A Little Convincing

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Summary: Derek tries to convince Spencer to propose to Y/N but he isn't sure she wants to get married

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Summary: Derek tries to convince Spencer to propose to Y/N but he isn't sure she wants to get married.


"She's not going to say yes." Spencer said as he collected his things to go home. Y/N had left a while ago since she had finished all of her work so Hotch allowed her to leave early. Spencer, however, still had paperwork to get through so he was one of the last people leaving. Y/N said she would wait for Spencer to finish so they could go back to their apartment together but he refused, not knowing how long he was going to be.

"Of course she is," Derek reassured Spencer, "Why wouldn't she?"

"She's never even talked about getting married. What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if when I ask, she leaves me?" Spencer said.

"Kid, you've been together five years, she's not gonna leave you." Derek tried to calm Spencer down again.

"You don't know that," Spencer said, slinging his bag over his shoulder, "I should get going." Without another word, Spencer left.

Over the course of the next couple of days, Y/N had noticed a shift in Spencer's behaviour. She found it strange since he wasn't normally like that but she guessed that it was down to stress. Even if it wasn't that, Y/N wasn't going to push him, she would let him tell her in his own time.

Obviously Derek had also noticed the shift in Spencer's behaviour and he knew the exact reason why, unlike Y/N. He tried to question him about it multiple times but everytime Spencer would either change the subject or drop the conversation entirely. Derek was sick of his friend feeling the way he was so he tasked Penelope to bring up the topic of marriage around Y/N.

After a few days of Spencer acting strangely and Y/N giving him space, Penelope decided that now was the perfect time to bring up the topic around Y/N. She sat with Penelope while she ate her lunch, keeping the blonde woman company. Penelope had searched up wedding rings online and began scrolling through them hoping it would catch Y/N's eye.

Y/N looked up from her lunch to Penelope's screen and her eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you looking at wedding rings?"

"Oh they're all just pretty and shiny. It distracts me from the dead bodies I see on the screen everyday." Penelope stated.

Y/N's eyes narrowed slightly, she knew Penelope wasn't telling her the full truth but she decided not to ask. She only took a seat next to Penelope and looked at them with her.

"Oh, that one's nice!" Y/N exclaimed, pointing to one of the rings on the screen, "I bet it would look great on my finger as well." Y/N held her hand up and looked at her finger and the screen, imagining what the ring would look like on her finger.

"I thought you didn't want to get married?" Penelope asked.

"Oh no, of course I do one hundred percent," Y/N said before sighing, "I just don't think Spencer wants to get married. He hasn't brought the topic up in conversation at all. I couldn't imagine marrying anyone else other than Spencer. I want to start a family with him too, I know he wants kids and I want them as well, but I'm just not sure he wants them with me. "

𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now