Tough Times [One]

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Summary: Y/N is having a hard time during a case involving kids

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Summary: Y/N is having a hard time during a case involving kids.

Warnings: mentions of children dying, mentions of blood


Derek Morgan watched as the two youngest members of the BAU innocently talked to one another, wide smiles present on both of their faces. Derek rolled his eyes, he wasn't annoyed that they were talking by any means - he was annoyed that the two of them were completely oblivious to one another. From over Spencer's shoulder, Y/N caught sight of Derek and sent him a smile and a small wave. Derek smiled back to her and waved before Y/N resumed her conversation with Spencer.

Emily approached Derek and followed his eye line to Y/N and Spencer who had moved to sit down and continue their conversation. However, the two were sitting far too close to one another for either Derek or Emily to consider it friendly. Everyone knew that Spencer didn't shake people's hands because he was a slight germaphobe but it was a whole different story with Y/N. The two would always be touching in some kind of way.

"They're at it again?" Emily questioned.

"Yep." Derek answered.

The two watched as Y/N laughed at something Spencer said and nudged his leg with her foot - happiness radiating off the two of them.

"They have to realise it at some point. For the two smartest people in the room, they sure are oblivious." Emily said as her and Derek faced each other, not wanting to get caught staring by Y/N and Spencer.

Later that day, they were on the plane heading to a new case. Y/N sat next to Spencer while Rossi and JJ sat opposite them. The case involved children or teenagers, something that the BAU hated. Y/N was tense as the group discussed possible theories, she stayed mostly quiet except to pitch in where she felt was needed - a complete contrast of how she had been acting earlier that day.

Spencer, who could sense something was wrong with Y/N, turned his head to look at her. Y/N had her hand on her lap clenched tightly in a fist that her knuckles were turning white. Even though Spencer hated cases involving children just as much as the next person, he knew that Y/N despised cases involving children or teenagers.

He reached over and took Y/N's clenched fist in his hand, rubbing his thumb slightly over her white knuckles, that were now beginning to get their colour back due to the release of pressure. Y/N turned towards him and gave Spencer a tight lipped smile as a small thank you before she laced her fingers with his - not removing her hand from his for the entire flight.


While everyone was heading back to their hotel rooms, Y/N bumped into Spencer - literally.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, as Spencer held onto her arms lightly to steady her.

"No, it's okay, you don't need to apologise." Spencer replied.

"Okay, but I'm sorry though, I wasn't looking where I was going." Y/N said, crossing her arms over her chest, a habit Spencer had grown to know as her being anxious or nervous.

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