Wish That Were Me [One]

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Summary: Spencer had loved Y/N ever since he had first layer eyes on her even though she was married

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Summary: Spencer had loved Y/N ever since he had first layer eyes on her even though she was married. The genius held onto his torch for her years after their meeting.


Spencer remembered the day Y/N had walked through the doors of the BAU clearly. It was seven years ago and he believed that it was one of the best days of his life, although he would never admit it aloud. When Y/N had stepped through the doors, he was transfixed by her. She gave off an aura of kindness and that's what drew him to her.

Seven Years Ago (April 2010)

Spencer's attention was immediately diverted from his paperwork to the woman walking through the bullpen. Immediately Spencer could tell she was new, he had never seen her face before, he would know if he had. One reason being because of his eidetic memory and the other being that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She looked confused as she looked around. If Spencer couldn't clearly see her badge, he would think that she had just stumbled in.

The woman made eye contact with Spencer for a quick moment before she began to head over in his direction. Spencer felt his palms began to sweat. That brief moment of eye contact was enough for him to grow nervous. Every step she took toward him, Spencer wanted to wheel his chair backwards until he was out of sight.

"Hey," The woman said as she now stood in front of Spencer, "I was wondering if you could tell me where Aaron Hotchner is?"

Spencer discreetly wiped his hands on his trousers before pointing at his office, "That's his office."

The woman gave him a sweet smile that would cause Spencer's knees to melt if he were standing up, "Thank you."

Spencer watched as she walked up to Hotch's office. He was glad that there were little to no people around to notice his obvious infatuation with this woman. With a shake of his head, Spencer got back to work.

Present Day (January 2018)

Sighing, Spencer rested back in his chair. He had gotten to work early and there wasn't anyone around yet. He didn't know why he decided to come in early, he just felt like he needed to. Getting up from his chair, he headed over to the kitchen area to make himself a drink. Turning around with his mug a few minutes later, he was greeted by the sight of the person he always loved to see.

"Y/N?" Spencer said, his mood shifting completely.

"Hi Spence!" She said.

Spencer placed the mug of coffee back on the counter before rushing forward and wrapping Y/N in his arms. As he hugged her, he lifted her up from the floor and spun her around causing her to laugh in his ear.

"I thought you weren't getting back until next week?" Spencer questioned, setting her back down on her feet, arms lingering around her.

"Well our vacation was cut short as someone forgot to book out the hotel room for an extra week so we came back early." Y/N explained.

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