Having Your Baby [One]

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Summary: Y/N finds out that she is pregnant while Spencer is in prison

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Summary: Y/N finds out that she is pregnant while Spencer is in prison.


Y/N hadn't been feeling great for the past few weeks. One of the reasons being that her husband, Spencer Reid, was in prison and the other being that she would constantly throw up and become nauseous after smelling certain foods. It didn't take the team long to realise that something was up with Y/N.

On her last visit, she tried to act okay for Spencer's benefit but he could see right through her facade. She told him that she hadn't been feeling great the last few days. Spencer told her to go home and rest and come back when she felt better. Even if he was in prison, he couldn't stand to see Y/N look ill.

Y/N was sat at her desk, going through some files when JJ and Penelope approached her.

"Hey guys." Y/N said, greeting the two while leaning back in her chair.

"How have you been feeling the last couple of days?" JJ questioned, obviously knowing the symptoms Y/N had as she had been through them herself.

"I've felt a bit ill, thrown up a few times but I think its just something I ate." Y/N answered.

Penelope and JJ shared a look before Penelope held up a bag to her. Y/N took it suspiciously before peering inside. Her eyes went wide once she realised what it was.

"A pregnancy test? Really?" She whispered.

"You've been showing all the symptoms, Y/N." JJ stated.

"And it's better to know if you are or not." Penelope added.

Y/N sighed before standing up, "Fine, but only because I'm not wasting it because you bought it." She headed off to the bathroom.

It had been a couple of minutes since Y/N had done the test and she was waiting around for the result. She couldn't be pregnant - especially not now. Her and Spencer had been trying for a baby but they had stopped when he brought his mother to live with the both of them. The only time that had had sex was during a case - and that was just over a month ago. If she was pregnant, Y/N couldn't think of a worse possible time for it to happen.

The pregnancy test was sat on the sink. Y/N was too scared to look. If she was she would need to tell Spencer and Y/N didn't think that he could deal with that right now - on top of all the other things he had to deal with in prison.

Y/N took a deep breath in before picking up the pregnancy test. Positive. She didn't know what to do, she paced around the bathroom for a moment. She needed to tell JJ and Penelope.

She walked out of the bathroom, pregnancy test clutched in her hand. JJ and Penelope were still standing by her desk waiting for Y/N to return. They looked up when they saw Y/N approach.

"Well?" Penelope asked, eyes wide.
"I'm pregnant." Y/N said.

Penelope smiled, happy for Y/N before the smile fell from her face once she noticed that Y/N wasn't smiling, "Are you okay? You're not smiling. You are happy right?"

"Of course I am, it's just - why did it have to happen now. Out of all the times I could've gotten pregnant, it happens while my husband is in prison." Y/N said sadly.

"Hey, we are going to get Spence out of prison, okay? We're doing everything we can to make sure he comes home to you and your baby." JJ said, placing a comforting arm around Y/N's shoulders.

Y/N nodded before looking down at the pregnancy test in her hand. She smiled, "I'm pregnant." She said more happily.

"Congratulations!" Penelope said, throwing her arms around Y/N.

"Thank you," Y/N said, hugging Penelope back, "I think we should tell the rest of the team, we could use something to smile about."


Once Y/N had told the team of her pregnancy, they were all overjoyed. Smiles were on everyone's faces foe the first time in what felt like forever. Y/N only wished that Spencer had been there with everyone.

Y/N had decided to go the very next day to visit Spencer. Penelope was meant to visit him but she insisted that Y/N go instead to tell Spencer the news. She was hesitant to tell him. She knew that he couldn't tough her and she knows that is the first thing he would try to do .

Y/N sat waiting for the guards to let in all of the prisoners. She had butterflies in ther stomach, although she wasn't sure if it was from the baby or the nerves. The door opened and all the prisoners filtered in one by one.

She caught sight of Spencer. At first he was confused as she wasn't meant to visit him for at least a few more days but he was happy to see her nonetheless. He sat down in front of her, cursing the bit of glass that separated the two. All he wanted to do was hold her and kiss her but he couldn't.

"Hey." Y/N said, smiling.

"Hey." Spencer replied.

"I have some news for you," Y/N said, fiddling with her thumbs, "I don't know if you'll take this as good news or bad news."

"What is it?" Spencer asked.

"I'm- I'm pregnant." Y/N said.

Spencer went silent. Y/N was pregnant. He couldn't comprehend it in his mind.

"How- we haven't-" Spencer started but Y/N cut him off.

"About a month ago, in my hotel room."

Spencer went silent again. He didn't know what to do. If he weren't in prison, his first instinct would to hug Y/N tightly and not let go. He would be over the moon. Of course he was over the moon now, but they were in different circumstances.

"I'm going to be a dad?" Spencer said quietly.

"Yes, yes you are Spencer. We're going to be parents." Y/N said, just wishing she would reach over and take his hand.

A genuine smile stretched across Spencer's face for what he thought the first time since he had been locked up.

"I just- i just wish I could be there with you." Spencer said.

"That's why we're going to get you out of here, Spence. We're going to get you out of here so you will be there to greet our baby boy or baby girl in nine months," Y/N said, "I swear to you Spencer that we will get you out. I'll break you out if I have to. Our baby is going to meet their dad."

"I can't believe that we are going to be parents." Spencer said, taking in Y/N's words that filled him with a new kind of hope.

"And we're going to be the best damn parents there are."


𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now