Someone Like Me

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Summary: Y/N has liked Spencer since she joined the BAU a few months ago

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Summary: Y/N has liked Spencer since she joined the BAU a few months ago. He likes her too and is surprised when she asks him out on a date.


It had been a couple of months since Y/N had joined the BAU. In those two months she had become close friends with every member, however she had become quite close friends with one Dr. Spencer Reid in particular. Due to their closeness in age, the two were obviously drawn to one another. Of course due to them being close friends and close in age, it came with a lot of teasing from the other team members - especially Derek Morgan.

"Hey, Spence!" Y/N greeted as she walked into work that day.

He looked up from the files on his desk and gave her a smile. Y/N stepped behind his chair before leaning down to hug him, her head resting on his shoulder. Y/N would do this everyday and Spencer wouldn't mind. The first time she had ever done it, everyone expected the genius to awkwardly tell her that he doesn't hug or really touch anyone for that matter. To their surprise, Spencer accepted the hug, even reaching up his own hand to wrap gently around her wrist.

Y/N unwound her arms from around Spencer and perched on the end of his desk, folding her arms across his chest, "So, the new episode of Doctor Who comes out tonight, you wanna come round and watch it with me?"

Spencer, who wasn't normally invited to things, especially when it was a one on one thing, raised his eyebrows in surprise. Before he had the chance to answer however, Y/N spoke up again.

"If you already have plans, I completely understand."

"No, no," Spencer said before clearing her throat, "I mean I don't have plans. I'd love to come."

A wide smile stretched across Y/N's face, "Great, you want to head back to my place after work? Unless you need to go back to yours first."

"Um, no I don't. Going straight to yours if perfectly fine." Spencer replied.

Y/N stood up straight, "Good, now I'd love to stay and chat, but I've gotta help Penelope with something." Y/N placed her hand on Spencer's shoulder and didn't remove it until she was too far away.

Spencer watched her walk away until he couldn't see her anymore before turning back to his desk to find Derek Morgan looking at him.

"What?" Spencer asked, oblivious.

"Come on kid." Derek replied and Spencer didn't reply, signaling to Derek that he had no idea what he was hinting. Derek sighed before continuing, "She likes you."

"What? No she doesn't." Spencer replied, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Reid, you're a profiler, how can you not tell?" Derek said, "She always goes out of her way to talk to you. She always greets you with a hug and the looks she gives you when she thinks nobody is watching? They're clear signs she likes you. You should ask her out."

𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Where stories live. Discover now