck. This worked. Kate woke up and threw herself onto Castle. "Thank goodness you are okay," she said kissing Castle on the lips. Realizing she had a cold, wet cloth on her neck she tossed it on the floor and kissed Castle some more. "What happened in your dream?" asked Castle. "Well in my dream I had a dream that you were murdered. Then I woke up, and you weren't there. Next Lanie called, so I went to the crime scene and there you were, dead." said Kate crying. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Asked Castle. "Yes," she replied. "I want to feel you inside me and know that you aren't going to leave me." Castle was surprised by what she said, but obeyed. After they had sex, and Rick told Kate that he loved her 1,000 times, she decided she wanted to go back to work.

"Hey Beckett," said Ryan, "Are you okay?" "I am fine," she replied sitting in her chair. Castle noticed she was swaying back and forth slightly, and he hoped she would be okay. "So where are we on the case?" Beckett asked. "You were right," said Esposito. "We searched the mom's apartment and found the murder weapon along with shoes covered in the vic's blood." "So what are you doing now?" Castle asked Ryan and Esposito. "Paperwork," they replied in sync. "I am going to go see Lanie," Beckett said. "Why?" asked Castle. "I just want to talk to her," Beckett replied. "Do you want me to come?" Castle asked. "No," she replied. "But I will call you if I need anything." "What happened this morning?" Asked Ryan. Castle then told them what happened and what he did to make her stop shaking. "Wow. That must have been scary. She is usually so strong," said Ryan. "Yeah. A little," admitted Castle.

At the morgue.....

"Hey Lanie," Beckett said. "Kate! You are alright!" said Lanie running over to give her a hug. "You scared me this morning. What happened?" So Kate explained about both her dreams. "It was so scary," she said finishing up what happened in the dream with Castle. "After I woke up I needed to feel him inside me. I needed to know he was there. Castle seemed shocked but he did what I needed him to. Once we were done I decided I wanted to go back to work, but since the case is closed I came here. (Pause...) I am afraid that I am hurting Castle. I feel like I am scaring and hurting him every time I start crying. I am such a confused emotional wreck, and I am afraid I am hurting him," said Kate as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Kate, Castle married you because he loves you. He is very excited about the twins being born. I think you should talk to him about this," suggested Lanie. "Good idea. Thank you Lanie," said Kate and she left the morgue. Kate sent a text to Castle saying, "Meet me at home." "Ok," he immediately reponded.

20 minutes later at the loft.....

"Can you come sit next to me?" Kate asked her husband. "We need to talk." "That is usually something people say when they deliver bad news," replied Castle as he sat down next to Kate. "Am I hurting you?" asked Kate. "What do you mean?" Castle asked confused. "I have been an emotional wreck these past few days. I constantly need you, and I am afraid that when I cry, I am hurting and scaring you," Kate said trying to hold back tears. "Kate, I love you. Nothing you can say or do will keep me from loving you. I understand that your pregnancy hormones are throwing you for a loop. I want to always be there for you. I have actually enjoy being your servant; it makes me feel helpful and needed," Castle replied before pulling her in for a kiss. "I love you Kate." "I love you too Rick," she replied. Then they both went into the bedroom and cuddled up under the covers, falling asleep in each other's arms.

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