Broken Bones

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Summary: Y/N broke her leg on a case and Spencer takes time off to look after her

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Summary: Y/N broke her leg on a case and Spencer takes time off to look after her.


Lifting her upper body from the couch, YIN sat up straight, feeling the bones in her body crack. She had been laying on the couch for the last couple of hours reading a book. Even if she loved reading, Y/N just wanted to get up and go on a walk - even if that were quite difficult.

Her leg was wrapped in a cast decorated with doodles and stickers - courtesy of Penelope. On a case a couple of weeks ago, Y/N had broken her leg. At first she was happy to have some time off at home, she helped the team as much as she could but she couldn't exactly move much on her own - especially with her own nurse looming over her constantly.

Spencer had taken some time off to take care of Y/N. No matter how much Y/N tries to make him go back to work, he simply refused. Even when she said that she would stay with Penelope - Spencer stayed.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" Spencer questioned, walking into the room.

"I'm only sitting up, Spence." Y/N stated.

"Let me help you." Spencer said, walking over to the couch.

"I'm fine. I can do it myself." Y/N stated, gently moving her legs over the side of the couch and placed them gently on the floor. No matter how much Y/N loved having Spencer around, she had to admit that he could be slightly overbearing at times.

Y/N raised her broken leg and rested it on the coffee table in front of her and leaned back on the couch. Spencer walked around the couch and took a seat next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and laced her fingers with his.

"Why are you staying with me Spencer?" Y/N questioned, "Why don't you go back to work? The team need you more than me."

"The team are fine without me," Spencer said, resting his head on top of Y/N's, "And I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm perfectly fine Spencer," Y/N stated, "My leg can ache at times but that's it, I promise."

"I just don't want you to get hurt anymore, you can be accident prone." Spencer said, chuckling slightly.

Y/N swatted his arm lightly, but there was a smile on her face regardless, "No I am not!"

Spencer continued to laugh slightly before his face grew serious, "I just don't like seeing you in pain."

Y/N tilted her head up slightly. Spencer's face was calm as he stared ahead. She couldn't help bit smile. His cheek was pressed against the top of her head as he stared forward - a calm look on his face.

Spencer, feeling someone staring at him, shifted his head to look town at Y/N. The look of her face caused him to smile, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Why do you care about me so much?" Y/ N questioned.

Spencer hesitated, "Because you're my friend."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "That's not enough of a reason, Spence."

"What?" Spencer said, "You're my friend and I care about you. Is there any more of a reason."

Y/N studied his face for a second, "I guess not." She rested her head back against Spencer's shoulder and used her eyes, feeling comfortable.

Spencer, who was still looking down at Y/N, pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. His lips lingered there for a moment. Y/ N pressed her body against his a little harder, unintentionally of course.

"I love you." Spencer mumbled against her forehead.

Y/N stilled, "What?"

"You said you wanted a reason as to why I cared about you so much."

"You love me?"

Y/N could feel Spencer nod, "I do," He answered, "You're incredible. You're strong, beautiful and kind. Why wouldn't I love a person like you," Spencer paused for a second when Y/N didn't reply, "You don't have to say it back, or even say anything for that matter. I just needed to say it for myself."

Y/N looked down at her and Spencer's hands, still laced together. In the years she had been friends with Spencer she never thought he liked her as more than friends. When she first joined the BAU, Y/N had a small crush on the young Doctor - a small crush that developed into a large one. Over time however, the crush seemed to distinguish, it was only present in the very back of her mind. But now, it was brought forward again.

Y/N tilted her head up to find Spencer looking down at her. With the hand that wasn't laced with Spencer's, she brought it up and rested it on his jaw. The entire time, Spencer watched her, slightly surprised by her actions.
Y/N's hand held Spencer's jaw lightly, tracing it with her fingers. Her face moved closer to his. If you told Y/N a couple of weeks ago that she would break her leg then be in this position with Spencer Reid she wouldn't believe you -in fact she would've laughed in your face.

No words came out of Y/N's mouth, as she moved closer to Spencer. Her breath lightly fanned his face, causing a tinge of red to wash over his face. He moved his body so he was more angled towards Y/ N, his hand unintentionally rested upon her thigh.

When their lips finally did connect, Y/ N felt like she would explode. Of course she had imagined kissing Spencer before but nothing could prepare her for what it would actually feel like. Their lips moulded together perfectly - like they were always meant to be.

Y/N could feel the love radiating from this kiss causing her to move her hand from his jaw to run her fingers through his hair. Spencer's hand moved from her thigh to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. The two of them were lost entirely in each other.

Like most things however, the kiss had to come to an end. The two pulled apart, resting their foreheads together, breathing heavily. Spencer was the first to open his eyes. He was surprised, he never thought Y/N liked him the way he liked her.

"You know," Y/N started, "If all it took for you to tell me you loved me was a broken bone, I would've broken it a while ago."

Spencer chuckled, "Please don't break another bone."

"Well I won't if you kiss me again." Y/N responded.

"You don't need to tell me twice." Spencer responded before closing the gap between them once again - the two if them lost in each other once again.


𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now