Know Your Worth

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Summary: On a case, one of the suspects makes some comments regarding Y/N's body

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Summary: On a case, one of the suspects makes some comments regarding Y/N's body. She should feel offended but she knows her worth.


Y/N and Derek stood side by side outside one of the suspects' houses. Out of all the suspects, this one lease matched the profile but it couldn't hurt to check. Derek raised his arm and knocked in the door. Shuffling was heard from inside before the door opened. The man, whose name was Hugo Benson, looked old. His node was turned up and he had an expression on his face that looked like he was constantly smelling something bad.

"Yes?" Hugo asked impatiently.

"We're Agents Morgan and L/N with the FBI. Could we come in and ask a few questions?" Derek asked as both him and Y/N flashed their badges.

Hugo looked between Derek and Y/N. He gave Y/N a look up and down before the sour look on his face seemed to get more prominent, "I suppose so." He finally answered.

Hugo stepped aside and let Y/N and Derek inside the house. Both of them examined the room they were in. It looked surprisingly nice and welcoming, a complete contrast to Hugo's demeanor. Derek gestured for Hugo to take a seat on the couch to which he grudgingly complied.

As Derek began to ask the questions, Y/N zoned out. She scanned the room again. There was no way this man could be the unsub, no matter how much Y/N detested his personality.

"Morgan?" Y/n spoke and Derek turned his head to look at him, "Can I speak to you for a sec?"

The two walked over to a secluded part of the room out of Hugo's earshot, "I don't think he's our unsub," Y/N began, "His place is too clean. The house is full of expensive furniture. And his personality isn't charming or charismatic in any way." Derek nodded, agreeing with Y/N before turning back to Hugo, who was sitting impatiently on the couch.

"Sorry for taking up your time, but we're going to go, there's not much we can get from here-"

"How did you end up working for the FBI?" Hugo questioned, cutting Y/N off.

"Excuse me?" Y/N questioned.

"You heard me?" Hugo stated.

"How did I end up working for the FBI?" Y/N repeated the question, "Well hard work for starters and-"

"No, I mean how did someone like you start working for the FBI? Especially in the field." Hugo reiterated the question.

Y/N mouth fell open slightly in shock of what he was asking. He might've well asked 'How did someone of your size start working for the FBI?'

Y/N was fully aware that she didn't have the stick thin figure like all the other women in the BAU. She didn't have a flat stomach. Her arms had some meat on their bones as well. Her thighs always rubbed together when she walked. She was also fully aware that she didn't have the perfectly sculpted face either.

"Are you asking me about my size?" Y/N questioned, "Because if you are, I don't want to listen to it," Y/N started, "I know that I don't look like the women you see in movies. I know that I have lumps and bumps that most don't consider desirable. I know that I don't have the stereotypical perfect figure," Y/N began to take small steps towards Hugo, "But you know what? I love every part of me so I'm not going to someone as misogynistic as you put me down."

Y/N walked out of the house, Derek trailing after her. As soon as they got into the SUV, Derek began laughing, "Damn, you really showed him." Y/N smiled.


In the hotel room that night, Y/N was ready to climb into bed and sleep. She was just about to when she heard a knock at the door. She headed over to it and opened it. Spencer was standing outside, wearing a plain white t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Y/N had never seen him look so relaxed.

"Hey," Y/N said, inviting him in, "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you were okay?"

Y/N eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Um, Derek told me what happened at Hugo Benson's house earlier." Spencer answered.

"Oh yeah, that." Y/N said, sitting down on her bed, patting the empty space next to her for Spencer to sit down.

"So, are you...okay?" Spencer questioned again.

"Of course I am," Y/N stated, "Why would I let a man who constantly looks like he's smelling rotten cheese put me down."

Spencer smiled slightly, "So you're okay then?"

"Perfectly okay." Y/n responded with a smile.

"Great," Spencer said, hopping up from the bed, "I'm just going to head back to my room."

"Stay." Y/N said.

Spencer stopped in his tracks, "What?"

"Stay here and spend some time with me," Y/N said, "We haven't been able to do that these last couple of weeks."

Spencer contemplated for a few seconds before heading back to his place next to Y/N. He had always had a small crush on Y/N but over the past couple of months, that small crush had turned into a huge one. Now, sitting next to Y/N - when she was wearing nothing but a pajama shirt - which showed a lot of her chest and shoulders, and pajama shorts - which showed off her legs.

Y/N scooted back on the bed and rested her head on the pillow. Spencer still continued to sit on the edge of the bed just watching her. Feeling his gaze on her, Y/N reached to the side and grabbed one of the other pillows and hit Spencer with it, "Are you going to lie down next to me or not?"

Spencer stared at her a moment more before walking around to the other side of the bed and laid down next to her. Both of them underestimated how large the bed was as their faces were only inches apart and Y/N's body was pressed lightly against Spencer's. One of his arms was lying awkwardly on his side, he didn't want to overstep boundaries by touching Y/N.

Y/N, however, noticed his arm laid in an unusual manner and moved it so it rested over her waist. Spencer blushed.

"Is that more comfortable?" Y/N mumbled.

Spencer only nodded before suddenly gaining a tiny bit of courage to pull Y/N slightly closer to him. Her head was resting slightly below his chin. Her body was pressed against his now and Spencer felt like he was about to burst into flames. Everywhere her body touched burnt. There was no way Spencer could fall asleep with her this close.

"You know what?" Y/N mumbled.

"What?" Spencer questioned.

"Sometimes comments like Hugo Benson's do get to me," Y/N started and Spencer began to listen intently, "I do feel insecure."

"Why don't you tell anyone?" Spencer asked.

"Because then I remember that everyone feels insecure at times. Everyone will go through times where they don't think they're good enough or that their body doesn't look like those you see in magazines," Y/N explained, "Everyone has flaws. There shouldn't be a definition of perfection because we are all perfect in our own unique ways."

Spencer looked down at Y/N. Her eyes were shut and she was lightly clinging onto his shirt, keeping him close to her, "You're perfect, Y/N."

Y/N opened her eyes and tilted her head to look into Spencer's eyes. They were filled with sincerity, admiration A smile stretched across Y/N features.

"I know I'm perfect, Spencer Reid. Everyone is perfect, including you," Y/N stated and not long after, the two drifted off into a peaceful sleep, holding one another close.


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