Having Your Baby [Two]

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Summary: Spencer gets released from prison, he can finally hug his wife Y/N and he is over the moon when she has begun to show a small baby bump

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Summary: Spencer gets released from prison, he can finally hug his wife Y/N and he is over the moon when she has begun to show a small baby bump.


Y/N sat at her desk waiting for JJ, Penelope and Luke to return. Spencer had been released from prison today and Y/N couldn't wait to hold him in her arms. She had visited him a few more times after she had told him she was pregnant, however after the fourth visit, Spencer requested that she didn't visit him anymore. He didn't want to cause her stress seeing him in the conditions he was in. Y/N objected at first, arguing that she was already stressed with him being in prison.

It had been a couple of months since Y/N had last visited Spencer and she was eager to see him - especially since she had begun to show a baby bump. She couldn't wait for Spencer to see.

"He'll be here soon." Emily said sitting in a chair next to her.

"I know. I just can't wait to see him." Y/N stated, lightly placing her hands against her bump.

"Do you know how happy he's going to be once he sees you," Emily started, "He'll be the happiest man in the world."

Whenever Emily had visited Spencer, Y/N would always write a note for her to read out to Spencer. Most of the time, Spencer would cry, all he wanted to do was get out of prison and hold his wife in his arms and never let her go. Emily could see the genuine and unconditional love the two had for each other so she was even as excited as Y/N to see him out of prison and in Y/N's arms.

Emily's phone went off with a text from Penelope. She looked at it and smiled, "They're coming up in the elevator. Go."

Emily gestured for her to go to the elevator. Y/N got up from her seat and went to stand by the elevator. She reached up to her necklace which had Spencer's wedding ring on it. The ring had been there ever since he had been put in prison. She would always reach up to it for comfort.

Spencer stood in the elevator with JJ, Penelope and Luke. He anxiously watched as Luke pressed the button that would take them up to their floor. To Spencer, it felt as if the elevator was moving in slow motion. He wanted it to move faster so he could get to Y/N. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the elevator doors opened.

Y/N let out a small gasp as the doors opened to reveal her husband. Her hands came up to cover her mouth as he stepped out. Spencer immediately stepped over to Y/N and wrapped her up in a hug and pulled her in tight, burying his head into her neck. He was afraid that it was all a dream and he would wake up with a start in his prison cell. However it was all real. He was holding Y/N in his arms.

Y/N gripped the back of Spencer's shirt and her other hand held the back of his head. She felt herself begin to cry. After many months of not being able to hold Spencer, he was here and safe in her arms. Y/N felt Spencer begin to shake - he was crying as well. All of the emotions that had built up in him for the past months broke like a dam. He didn't care for any onlookers, all he cared about in that moment was the woman he was holding in his arms.

JJ, Penelope and Luke looked at the reuniting couple. Penelope had tears brimming her eyes at the interaction. She had stuck by Y/N the entire time Spencer had been in prison. She was there to help with anything Y/N wanted, she even stayed with Y/N when she needed it. Penelope was happy that her two friends had finally reunited. Penelope felt an arm placed on her back before being led away, letting Y/N and Spencer have some alone time.

Y/n was the first to pull back from the hug, resting her forehead on Spencer's. For the first time in a while, she took a good look at him. The bags under his eyes had become even more noticeable and his hair had grown. He also had a little bit of a stubble. Her hands came up to his cheeks and wiped the tears away from his eyes as he looked at her lovingly.

"Hey." Y/N whispered.

"Hey." Spencer said smiling.

Spencer looked down at Y/N's stomach and his eyes filled with tears once again. She had a small baby bump that was a lot more noticeable from the last time he had seen her. He hated that he couldn't be there for her through the first part of her pregnancy. The tears fell freely now as Spencer thought of different scenarios that might've happened when he was in prison. There were multiple instances where he could have died, leaving Y/N alone with their baby. The team might not have proved him innocent so he would be behind bars and not able to be there and raise his child.

Y/N noticed Spencer looking down at her bump while the tears ran down his cheeks, "Hey, shh, it's okay, it's okay."

She pulled Spencer in for another hug as he continued to cry. Her hand ran through his hair, lightly pulling out any knots.

"I wish I could've been there for you." Spencer mumbled into her shoulder.

"You can't blame yourself, okay? You can't." Y/N said softly.

"But if I didn't go to Mexico-"

"You were getting medication for your Mom. What happened in Mexico was awful but you were doing something that would help another person," Y/N soothed, "Listen to me Spencer. None of this was your fault. None of it. You're here now and we're getting the son of a bitch who framed you."

Y/N pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears away from his eyes once more, "Now all I want to do is see your smile."

Spencer smiled at Y/N's words before looking down at her stomach again. His hands moved from her back to hold her stomach lightly. His thumbs rubbed over it, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" He questioned.

Y/N shook her head, "I wasn't going to know without you there. But Penelope does know, she came with me and begged the doctor to tell her, I'm surprised she had kept the secret that long."

Spencer let out a small chuckle before dropping to his knees in front of Y/N. She was confused by what he was doing until he began talking, "Hey little one, I'm your dad." Tears immediately sprang to Y/n eyes.

Words directed towards their baby came tumbling out of Spencer's mouth. Y/N stared down at him with an adoring smile on her face. He finished off talking by pressing a kiss to her bump before standing to his full height. He wiped her tears away before capturing her lips by his own for the first time in forever.

Y/N melted into the kiss. Every time she kissed Spencer, it felt like she was falling in love all over again. She felt like a giggly school girl after their first kiss. It felt magical. She pulled away for a moment to look in his eyes before smiling and kissing him again, making up for lost time.

Spencer pulled away and Y/N's lips chased after his, causing him to let out a chuckle. He cupped her face in his hands, thumbs lightly ghosting over her cheekbones. He leaned his forehead on hers and she held lightly onto his wrists, thumbs rubbing over the insides of them.

"To reiterate your statement from last time," Spencer whispered, "We're going to be the best damn parents there are."


𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now