Sleepless Journeys

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Summary: On the plane ride home, Y/N finds it hard to sleep and Spencer offers her some comfort

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Summary: On the plane ride home, Y/N finds it hard to sleep and Spencer offers her some comfort.


As the team clambered onto the plane after a case. Everyone was exhausted and the only thing on their minds was sleep. One by one, they all drifted off into an unconscious state. However, Y/N remained awake staring blankly at the book in her hands. The words blurred together, creating a seemingly messy blob of words on the page. She was tired, in fact she was exhausted, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall asleep.

Normally after a tiring case, Y/N could fall asleep easily and not wake up until the plane landed back in Quantico. This time it was different. Her body ached in a way that made her constantly fidget and shuffle around on the couch. She tried not to shuffle around too much as Spencer was asleep right next to her. Whatever Y/N did, she couldn't get comfortable.

Knowing that she wouldn't get to sleep, Y/N stood up and began making herself a coffee. She drank it silently, listening to the light snores of everyone on the plane. It was moments like these when Y/N regretted leaving her headphones at home. Sitting in silence was calming for Y/N but all she wanted in that moment was to talk to someone until she comfortably fell asleep.

Once she finished her coffee, Y/N shuffled around on the couch some more, attempting to at least get comfortable. In the process however, she nudged Spencer. Silently, she cursed herself not wanting to wake him. It seemed as if she hadn't for a moment however as soon as Y/N saw Spencer's eyes slowly open, she knew she had.

"I'm sorry, I nudged you," Y/N whispered to him, "Go back to sleep."

"You're still awake?" Spencer mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah I wasn't very comfortable." Y/N answered.

"Do you want me to move so you can lay down?" Spencer offered, lifting his head up from the small pillow under his head.

"No, no, I'm fine," Y/N said, "Go back to sleep, Spence, you need it."

"So do you." Spencer countered.

"I can wait until we get home."

Spencer was silent for a moment and Y/N thought that she had won their small argument. She settled back into the couch before Spencer's voice cut through the silence, "Stand up."

"What?" Y/N whispered, confused.

"Stand up." Spencer repeated.

Y/N sighed and complied, not wanting to argue with Spencer again. As soon as she did, He stretched his legs out on the couch, preventing her from sitting back down. Folding her arms across her chest, Y/N stared down at Spencer. "Even if I wasn't falling asleep I'm most certainly not going to fall asleep now."

With one of his arms, Spencer reached up to grasp one of Y/N's wrists pulling it towards him. He tugged her toward him slightly, causing her to stumble.

"Spencer, what are you doing?" Y/N whispered.

Spencer didn't reply. He tugged Y/N a little harder until her knees crashed into the couch. Y/N, realising what he was trying to do, pulled her arm out of his grasp, "That isn't going to work, both of us won't fit on the couch like that," She hit Spencer's legs lightly, "Now move your legs so I can sit back down."

Grasping onto Y/N's wrist again, Spencer tugged her down. This time she landed mainly on his chest, their legs tangled together and Y/N had a shocked look on her face. The look on Spencer's face contracted her's completely, a small grin forming. Spencer's arms wrapped around Y/N's body and prevented her from moving.

"Spencer, let me go." Y/N said, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Just go to sleep, Y/N." Spencer replied, his grip not loosening for a second.

Y/N sighed, "I'm not going to win this am I?" Spencer shook his head. "At least let me get comfortable."

Spencer's grip on her wait slackened and allowed Y/N to move around. She moved so her head was rested in the crook of Spencer's neck and her chest was pressed against his. Y/N wouldn't admit it, but she found this position a lot more comfortable. The feeling of Spencer underneath her gave her a lot more comfort than she was originally expecting. His body was warm which contrasted the temperature of the plane. His arms wrapped around her waist gave her a sense of security - she felt safe.

"You're comfortable, right?" Y/N questioned, her breath fanning his neck, "I'm not staying here if you're not comfortable."

"I'm comfortable, Y/N." Spencer mumbled.

"Good." Y/N stated before she closed her eyes and attempted to drift off. Even if she was comfortable, she still couldn't go to sleep, "Spencer?"

"Yeah?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Could you talk to me?" Y/N said, "About anything. It'll help me get to sleep."

Spencer didn't argue and began to mumble facts and spit out information. Instead of his usual upbeat explanations, Spencer's voice was low and some of his words slurred together but Y/N enjoyed it nonetheless. She could feel the vibrations of his voice, causing her to unintentionally bury her head deeper into the crook of his neck. Closing her eyes, Y/N finally drifted off to sleep.

"Y/N?" Spencer questioned when he didn't hear her talk for a while. Listening to the sound of her breathing, Spencer knew she had fallen asleep. Tilting his head slightly, his lips grazed the top of her head, "Sleep well." He muttered before he drifted off to sleep himself.


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