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Summary: Despite Y/N's many attempts at dating, none of them work out

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Summary: Despite Y/N's many attempts at dating, none of them work out. She considers giving up on dating before a certain someone says some things that might change her mind.


Y/N sighed as she walked into work that morning. She was tired beyond belief - she was awake the entire night with a tub of ice cream and watching whatever on television. Her date she had the previous night didn't go well and Y/N was beginning to think something was wrong with her. Ever since she had decided to start dating again, every single one had gone horribly and the one last night was the worst of them all.

"You okay?" Luke asked, approaching her desk.

Y/N leaned back in her chair and looked up at Luke, "No, my date last night didn't go well."

While walking past, JJ overheard Y/N and Luke's conversation and decided to join. She perched herself on the edge of Y/N's desk.

"But you were so excited," JJ said, "What happened?"

Y/N fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist before explaining everything to Luke and JJ, "Where to begin. First of all he turned up fifteen minutes late, I wasn't extremely annoyed about that, I was annoyed that he didn't apologise for it and was kinda rude to the waitress. Then all he talked about was himself, everytime I began to talk about me and what I like to do, he would spin the conversation around so it was back on him. And then finally when we both left the restaurant, I saw him eyeing up other girls. I then told him that I don't think it would work out."

"Sounds like you dodged a bullet there." JJ stated.

"And his loss, right?" Luke said.

Y/N gave them both a tight lipped smile, "Thanks guys."

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a case," Emily said, approaching the three. She looked down and saw a tired and down looking Y/N, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a shitty date."

"Well do I need to kick his ass?" Emily questioned.

"No you don't," Y/N said, standing up from her chair, before giving a hint of a genuine smile, "Now, what's this case then?"


The flight was a long one so Y/N made herself comfortable on the couch. Spencer sat next to her reading a book. He was far too engrossed in it for him to notice Y/N beginning to fall asleep next to him. She was fighting to stay awake and blinking rapidly every thirty seconds. It wasn't until she nearly dozed off and suddenly sat up with a start when he finally turned his attention to her.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked kindly, everyone else was too engrossed in their own thing to pay attention to the youngest members of the team.

"Just tired." Y/N mumbled.

"You can lean against me if you want to sleep, it'll be more comfortable than sitting up straight." Spencer offered.

Y/N gave Spencer a lazy smile before she layed down and rested her head on his lap. Spencer smiled at her before he began to play with her hair, his book discarded beside him. Y/N hummed as he did it before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

Spencer looked down at her. He had always loved Y/N, ever since she joined the BAU. He never thought he would love anyone again after Maeve but then Y/N came stumbling into his life. Being the two youngest members, they clicked instantly and became close friends - but Spencer had always loved her in a way friends shouldn't love each other. He never said anything since he was sure that she didn't love him back. Once Y/N was fast asleep, Spencer picked up his book and began to read it again, still playing with Y/N's hair with his other hand.


The day had gone by with little to no complications. It was getting late and everyone was heading back to their hotel rooms. Y/N and Spencer headed to their room together. Whenever they had to pair up for rooms, the two always paired up together. Most of the time they would stay up most of the night having deep philosophical conversations. Some days if it were a tough case, they would sit side by side on one of the beds and read through the night until they fell asleep.

Spencer unlocked the door and allowed Y/N to head into the room first. She smiled gratefully and stepped through the threshold. She threw her bag down on one of the beds and flopped down beside it. The bed wasn't the most comfortable in the world but it would do just nicely for the night.

"I just want to have a comfortable sleep," Y/N mumbled into the bedsheet, "Your lap was comfortable but the couch wasn't."

Spencer chuckled before throwing his bag down on the other bed and sitting next to Y/N on hers. She moved her head to the side and patted down on the bed, signaling for Spencer to lie down beside her. He smiled before he complied and laid down next to her. Y/N flipped her body over so her back was pressed against the mattress. Both Y/N and Spencer stared up at the ceiling.

"Why were you so tired today anyway?" Spencer questioned after a moment of silence.

Y/N sighed, "My date last night did not go well, the guy was just too full of himself and he was checking out other girls as we were leaving the restaurant. I spent my night eating ice cream and watching television instead of sleeping. Something I regret immensely now."

"Well it's your date's loss." Spencer said.

Y/N let out a small chuckle, "That's what Luke said earlier," Y/N turned her head toward Spencer, her demeanor suddenly becoming serious, "Do you think I'm attractive? It's just that every guy I go out on a date with is always interested in everyone else but me. Even the ones I end up dating, they always end the relationship a few months in, then I find out that they moved on quickly with a girl way prettier than me," Y/N sighed, "I think I'm just undateable."

Spencer couldn't believe the words coming out of Y/N's mouth. To him, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Whenever she would smile, it would make his heart swell. Whenever she would laugh, he would join in because it was hard not to. And whenever they were in a position they were in currently, laid side by side on the bed - it felt like he was falling in love all over again.

Spencer turned his head to face the woman that had stolen his heart, "Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Don't let some guys you went on some dates with make you think otherwise. When I look at you coming back from those dates that don't go well, my heart aches because I hate to see you look upset."

Y/N looked at Spencer, she really looked at him. She had always had an attraction towards Spencer but she never pursued it, knowing what happened with Maeve, she thought that he didn't want to open himself back up again. Y/N went on so many dates and even though most of them, the guys were just self obsessed, there were a small handful of people who weren't. However, Y/N rejected them because she would always find herself comparing them to Spencer.

Y/N leaped forward and wrapped her arms around Spencer, though slightly awkwardly since they were both laying down on the bed. She rested mostly on top of his chest while their legs dangled off the bed. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist, keeping her in place.

"Do you really mean that?" Y/N mumbled.

"Every word, Y/N. You are the most amazing, incredible and beautiful woman on the planet." Spencer said, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You know, I thought that I was done with dating," Y/N started, "But I can probably squeeze in one final one. Spencer Reid, will you go out on a date with me?"

"Of course I will, Y/N L/N." Spencer replied, pressing a kiss to her head.


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