valiant (pt. 2)

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"I just met them here. They looked lost and didn't know what was going on so I was just filling them into with some information that they may need. Now let's go, Kuina. We don't have all day."

Chishiya shrugged and hopped into the car. The girl with dreadlocks looked at the group of kids that was just standing there and then back at Chishiya.
"Chishiya, people at the beach only know how to drink and party, what do have to make it in time for?" The tall girl asked Chishiya, "You guys new here?" She asked the kids standing akwardly infront of the car, as she stepped out of the car. Mizuka nodded, "I'm Kuina Hikari. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Yuue looked at Kuina, adoring her looks, "We should leave before we make you guys wait." She claimed, looking around to go somewhere.
"Come on. Let's go, Kuina." Chishiya was tapping his fingers on the dashboard of the car impatiently, "They look like they have somewhere to get back to."
"Hold on, no they don't Chishiya. They're trying to be nice to us and let us go." Kuina spat back at Chishiya. "Do you guys have somewhere to go for the night?" Kuina asked concerened looking at Hajito, then Yuue, and the other other one by one. Yuue looked frightened and cold, Kaoki looked anxious, Hajito looked like he was in big pain, and Mizuka looked confused.
"What are you trying to do, Kuina? Are you crazy? Boushiya's going to kill us if we did that without his permission and you know that. We're trying to live not die. Plus, they haven't gone through any games from the looks of it. Are we really going to risk it?" Chishiya rubbed his temples, knowing what Kuina was trying to do.
"You're one of the executives of the Beach, Chishiya. If you talk Boushiya into this, it'll most definetely work! Plus, they're only kids, Chishiya. Look at them. This one looks so cold and frightened." She said, wrapping her arm around Yuue, "How cold hearted can you be?" Kuina looked at Chishiya through the window with a pleading look, "Come on, please? Just this once?"
"Ok fine. Just this once. If Boushiya says no or kicks them out, we won't try another time, understand?" Chishiya said sighed and slumping more into his seat, looking ahead of him.He didn't look so happy with the idea but also looked like he could care less with what Kuina had just said.
"Alright! So uhm, this is an if but if you guys don't have anywhere to stay, we're in this place called the Beach right now and they have water, electricity, and such. They have your nessecities gathered for you. It was orignally a hotel so it has many rooms, would you like to come with us to the Beach?" Kuina asked, gnawing on her fake cigarette.
"But we'll be too much for you because we have one injured person and 3 other people." Hajito exclaimed, pointing towards his arm, "Also, Mr. Chishiya doesn't seem like he likes that idea and who ever Mr. Boushiya is won't like that idea based on what I just heard so I think we all have to say no to this."
"That's what they said, Kuina. Now let's go." Chishiya said impatiently, now tapping his foot on the floor of the car.
"Are you sure? I don't know if it's so safe to be out here, though. The Beach may not be guaranteed protection but, there are many people who try and protect the Beach so I think it's safer there." Kuina insisted, "We have a person who looks at wounds and sort of helps us. Her name's Ann, she may not be a doctor but does all she can so I think she can help you with your wound too."
"Ms. Kuina, won't we cause trouble for you?" Yuue asked cautiously, "I mean, like Hajito said, Mr. Chishiya doesn't seem to like that idea."
"Get in or go somewhere else already." Chishiya looks at Yuue with a cold stare.
"Can we go with you guys?" Mizuka asks, puling Hajito and Yuue next to her, "We have no where to go and we would like somewhere to go for the night. Is it okay if we tag along? We promise we won't cause any trouble.' She beggs.
"Of course, get in the car and we'll start driving towards the Beach." Kuina points towards the passenger seat of the car, "If you guys squeeze in, I think all three of you can fit." She says, getting into the drivers seat, herself.
"Thank you so much." Hajito says, getting into the car first, followed by Mizuka and Yuue, "Hey, aren't you coming in, Kao?" Hajito questioned Kaoki.
"You think that I could trust people we just met, guys? Are you stupid? We've been taught not to trust strangers since we were you." Kaoki was crossing his arms and glaring at Kuina and Chishiya, "Also, don't you find it weird that this tall girl here is trying to bribe us into coming with her and the short dude? Like that kind of suspicious. What if they belong to a cult and wanted to do something with us, it wouldn't be weird to have that happen to us, you know." Kaoki earned a glare from both, Kuin and Chishiya.
"Oh just get in, we're already a pain in the neck for them, we can't keep causing problems for Ms. Kuina and Mr. Chishiya." Mizuka exclaims, grabbing Kaoto's wrist and dragging him inside the car, "I apologize for the inconvinience, this guy just caused." Mizuka apologizes as she closes the car door.
"Hey-" Kaoki tries to protest only to have his mouth covered by both, Mizuka and Yuue.
"It's okay, don't worry about it. I've experienced worse. You guys comfterable back there?" Kuina asked, peering at the driver's mirror. Everyone nodded excpet for Kaoki, who was being stubborn, "Alright, let's get going then."

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