Tough Times [Three]

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Summary: After her talk with Penelope and thinking a few things over

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Summary: After her talk with Penelope and thinking a few things over. Y/N begins to notice all of the small things she had never noticed before about Spencer and her feelings begin to surface.


The weekend went quicker than Y/N would have liked. Before she knew it, she was back at work on Monday morning. She got there a little early so there weren't many people in at the moment - she stopped by to say a quick hello to Hotch in his office before heading to the kitchen and making herself a drink. It was going to be a long day for Y/N, she had a stack of paperwork that she had to go through and she was dreading it. More importantly, she was dreading any interaction she would have with Spencer.

Once Y/n had left Penelope after the two went out for coffee and shopping, mainly for clothes, she had started thinking about what Penelope had said in the coffee shop that day. Apparently her and Spencer loved each other, and apparently it was so blatantly obvious to everyone else, it caused them physical pain. Y/N didn't see it at first but when she began to actually think about it - she realised how much she actually loved him.

Y/N thought back to a phrase Penelope had said. Don't think, just do. At first, Y/N was just going to do - but after thinking it over (which goes against the phrase, she realised), she decided that it would be a bit forward approaching Spencer and confessing her undying love for him. Especially when she wasn't even one hundred percent sure if she was in love with him or not.

As Y/N headed back to her desk, her heart stopped for a moment. Spencer had arrived and was sitting at his desk across from hers. Ever since Y/N had started working at the BAU, her desk was always across from Spencers. Occasionally when she was doing paperwork and it was a slow and boring day, she would write notes on pieces of paper and throw them over to him. She knew it was unprofessional but it is what she did to keep her sane with the amount of paperwork she needed to fill out. What Y/N didn't know however, was that Spencer kept every single note she ever threw his way.

Y/N sat down at her desk and placed her mug on a coaster. She looked up and found Spencer looking at her. Y/N had never noticed it before but Spencer was incredibly handsome. Maybe she did notice it before but she refused to acknowledge it. She gave Spencer a smile as a greeting and he returned it. Not sensing any awkwardness in the air, Y/N started a conversation.

"How was your weekend?" Y/N asked, sitting down in her seat.

"It was fine, I read a couple of books." Spencer answered.

"A couple? A couple for you Spencer is about twenty." Y/N joked causing Spencer to let out a small chuckle.

"I'm serious, I only read a couple. I was distracted," Spencer retorted, "Is that a new shirt?"

Y/N looked down at the shirt she had decided to wear that day.She had bought it over the weekend with Penelope.

"Yes it is," Y/N replied, flattered that Spencer had noticed, "I bought it over the weekend. How did you know?"

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