Silent Treatment

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Summary: After Y/N saw Spencer kissing Lila Archer, she gives him the silent treatment as she is jealous

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Summary: After Y/N saw Spencer kissing Lila Archer, she gives him the silent treatment as she is jealous.


Seeing someone you like kissing someone else can be painful, but knowing that someone else was Lila Archer was a whole other level of pain. She was the famous, perfect movie star. No flaws, perfect body, all around gorgeous. Y/N was jealous.

She had seen the pictures not too long after the case of Spencer kissing Lila in her pool. She had also see the magazine cover of the two plastered everywhere. At this point, it was causing Y/N physical pain.

Y/N walked into the bullpen. It had been a few days since the case involving Lila Archer. Without realising it Y/N avoided Spencer when she walked in. She normally greeted him every morning but today, she breezed right past him and sat down at her desk.

Spencer, who had been expecting her greeting, watched her walk past ignoring him completely. He watched as she approached her desk, thinking that she was just going to place her bag down before coming over to him. Spencer was wrong. Y/N sat down at her desk without a glance in Spencer's direction. Spencer hadn't realised but a small pput hand appeared on his face.

"What's up with you, Pretty Boy?" Derek questioned, approaching Spencer's desk.

"Y/N didn't greet me this morning," Spencer spoke, "Everyday without fail she walks around the bullpen to my desk and talks with me for a while, she didn't do that today."

Derek glanced over at Y/N, who was already hunched over doing her work. He sighed, Derek could tell exactly what was going on with Y/N, it was obvious to everyone but Spencer.

"Maybe she's just tired." Derek suggested, not wanting to give the actual reason for why Y/N had avoided Spencer, he was going to let them work it out on their own.
Spencer didn't look too convinced however, he continued to stare at Y/N. He knew that something was up with her and he wanted to know what it was, maybe he could help.

Y/N, who was pretending to look through files, could feel the eyes of Spencer Reid bore into her. She wished she could ignore it and continue her work in peace but she couldn't. Rising up from her seat, she headed over to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. What she didn't realise was Spencer getting up from his desk to do the same thing, though he had other ideas in mind than making a coffee.

"Y/N." Spencer called out to her.

Y/N only glanced his way, offering him a small smile before she began to make her coffee. She tried her best to ignore Spencer as he approached her. Be stood close to he as he began making a coffee of his own. Occasionally his arm brushed hers, causing what felt like small electric shocks to travel down her arm.

"Are you okay?" Spencer questioned, looking down at Y/N, who was stirring her coffee.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Y/N responded, a little more harsh than she intended.

𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now