Kate woke up the next morning because her phone was ringing. "There has been a murder in an apartment downtown," she told Castle. They got dressed, took a shower, ate breakfast, and went to the new crime scene. "Hey Lanie," said Beckett. "What have you got for me?" "I though you could only do paperwork." said Lanie confused. "No, I can come to crime scenes too," said Beckett. "Okay, the victim's name is Lydia Roberts. She was shot in the heart, but the killer missed, and only hit a large vein. She died about 5 minutes later from blood loss." said Lanie. "But not before writing 'boyfriends suck' in blood." Castle said. "My guess is her boyfriend killed her," said Esposito as he walked over. "You and Ryan go talk to her family in Pennsylvania," said Beckett. "Castle and I will look into her phone records and try to find out who this boyfriend is."
"What is up with Kate?" thought Rick. "She seems very anxious and well... horny. It must be her pregnancy hormones." The beginning part of the morning went as usual. Kate had a lot of random mood swings and said a few things she didn't really mean, but then her mood quickly shifted and stayed constant for a hour or two. She had been biting her lip, not being able to sit still, and blushing. Finally, Kate wrote a note and put it on her desk. It said:
Bad headache; went home to get advil and water. Be back in 30 minutes.
"Castle," whispered Kate. "Huh," he replied. He had been deep in thought and hadn't been paying attention. "Follow me," she whispered. Then, the two of them snuck out of the precinct and got into her car. "Where are we going?" Castle asked. Not taking the time to answer, Kate flipped on her sirens and drove to their place as fast as she could. "Kate?" he asked once they stopped. "Come on," she said pulling him up to their apartment. Once they were in the bedroom and the door was locked, almost drooling Kate said, "Be ready." As soon as Kate said this, she threw Rick on the bed and began taking his pants and shirt off. "I need you Rick," she said. "Hormones?" he asked. "I need you now," she repeated louder. Then Castle began helping Kate take her clothes off. As soon as she was naked, Kate pressed herself up against her husband and kissed him, letting her tongue explore his mouth. Without warning, Rick pushed Kate up against the bed's headboard and dove into her in one smooth, quick motion. He then began pulling in and out, faster and faster. "I'm almost there," she moaned. Encouraged, Rick went a little faster and deeper until they both reached their climaxes. He then pulled out of her and said in trance, "That was amazing!" "Yeah, but we should get back," said Kate pulling her clothes back on. "Yeah," replied Castle doing the same.
In the elevator at the precinct.....
"Thanks," said Kate. "For what?" asked Castle. "For always being there for me," replied Kate. "Always," he replied giving her a small kiss on the lips as the doors opened. Ryan and Esposito were still not back from talking with the victim's family in Pennsylvania and Gates was at a meeting, so nobody knew that they had left. Beckett looked into Lydia's phone records, but found that she hadn't called anyone in about a week, and couldn't figure out who this boyfriend was. Just as she was about to go make a cup of tea, Ryan and Espo got back. "We got the name of her boyfriend," said Ryan. "Well, I have to go meet with Alexis," said Kate. "Castle, you go with Ryan and Esposito to pick up this boyfriend. Then you can watch from observation while they get him to confess." "Okay," replied Castle.

Castle and Beckett: Always
Fiksi PenggemarBased on the series Castle on ABC, this story is taking place as a season 8 or 9 (after Beckett and Castle get married). Age 14+ (There is some sex scenes and sexual language) Also parts of the story may be a little graphic and bloody. If you don't...